
Monday 25 July 2011

The last aquarelle session of the summer!

Ice cube by Cathie van der Stel

On 19 July we got together for the last true painting session (we will meet up tomorrow, but that will be for extensive lunch and 'loose ends') and it was worth it! Lots of great 'work on ice' that was started the week before (to cool off in the hot hot weather) and our visitor Georgina created a wonderfully natural flowing composition...
Waterlily by Georgina

Marina Teding van Berkhout worked on (and finished) two lovely aquarelles in her very recognizable style
Used Tubes by Marina Teding van Berkhout

Watching 'Boule' by Marina Teding van Berkhout

Work-in-progress by Edith Alborni, one step further - getting better and better...

Village in Provence by Edith Alborni

And the last three paintings of the summer season are ice-related:
Iceberg by Lies Timmermans 

Icecold water by Mieke van Papen 

Snowy Mountains by Ann Edwards

Tuesday 19 July 2011


Helen Humphrey will be exhibiting her stunning watercolours and oil paintings, as well as cards, at the Galerie de Casa Blu in Valbonne at the end of July. Her paintings focus on scenes of Venice and also the Cote d'Azur from St. Tropez to Menton. This is definitely an exhibition not to be missed.

You are invited to visit from 10am - 7 pm, 23 - 29 July, 2011.

Galerie de Casa Blu,
Rue Eugene Giraud,
06560 Valbonne Village

Monday 18 July 2011

Aquarelle - Masking Fluid on Ice (and on other subjects)

Iceberg in the storm by Lies Timmermans

We are in the South of France and it's hot! That's why last week the small group of aquarellistas did a bit of cool painting - based on the subject 'Ice'. And we used masking fluid, to preserve the white. Often it is easier to just not-paint (and leave white) but in the two examples shown here, masking fluid is more effective. For Lies it works for her 'lightning', because the sky behind it can be one ongoing, homogeneous surface if she can just paint over the masking fluid. And in Cathie's case, the tiny drops have dark rims, which would be an impossible job to do one by one. With masking fluid, the dark rims will appear if the applied lightblue wash is very wet.
Both Lies and Cathie will finish their paintings tomorrow - and I'll proudly show the results next week!

Cathie van der Stel's Icecube - stage one

Edith Alborni started promising new work for the Aquarellista-expo 'Le Village' in Valbonne in September, which she will hopefully finish tomorrow...

 and  Cathie finished hers:

Sunday 17 July 2011

Abstract Vibrations

Finally after months of preparations the exhibition "Abstract Vibrations" is now on. It was a lot of hard work, but also a lot of fun.

22 members of the Hangar, plus Christie Robinson and Pim de Jongh have put their artwork on display.

Sculpture by Arlette Lipranda, Paintings left to right by Anne Marie Viborel, Anne-Marie Vogelzang and Michele de Laat.

A driftwood sculpture by Christie Robinson

Another driftwood sculpture by Christie Robinson

A view of the gallery with some of the paintings

There are many beautiful pieces of art - both sculptures and acrylic paintings. The sculptures - all abstract - vary a lot in style.

A smooth and graceful abstract clay sculpture by Anne Beaurin - titled Vague.

Laetitia Bonnici has contributed with 4 different sculptures - above with Désorde Argileeux - a sculpture in clay.

Another smooth and graceful sculpture by Anne Beaurin - this one in plaster.

The exhibition last until 27th July and is open daily from 10:00 - 13:00 and 16:00 until 21:00.

Monday 11 July 2011

Aquarelle Tuesday July 5th 2011

As Charmian mentioned in the post below, our beloved atelier is getting ready for the summer and so are the artists! Lots have already gone on holiday -or have visitors- and the groups are getting smaller. Same goes for the aquarellistas, but it has no effect on the quality of the work, on the contrary... Most of us are still working on their villages for the expo in September!

You can admire the pictures in alphabetical order: A,B,C,E,H
(we need Dominique, Francine and Gwennaelle to perfect this list !)

Very small village by Ann Edwards. Just a try-out, with bird's view perspective and shadows

Village fountain by Brenda Moorehouse - to be finished asap, looks promising!

Small street in Valbonne by Cathie van der Stel.

Village by Edith Alborni

Greek god with pink pattern by Hélène van der Kroft - great picture!
Nelly's class are busy completing their work before the summer break. Some concentrated on texture, such as Francoise Alberti's elegant ladies with voile skirts against a dark background. Similarly Charmian Murley's portrait of her granddaughter showed the delicacy of the tulle and the balloon.

Brenda Moorhouse creatured a beautiful, impressionist painting full of colour and light and this now hangs, with pride, in her home.

Monday 4 July 2011

Aquarelle - Expo 'the Village' and other interesting work

Valbonne by Brenda Moorhouse

Last Tuesday, the aquarellistas that will participate in the exhibiton 'Le Village' in September, worked on their entries and here are some sneak previews... 

Valbonne by Cathie van der Stel

3-in-one village impression by Edith Alborni

Village by Edith Alborni - not finished but very promising already!!

Wash by Marina Teding van Berkhout - also not finished & very promising!

And then there were the other ongoing projects - Lesley is now almost finished with her blow-up of a cute metal toy:

Metal duckie by Lesley Bufton

 Seascape by Marianne van Wijngaarden

Pelicans - very lively and funny - painted by Helene van der Kroft

Lies Timmermans' monochrome rose