
Monday 30 January 2012

Aquarelle - Tuesdays 2 - 4.30 pm - Marina Kulik

Portrait of little sister, wonderful strong portrait by Brigitte Jansen -
So sorry! The photo came out unsharp! But you can still recognize the quality

Last Tuesday the aquarellistas got together for a good old serious painting session and most worked hard on the subject 'old pictures and documents'... One of the challenges was to work more or less monochrome, in brown-grey-sepia tones as old documents and pictures have faded and yellowed.
Classy Lady with ball sculpture by Lies Timmermans

Classy Lady with draperies and bright light - by Agnès McLaughlin

Some chose to do one picture, like Agnes Lies and Brigitte (pictures above) and others combined them in order to create a scrapbooking efffect - indeed a trompe l'oeuil like these ones in-progress by Cathie and Georgie...
Ladies, documents and stamps -by Georgie Hole
(she has wisely taken the time to decide on composition and drew several versions before she started this serious job)

Dried roses, love letter, stamp, photograph and more.. amazingly beautiful and delicate painting-in-progress by Cathie van der Stel

Others worked on their own things, most of those are not finished and will be published in future posts, but Liz finished her metal-project-inspired still life and she definitely deserves a big compliment, it has come out so unbelievably metallic and shiny!
Metal still life by Liz Douglas

Sunday 29 January 2012

Marina Kulik in Holotropic Art Syposium expo

Chances are that you will not be in Romania this and next month! But just FYI Marina Kulik is participating in an exhibition with her lesser known abstract, holotropic oil/acrylic paintings. Here's an article (translated from Rumanian) from the 'Ziarul de Iasi'

Exhibition Holotropic Art Symposium: Artists from four continents exhibit in the Dana Gallery
by: Loredana OPREA
Date of publication: 17/01/2012

Professional artists from four continents – Europe, USA, Asia and Africa – will exhibit at Iasi. Their creations will be presented at the third edition of the exhibition “Art holotropic Annual International”. The opening is scheduled today at 18 o’clock at Dana Gallery in Str. Prof. Cujba.

The exhibition brings together paintings by artists from France, Denmark, Switzerland, Romania, USA, India, Indonesia, South Africa, Nigeria and Algeria. Among the exhibitors this year are painters who participated in previous editions: Attika Boubezari (Algeria), Muriel Desgardin (Switzerland), Marina Kulik (France), Edi Apostu, Zamfira Birzu, Gabriela Drinceanu, Ana Gabriela Dulgheru and Dorin Lehaci (Romania). For the first time participating artists Wale Ajay (Nigeria), Helle Antonsen (Denmark), Smaranda Bostan, Sabin Drinceanu, Roxana Irina Odobasa, Lucian Sebastian Radu (Romania), Nadine Bertulessi (France), Anton Buttler (South Africa), Dumas Hufreesh (India), Damaring Ferasmara (Indonesia) and Dave Dazzlin Peterson (USA).
In making their creations, participants used inspirational music composed especially for this event by the initiator of this artistic trend, Edi Apostu.

In his opinion, holotropic art is the art which is the result of transpersonal experiences and which can transpose the beholder into states of overconsciousness.
Marina Kulik's 'FineTune' on the left

“His music influences my work: usually I let myself be inspired by a combination of my mood, sound, the light, the weather and the behavior of my paint, transparent aquarelle, which is thin as water and mixes, blends, drips and flows. The “look and feel” is organic, natural. For this project I concentrated mainly on music, which is new to me and cannot be compared. In order to express what I experience with Edi Apostu’s music I have chosen a mixture of smooth oil and opaque acrylics, which give me more control, and deeper tones. The transparency and the suggestion of depth and volume that I use in my “regular” paintings appear in this work too – the music requires that”. says artist Marina Kulik.
Rumanian Art press
The exhibition will be presented by Edi Apostu and will be hosted by Dana Gallery until 12 February.

Marina Kulik's Antennas

Marina Kulik's FineTune

Sunday 22 January 2012

Aquarelle - Tuesdays 2 - 4.30pm Marina Kulik

Last week, most of the time we painted our cartoons for the New Years reception, but some actually found the time to also work on serious subjects! And the results are absolutely wonderful...

Beautiful landscape with swans by Anna Karin fast

Fish by Cathie van der Stel... Newspaper background will be added!

 Seagull with reflection by Gunilla Hammarlund who just joined our group - looks like she has everything an aquarellista needs and will fit in greatly!!

 Beautiful delicate orchid subltly painted by Lies Timmermans.

Friday 20 January 2012

The Hangar New Years Reception

With the Aquarellista Cartoon Collection

Sunday 22 January from 4 - 7 pm we'll celebrate the new artistic year in the Hangar, with cocktails and lovely wines as well as supernice warm and cold nibbles provided by Monique Randazzo (our new Sherrie!) Everybody is most welcome to join us for a chat with the board, the teachers and the artists!

During this Reception, work will be on display by the oil class of Nelly van Hijfte, sculptures by Christie Robinson's students and the Aquarellistas will show cartoony watercolours:

There's more where that came from - and they are so much better in real life! Come and check them out....
We look forward to seeing you Sunday

Monday 16 January 2012

Aquarelle - Tuesdays 2 - 4.30 pm Marina Kulik

Tuesday 10 January - New Years' Lunch & Aquarelle light 

To kick off the new year, Nelly's oil class, together with the Aquarellistas had an impressive, extensive and great tasting lunch with excellent wine, bread, meats, fish, vegetables, all kinds of pies, cheese, super desserts, chocolate and coffee... It lasted a bit longer that usual (ha ha) and I had foreseen that and prepared for a lighthearted aquarelle session to get us started after a long break!  
The present group-of-nine worked pretty hard on 'Jokes', blow-ups of funny, one-image cartoons. There's only one completely finished yet - that I'll keep for next week's post, and the rest will be finished in our coming session. They look very promising to say the least!!
Apart from working on a funny cartoon, Lesley Bufton finished a picture she started last year - and
we all agreed it has come out stunningly beautiful and strong.

Credits: Inspired by Claire Schroeven's painting titled 'Four Windows'