
Tuesday 23 October 2012

Outside the Hangar

If you visit the Hangar one of these days and you notice that the outside looks much cleaner, there's not much weed left and it looks like there's more space in general - you are right!
One of the participants of the Thursday Sculpture class, John Duddridge, has taken the initiative to do a BIG job on our terrain!!
This Tuesday he worked like a maniac and removed much of the growth, by hand, and with a chainsaw ☺and he will come back Wednesday morning for the details.... That's the spirit!! On behalf of all of us, a BIG THANK YOU John!!

Monday 22 October 2012

EXPO VALBONNE: Couleurs Locales

Until Sunday 4 November (included) the Oil painters and Aquarellistas of the Hangar exhibit a selection of their 'figurative' work. This exhibition, in the 'Salle St Esprit' in Valbonne is more than worthwhile to visit! There are paintings as well as sculptures, for every taste and space! The paintings are without exception interesting and well done - and there are a lot of them, with subjects varying from portraits to buildings, there are animals, landscapes, seascapes, still lives and people in groups or alone... and all that for very attractive prices!! 

Edith Alborni, organizer and inspirator of this event! Here together with my hubby Jeroen, after a night of hard work to set up this beautiful expo!! In the background two huge & beautiful portraits by Chris Herlicq

The first informal opening reception was a great succes with over 100 visitors!
Three sales so far!!

Also in this exhibition, the Aquarellista calendar designs. The 2013 calendars are being printed as we speak and will be for sale probably this week! I will come back to you about them when they are 'in'.
Last but not least - we'll have a 'fermeture' party on Sunday the 4th of November... more about that later!

Monday 15 October 2012

Aquarelle - Tuesday 2 - 4.30pm with MArina Kulik

Because of the exciting things in our near future, the preparations and then the actual exhibition in Valbonne and the calendar we produced that will be published one of these days, I thought I wouldn't have time to post, but seeing some of last week's work I couldn't help myself... The paintings shown here are not all finished yet already make their mark! And they are all created by artists who will also be present in the Salle St Esprit!
Rusty old car - Agnès McLaughlin

Grandson - Brenda Moorhouse

Old painted wall - Cathie van der Stel

Woody Allen - Jim Kane

Eagle - Liz Douglas

Next week - work by others who are exhibiting!

EXPO Couleurs Locales


From Wednesday 17 October until 5 November the Oil group and the Aquarellistas exhibit their excellent oils and watercolours in the Salle St Esprit in Valbonne in a colourful exhibition titled 'Couleurs Locales'.
Tomorrow afternoon (and night) we will put up the work - and from Wednesday 10am onwards it will be ready for you! It is surely something you can look forward to, as the paintings are all so interesting and beautiful and on top of that created by great artists from the Hangar community! And the Salle St Esprit is a wonderful space...
The groups will have their VIP parties during the three weeks that we are on, for those you will get your invitations soon. And then we'll finish with a bang! On Sunday 4 November we'll have a 'fermeture' party, with drinks and appetizers and a good chance on interesting discounts on the not-sold artworks!  The prices are very reasonable anyway ☻
I will come back to you with more, and pictures!

Friday 12 October 2012

Last days of the Valbonne Expo

I've been away, so I missed the opening of the exhibition that Pim's and Christie's groups are holding in Valbonne. Today I had time to go up and take a visit.  Some of the pictures I know well - as they have been produced in sessions where I have been present. Others I have never seen before. There was lots of really good work. It was really inspiring to see the exhibition. If you haven't been up to the salle St. Esprit you should do so soon - Monday 15th is the last day. The exhibition is open:  daily from 10:00 - 12:30 and 14:30 - 18:00. 

And here you have my favourite picture - wonderful work Gaby ! I'm really envious of the end result.

No Afternoon Class this Monday!!!

Monday 15 October the Afternoon ABSTRACT class is cancelled!

(Monday's drawing and evening classes will take place as usual)

Monday 8 October 2012

Aquarelle Tuesday with Marina Kulik

Apples & pears, bowls 'n birds, portraits and knots...
Ikea bowl with apples by Anna Karin Fast.
Not quite finished but to beautiful to keep in my file ☺
Last week's aquarellista session wasn't very crowded so we had a great, zen afternoon, where everybody did what they felt like. Many different subjects - all interesting and well done!
 Cathie ven der Stel's wonderful bowl with pears.

Delft Blue by Brigitte Jansen. She achieved excellent volume here!

A-Ma-Zing sky with falling stars in this overall magic painting by Sandra Seymour-Dale.
Click to enjoy the rich detail even more!!
A wise owl with piercing eyes - enjoying the Indian summer.
By Agnes McLaughlin
And a wise little boy: Brenda Moorhouse's portrait of her grandson.
 I can't wait to see the painting finished tomorrow...
The photo doesn't really do justice to these transparent scarves by Mieke van Papen.
Luckily they will be presented in our exhibition starting next week... More about that very soon, so watch this space!!

Monday 1 October 2012

Aquarelle Tuesday Afternoons with Marina Kulik

Delft Blue, Dancers, Bubblewrap, Vanilla Fudge and more... 
Delft Blue landscape by Jim Kane
Last week I wrote a couple of words on the blackboard and asked all participants to let those words be the inspiration... 'Delft Blue' was one of them, and Brigitte (no picture! sorry!), Anna-Karin, Mieke, Cathie and Jim used it, with the following (and above) results! They couldn't be more varied I'm happy to say, everybody has such an original appraoch☺
Delft Blue vase by Mieke van Papen. Executed with interesting use of the wet-in-wet technique

Anna-Karin Fast used the actual words - as well as the colour, to create a calligraphic image...Click the not-so-good photo to enlarge & appreciate the very fine background

Cathie van der Stel's beautiful Delft Blue bowl with pears... Not yet finished but beauty already visible...
'PEEK-A-BOO' an excellent and funny aquarelle by Agnès McLaughlin, the last blue one...
One of the other inspiration words was 'Dancers', Sandra and Beverly picked up on that one. Again, in very different - and clever ways:
Beverly's take on dancing

And Sandra Seymour-Dale's unbelievably moving and passionate dancer
 Sandra worked with masking fluid, that she thinned with water and then sprayed with a toothbrush on the paper. Let it dry and this is the effect... I think this is the only effect (in watercolours, so without white paint) you really need masking fluid for....

 This use of masking fluid inspired Cathy Dariel for her 'Bubblefly'

Edith Alborni also started the masking foam effect and started a 'Nebula' painting that is not finished yet, and last but not least, Liz worked bravely on last weeks' assignment with the scarves and it is really getting somewhere now:

RU ready for the winter - scarves, by Liz Douglas