
Monday 17 December 2012

Aquarelle Tuesdays 2 - 4.30pm with Marina Kulik

Last week the aquarellistas didn't get together. We helped bring the late dear Brigitte Jansen to her last resting place and had memorial lunch afterwards. It was sad and beautiful. We will miss her so much and never forget her.
Yet the week before we all worked very hard on all kinds of ornaments... Below some of the results.
Agnès created a tongue in cheek 'welcome to Oxford' by funny (but also quite threatening) gargoyles
Cathie finished an impressive piece of monument...

Cathy worked on a very complicated pattern and did such an excellent job combining masking fluid with Payne's and Davy's grey! (and water)

Liz Douglas' Bacchus in stone - the ultimate ornament, so well done...

Sandra's interesting and complicated gold-ornamented pillars, seen through an intricate construction... A couple of hour's work to look forward to - but already intriguing...

Sunday 9 December 2012

In Memoriam Brigitte Jansen

On Tuesday 3 December, just before Watercolour class, Brigitte Jansen left this world. Her beautiful heart stopped beating. We, her classmates, fellow artists and teachers are without exception shocked and very sad that Brigitte is no longer around. We will miss her sunny disposition and original mind, her knowledge and wisdom and 'the twinkle in her eye'. We all loved her presence: 'Brigitte's' corner at the table will be so empty now.

Our thoughts go out to her husband and family.

If you would like to pay your respects it is possible to come to the cremation service.
This will take place on Tuesday 11 December 2012, 11.30am
in the
Chemin de la Plaine de Laval

Monday 3 December 2012

Aquarelle - Tuesdays 2 - 4.30 with Marina

Brigitte finished her colourful autumn fruit.
An amazing still life that took her 3 afternoons and it has been Worth It, what a great result!
Last Tuesday there were a couple of other projects going on , but the sujet du jour was...
Below some previews, I expect I'll be able to present the final results in the next post - but they are already worthwhile!
'Bacchus' an ornament in progress by Liz, she is using bright colours and achieves a lively image, while keeping the sculpture-like impression...
Mieke's painting is definitely going somewhere! It's clearly a light stone and there's already something ornamental...Watch this space to see the result...
This painting of 10 different gargoyles in comic book style by Agnès is (as we by now expect from her) painted with humor. Expect a funny tagline and click the picture to enlarge it and appreciate it even more 

Sandra, original as always, has started a cathedral like  construction - seen through something... What that something is? Can't wait to see the next stage (will be shown in the next post) ☻ Very promising!

As often, Cathie is working on several projects, also on ornaments, but this is so gorgeous in its warm red rusty colour... It is inspired by a kind of vague purple printout! The shiny bits are masking fluid...
Starter Wendy worked on the 'Layering' exercise... The sea is not yet finished, but the rest looks so good! Although in this exercise you have to work according to strict rules, the image is your own fantasy - and in this one the stars are amazing, and the buildings are so futuristic, I wonder, is this actually on our planet??

Last but not least Jim's misantropic guy, I cut the picture so that you can see his try-out paper, cleverly punaised to the painting!
By no means finished, this one, but getting more and more interesting! As you can see the the white (not painted) parts on the face begin to get meaning, because of the darker background. To be continued!