
Monday 28 October 2013

Aquarelle Tuesdays from 2 - 4.30pm, with Marina Kulik

The Aquarelistas are working hard on their 'Cocktail Calendar' 2014. I will show the results of that soon!  And there are always other interesting projects to take up. Last week amongst other things, we worked on 'spiderwebs', inspired of course by Halloween.
 Agnès combined hers with a family of ladybugs in this won-der-ful fairytale aquarelle

 Edith's work in progress, masking fluid with multi-colour background
Edith's other watercolour now finished, nature wins again! Love it...
Constanza worked hard on a set of transparent bottles, lace curtain with salt to be added...

Orjan did the 'test' to get colours that are strong after they have dried. He passed!
Note also how strong the white line is! (the only un-painted part)

And after that Orjan experimented with masking fluid - inspired by the falling leaves outside no doubt!

Finissage 'Pure Nature'

On Sunday 27 October, we had our party to celebrate the last day of a great-looking and good-feeling exhibition of the Hangar crowd!

Around 3pm the artists started to drop in, for a drink and a nibble and to pick up their artwork. It was excellent, not too full but still a lot of interested visitors! The pictures I post here were taken before 3pm actually, after that I didn't have time to get the camera out.

Today I counted the number of visitors and overall it has been a whopping 900 people who came in to see our show!!! Not bad at all, an average of around 50 per day. I personally spoke with 5 people who were eager to join the Hangar, and I handed out all the brochures that were there.

7 pictures sold - and counting, because there were also a couple of 'almost' sales, where numbers were exchanged and that might still happen. All in all it was a good thing we did it, we'll go for it again next year! Note that we have a lot of left-over nibbles and especially drinks in the Hangar, to be enjoyed during our great lunches etc!!

Thanks to all who helped clearing out, your hard work was very, very much appreciated!!


Monday 21 October 2013

Aquarelle, every Tuesday from 2 - 4.30pm with Marina

'A glass of rosé' by Constanza
Still working towards our 'Cocktail Calendar', we have been observing and then painting glass. How the light reflects on it, how it 'breaks' the image if you look through it. If you do that correctly you can paint the perfect suggestion! As you can see, above and below, most aquarellistas did it absolutely right: your brain immediately assumes it is transparent glass!
Rusty Nail (Calendar Preview) by Liz

And then some empty glass...
'Glass jar' by Nusch
 'Glass bottle' by Christiane
'Glass Still Life' by Brenda
'Glass Still Life' (from another angle) by Sandra
Glass Vase by Agnès
Much more was done, all work in progress that I keep for next time - but a big compliment goes to Örjan, who worked with watercolours for the first time and did such a great job on his 'washing 'n volume' exercise:
Volume & Light by Örjan

Trip to the Cathedrale des Images

11 October, Pim took a group on an excursion to Les Beaux de Provence, to admire the flowing exhibition in the Carrières, of some of 'our' impressionists.
 According to Pim you felt 'as if you were really standing on a waterlily leaf'... For those who have never been, it is spectacular, especially the first time. And still open until January 2014...

It was a worthwhile experience as you can see from the pictures, taken in the restaurant during the meal afterwards.

Pictures by Sylvette Viard.

Sunday 20 October 2013

Sunday 27 October 3-6pm: 'FINISSAGE'

Our exhibition 'Pure Nature' in the Salle St Esprit will be open for another week, and then we'll close our doors with a bang on Sunday: the 'Finissage' party! From 3 - 6 pm, all the art will be on display and we will serve drinks and nibbles to the interested audience! Some of the artwork may be discounted, so if you have a favourite - don't hesitate to come back... Make a note in your agendas:

Sunday - 27 October - 3 to 6pm - Finissage Pure Nature Expo! 

Monday 14 October 2013

Aquarelle - every Tuesday from 2pm - 4.30 pm with Marina

Glass and transparency
 Roses by Agnès - spontaneity works!
The Aquarellistas have been working hard for the 'Pure Nature' exhibition (still open every day from 10am - 6pm, with plenty of gorgeous paintings and sculptures to be admired) so we felt we deserved a different subject. And because we are working on a calendar for 2014, with recipes and aquarelles of 'Coctails' we worked on a related subject: the way glass breaks the light and changes an object if you look through it... Above and below a couple of examples, it worked out really well for all of us!!
And what I personally love about it is the difference in styles from our group!
Glass of rosé by Agnès

 Apples by Anna-Karin

Bubble-glass by Christiane.
This is SO well done, super transparent and great shape and colour, it is clear that she has 'got it' now!

'Rusty Nail' by Liz
Work in progress, already stunning! Not quite sure of the name of this cocktail, I'll check asap

2 yummy cocktails by Véronique...
She started this painting last year, wasn't happy and finished it now, proving that sometimes you need some distance to recognise what's good and what needs a little touching up!

Friday 11 October 2013


Yes, we have a true art-related, hot discussion in the Hangar community!!
And it is all coming from one of the artworks that is on display in our 'Pure Nature' expo...
It is the sculpture 'Jesus' by Devas.

The comments vary from 'offensive' to 'not belonging in this exhibition' (and lots of not so nice remarks in between). I was asked yesterday (and I know Pim had the same question by someone else) if I could please remove it. I wasn't prepared for this at the time but....

Of course not!

First of all, let me explain what this artwork is about:
'Jesus' stands for nature, crucified by humans, and then when it is too late, everybody tries to patch it up. As you may have noticed, in the ivy there are now all kinds of little colourful items to make him 'nicer'. I will post a picture of later stages after I have been again.

Secondly it is GREAT if artwork makes you think! You may have heard about the Impressionists, Fauvists, Madame X, and all the other cool artists in the past. They were also told their work was disgusting - but was it?

and thirdly, try to find out WHY you hate it so much. Offensive? If you don't see the story it tells, or the allegory, it still is a picture of Jesus on the cross. Nothing offensive about that, Christian religion allows images of Jesus. Not beautiful? Hey, that's a question of taste! I personally think some artworks are 'not beautiful' but that hasn't stopped me from putting them up.

I do hope this little piece has made you think. I have left out the names of the protestors, and I congratulate Devas on actually doing something new and daring!

Marina Kulik

Monday 7 October 2013

The Pure Nature Expo in Valbonne - day 1

Today, Monday 7 October, was the first day of 'accrochage' for the artwork of the Hangar artists! The Oil and Watercolours/drawing groups brought in their work and arranged the panels. It was a lot of work, but in the end as always totally rewarding - it already looks very good! Tomorrow Pim's groups will put up their acrylics and then it will be perfect!
Here are some pictures:
Collages with light behind them by Sunni... 
You will see them at the entrance, they are absolutely gorgeous

 'Jesus' on the cross, overgrown with ivy - a conceptual artwork by Devas. Here still on the floor, from tomorrow it can be admired on the back wall. This sculpture will change during the exhibition and I will post about it...
Aquarelles by Cathie van der Stel - in the background some oils ready for putting up

 Watercolours of roses by Edith Alborni - and more oils against the wall... On this picture you can clearly see what a wonderful space the Salle St Esprit actually is!
More by Devas: a pastel drawing of 'Marie-Jo'

Two more works by Edith Alborni - and two fruits (one of them the stunning grapes from the poster) by Agnes McLaughlin on the right...
Hopefully the Acrylics group takes pictures too, then you'll have a post on the total exhibition tomorrow, otherwise I will take pictures this Wednesday (9 October) when we officially open our doors...!!

Saturday 5 October 2013

Life Drawing on Monday Morning - with Marina Kulik

Every other Monday morning the Hangar has a live model. On Monday 30 September we welcomed one of our favourites, Melisandre. She has a wonderful, mermaid-like quality, that everyone appreciates, as you can see from the results!


By the way - beautiful as this all may look, our main objective isn't to make nice-looking pictures: We are all seriously observing the human body, muscles and bones, proportions and when there's time, light, dark, composition and contrast... If you feel like joining us, don't hesitate to pass by and try it out!!

Thursday 3 October 2013


From 9 to 27 October - in Valbonne - Salle St Esprit - Place de l'Eglise,
the international artist group of Centre des arts 'Le Hangar' presents their latest creations on the theme 'Pure Nature'. Discover their inspired and colourful expressions in sculptures, drawings and paintings
Free Entry
Du 9 au 27 Octobre, à Valbonne - Salle Saint Esprit - Place de l'église,  un groupe international d'artistes du Centre des Arts "Le Hangar" vous présente ses dernières créations sur le thème Pure Nature. Vous y découvrirait le reflet de diverses sensibilités en dessin, sculpture, peintures à l'huile, acryliques et aquarelles riches en couleurs. 
Entrée Libre