
Monday 28 April 2014

Aquarelle - Tuesdays 2 -- 4.30pm with Marina Kulik


In the meantime in our Aquarellista group so much is happening!
We are preparing for our exhibition in Valbonne, creating our 20x20 paintings, in total 50 of them, we're also creating postcards - and for our 'Affiche' we are in the proces of making so-called 'selfies'! We take pictures of ourselves (ok, and of each other) and then paint them in a very contrasty way. You should try it for yourself, it is great fun! and here's the first half of the group, the next half - eh, next week! The people who are not here right now are painted by volunteers...



 Sandra (crazy woman!)



Interested in the rest of the group? - Watch this space for more...

Live Drawing on Monday Mornings

The spectacular exhibition of Pim's abstract group gets a lot of well-deserved attention, but don't forget we have many different artistic activities in the Hangar, and one of them is the Live Model drawing class on Monday morning. It doesn't get more 'realistic'...

And it is very much worth your while: hard work maybe, as you have to concentrate and measure and squint and make mistakes and listen to Marina's constant 'nagging'. But it is also rewarding - we're  not going for masterpieces, just for good drawings, beautiful lines catching the pose and proportions. And there is always one of your drawings that is well done. Furthermore, our models are very good! As you can see from the following pictures...
The first batch are 10 drawings, made one per minute, of the same pose:

 After the shorter poses, we have a coffee or tea break, with energizing cookies, and then we work on longer poses..

Love this one, because it is completely clear how the model reaches high behind her 
(and not looks as if something big is growing out of her ear ☺)
 This drawing is 100% believable too - and it has A  LOT of foreshortning... Very well done!

 Here the actual 'lying down' is especially well done, the model really rests on the fabric!

And last but not least, spectacular effects of coloured (sanguine, ochre, white and brown) crayon on black paper. 

Interested? drop Marina an email to be put on the list!

Saturday 26 April 2014

Abstract Vibrations III is almost ready to go.....On est presque pret!!

Posters are hanging, all kids of sizes. Even on the rolling display board. Very professional!
Affiches sont mises, toutes les tailles, Aussi en panneau roulant. Tres professionnel!

Paintings (all 63) are hanging. Tous les peintures(63) sont mises.

You are very welcome from tomorrow morning onwards for 2 weeks daily.Bienvenue a partir de demain pour deux semaines. 

Monday 21 April 2014

Aquarelle - Tuesday afternoons 2 - 4.30pm with Marina Kulik

Fabulous roses by Agnes
(with her Schmincke Transparent Orange as main component no doubt)

Bike (with flat tyre) in the blossom - it must be spring...
A wonderfully romantic watercolour by Liz
Not much work to show for, but high quality!! By the way, that doesn't mean the rest of us haven't painted ! We are preparing work for our show in the old mairie of Valbonne, from 23 May - June 1st... Watch this space for more info!

Friday 18 April 2014

ABSTRACT VIBRATIONS III, the exposition at Theoule-sur-Mer starts next weekend!

All paintings are finished, farnished, framed and ready to be transported ....
Preparations are in full swing, only 1 week to go!
You are all invited for a visit, daily from the 27th of April till and including May 12. Opening times on the affiche above.
Vernissage is on April 30th at 18:30. Hope to see you all there.

Monday 14 April 2014

Aquarelle Tuesdays 2 - 4.30 with Marina Kulik

Gonnie's dog by Örjan
Again we enjoyed the watercolour session with a small group, sipping champagne (brought in by Orjan who's going on summer retreat in Sweden), Agnès's gorgeous chocolates, music and lots of fun with several of our watery projects.

The finished 'Girl with flower hat', also by Orjan, what a delightful portrait!
We are creating a couple of paintings for our show - as a group, which means that everyone paints a piece and the pieces together form a picture. We have to compare shapes and colours and make sure the parts fit, and we can tell you that it's not easy! But fun for sure... 
One is almost finished and we started a new one this week. An ornament. It's going to be so beautiful! More about it in the coming posts, but here is the first version:
The first three parts, by Agnès, Edith and Anna Karin

Thursday 10 April 2014

Live drawing on Monday mornings - with Marina Kulik

Every other Monday morning, we have a live nude in the Hangar. This class is not really meant to create  beautiful artwork, we are not going for the result, the objective is to develop drawing skills.
Nevertheless, often fabulous drawings are created, and the participants all find their own style.
As you can see from these pictures... You can clearly see the pose, and the regulars will immediately recognise Brigitte - yet all drawings are so different!

Monday 14 April we're doing it again, with the beautiful Marie-Jo as our model. The week after, Pim takes the participants out, to draw in nature. If you want to join, you are very welcome - there is still space in both groups - let us know and you will receive a weekly update by email...

Monday 7 April 2014

Aquarelle, Tuesday afternoons from 2 - 4.30pm with Marina Kulik

Fantastic Faces
The small group of Aquarellistas that worked last Tuesday, has mainly been busy with our expo in May. We will surely showcase that work in a later stage, but today the spotlight is on two other paintings, created by Nusch and Orjan. They both worked from 'real' full colour photos, not black-and-white ones. They had to make the decision where the light (the white) would be and leave that space unpainted, using masking fluid. And as you can see it worked out very, very well!
'Putting on make up'  by Nusch. Love it!!!

'Girl with flower hat' by Örjan.
This one by Orjan is not yet completely finished, the masking fluid is still on - but I couldn't help myself, it is so wonderful already! Next week the finished painting...
Coming Tuesday 'same old same old', we will work on projects for our exhibition, sip tea and listen to music with a warm sun on our heads or in the shade of the fresh leaves on the trees! I'm jealous of myself, that's how great it feels to live here in the South of France...

Drawing Outside on Monday mornings with Pim

Patience Devas
Every other Monday Pim takes the drawing group out to draw somewhere interesting. (If the weather is good enough - otherwise he makes sure there is one of his fabulous still lifes, with the same challenge in them)
This week the group went to the Notre Dame du Brusc - and they drew the olive trees in perspective, with on the foreground a 'springy' object. It was great, it was fun and it was healthy, and the results are impressive!

Alain Pinet

Hiske van Griethuysen
Lucia Gualtieri


Live drawing is so good for you! Next week (the 14th of April) there is a live class with model Marie-Jo, and the 'outside' live drawing is on the 21st again... Join us if you can!