
Wednesday 28 May 2014

Drawing with Pim on the Monday morning...

In the spring and summer, Pim takes his class out on Moday mornings, to draw in nature... Last Monday it rained unfortunately, but as you can see there was a terrific still life to compensate for it! With a challenging white-on-white... The participants worked with pencil on paper and despite the challenging perspective, they all did a great job! Check it out here:




Monday 26 May 2014

The Aquarellista Expo '50x50' has taken off!

On Friday 23 May our small format expo finally opened! The Thursday before we put the artwork up, 50 aquarelles in tasteful black and white wooden frames, of 20x20 centimeters. We did it all in such a good mood, it was clear to see how well we function as a group! Everybody assumed some tasks and we were done pretty quickly... Afterwards we were all excited by how good it looked!

And then we were ready for the visitors...

They slowly started to come in, until the vernissage started - that was when we really had a full house and sold the first 8 pictures, as well as a lot of our 'cocktail' postcard sets...


We closed the doors around 8pm and went for a nice dinner to celebrate...

We have decided to open the doors for the public on Thursday (29 May) from 2 - 5pm, Friday 30 May from 10 am - 5pm, and Sunday all day, with cocktails and nibbles from 3pm.
If you prefer another day to visit - let us know, we are most willing to open up if we know someone's interested!

Aquarelle - Tuesdays from 2 - 4.30pm with Marina Kulik

Despite all the busy-ness with our expo (for some of us actually 2 in a row) we managed to get some work done as well!! Here's an overview...


 Agnès (not finished - but already so gorgeous!)

Friday 23 May 2014

Chinese Painting: Looks so easy - but is it ?

Pauline Bull hosted the Chinese Painting Workshop today. Watching her paint the flowers and bamboo - it just seemed so easy. Her brush would just run away on the rice paper and produce the most delicate flowers and bamboo.
But is it easy ? I am sure the participants in todays workshop will agree that it takes a lot of practise to produce the results Pauline has.

The students patiently practising their strokes

They are beginning to get it after many hours practise

For the oil painters it seemed strange using the runny paint and floppy brushes
A demonstration of how to loosely hold the brush and let it flow over the paper

Simple flowers - quickly done

Demonstration by Pauline

Monday 19 May 2014

Exhibition 50x50 of the aquarellistas

On Friday 23 May, the '50x50' exhibition of the Aquarellistas will take off! 
We are very busy organising, creating invitations and doing the last work on the paintings!
There will be receptions and private viewings, the exhibition is open all day both Friday 23 and 30 May and the vernissage will be on Friday 23 May, from 5 - 7pm

Artothèque – Ancienne Mairie
1er étage
Rue Grande

Here is a preview of (most of) the paintings:

The paintings are 20 x 20 cm, carefully framed in black and white frames and they will cost 50€ per piece.

An ideal gift for Mothers' day!

The aquarellistas are:
Agnès McLaughlin, Anna-Karin Fast, Cathie van der Stel, Constanza Rock, Elia B., Liz Douglas, Marina Kulik, Nusch Semo, Orjan Rinnert, Pauline Bull and Sandra Seymour-Dale

Drawing Outside - Mondaymorning, with Pim de Jongh

Every other Monday morning, Pim takes a group outside, to draw... The same principle as the 'Hangar Spring Trip' - only shorter, and therefore also a possibility for people who cannot come along for a week...
Last time his group went to Notre Dame du Brusc, one of our favourite spots and here are two resulting drawings:
 From Lucia

and from Patience

Monday 12 May 2014

Exhibition Pre-announcement

From 23 May - 1 June, the Aquarellistas will exhibit exquisite small paintings in the Artothèque of Valbonne. The paintings will be 20x20 cm, beautifully framed, and they will cost 50€ each.
(A great gift for Mothersday?!)
We will post official invitations to the vernissage and receptions later, so watch this space
Here's a preview of the poster - French and English version:

More later!!

Monday 5 May 2014

Aquarelle - Tuesday Afternoons with Marina.

 SELFIES - Part 2
As promised, here are the selfies of the rest of the group! It is so much fun to create them, some of us painted them for each other - that's why 'some people' (Orjan, Anna-Karin) actually have two!

 Orjan 1 by Cathie


 Cathie by Marina

 Constanza by Edith


Orjan 2 by Agnes

Abstract Vibes: Zooming in

Last Sunday yours truly and co-teacher Nelly went to Theoule to check out the Abstract Vibrations expo.
After seeing all the pictures and reading the raving reviews of the participants, our expectations were mile-high! And the exhibition met them! It looked extremely professional, and the combination, the colours, the way the paintings and sculptures were positioned was excellent. Eyecandy -for lack of a better word. We were there for more than an hour and saw it all. We made close up pictures of some of the 'exiting' moments in the paintings... See if you can find them when you visit!!