
Wednesday 29 October 2014

Model Drawing Starters Class

 After only 2 hours of drawing and the first theory bit - I climbed the table and posed for the starters group. Here are the results - I know that the makers don't like them at all - but I do, I see SO much potential! And I'd like you to have a good critical look at your own drawings and see where things could be improved. More this Friday from 10 - 12!!

Tuesday 28 October 2014


Most of you know this - but just a gentle reminder for the others that your fav teacher Pim de Jongh has an exhibition in the beautiful Chateau l'Aumerade in Pierrefeu. His new, abstract work will be on display from November 1st until December 2nd 2014. The opening is on Friday 31 October, from 6pm.

We recommend you check it out! 
The exhibition is opened from Monday - Friday from 8.30am - 12.30 and from 2pm - 6pm
Here's how to get there:

Monday 27 October 2014

Aquarelle on Tuesdays from 2pm - 4.30pm with Marina Kulik

Creating Depth in Abstract Watercolours
part two...
 This is depth - and below is how Agnes did it:
 The recipe is cold and warm light paint on two sides of a very wet surface, leaving the mid-part unpainted. Move the board and then put down, add stones (they may be dirty!), stand on them, add salt, spray water, pigments... and let dry... and then add the next layer, using a big brush and a cool colour. And after that has dried, a third layer, with a really dark cool colour... Behold the results:
 Anna-Karin - after and before

 Avril - before and after

 Fabienne - before and after

 Constanza, before and after

 Liz - before and after
And some of the other work:

 Great one by Elia B - a lot of depth there!

 Sandra created one with a load of salt - it was almost a relief. Invisible in the picture I'm afraid. She is experimenting with varnish & the salt and we will keep you posted on how that goes...
Christiane experimented with small shapes in the dark instead of big brushstrokes. 

This is lovely, the colours are fragile - but there is not much depth. Just for example and to prove my point for the next session, I photoshopped a version with very dark brush strokes. It is pretty ugly - but shows depth!☺

Sunday 26 October 2014


Last Tuesday Anna-Karin Fast has explained a couple of great techniques she learned during a workshop in Bordeaux and we have worked like crazy - super enthusiastic, and we have produced such a lot of work that I will dedicate two posts to it. This one is just for you to enjoy! Monochrome work by the watercolour group of the Hangar!

Monday 20 October 2014

Aquarelle on Tuesday 2pm - 4.30pm with Marina

It rained and rained but nobody of the Aquarellistas noticed: we were painting portraits! It is definitely a subject everybody likes - check out the results of Tuesday the 14th!
 Wise Woman by Christine

Karen - a portrait with scarf (in progress) by Cathie

Beauty in progress by Edith

Anna-Karin's grand daughter

'Steve' by Brenda (He could be Paul McCartney's twin bro do you agree?)

 'Nigel' by Sandra Seymour-Dale

 Two versions of Christiane's grand daughter - first a thorough practice round in black and white and then the coloured version! Way to go & well done!

 Fabulous painting by Nusch inspired by John Singer Sargent

 And another gorgeous one by Pauline inspired by Roger Oncoy

 Vicky started a portrait of her son - by no means finished but getting there...she's joining Cathie and my 'One-hair-brush-club ☺

Lush portrait of classic beauty with transparant dress by Agnès

Fabienne worked on her wash-and-then-add-volume-exercise and did a terrific job!

And Anna-Karin did 2 more portraits, this time of apples, a subject she's very good at and she has lots of commissions for...
And talking about Anna-Karin, on Tuesday 21 October, she will tell us all about the workshop she followed in Bordeaux. It is going to be very interesting! Watch this space for pictures and results!

Monday 13 October 2014

More portraits...
Last Tuesday the Aquarellista Group proceeded with the portrait project, this time with mostly 'loved ones'. Difficult because you are extra critical on yourself if you know your subject really well... But as always, the results were impressive and in some cases really interesting!

 Work in progress by Anna-Karin 
(Sorry! the camera was still on black and white when I took this)
 Brenda with another touching portrait - shame that the photo doesn't do it justice

 Christiane's beautiful babygirl grand daughter. 
A touch to the eyes and she's ready - for the coloured version

Christine's impressive portrait, in progress - more next week!

 Curious little girl by Constanza (a little work needed on the eyes and then it will be superrr!)

Clever little rascal! By birthday girl Edith

Beauty in a veil - fantastic work by Liz

Nusch is back! - she created this wonderful contrasty watercolour inspired by Roger Oncoy

Sandra's Greek god - with poetic circle... intriguing painting! Love the shoulder...

Vicky's portrait, fantastic style!!

In the meantime Avril worked hard on her starters exercises - I love what she did sofar!

And last but not least, Cathie, just back from a short trip to the Carib, worked on one of her rusty still lifes (in progress, focal point coming up) already soo good and interesting!