
Tuesday 28 April 2015

Brenda Malley's free workshop postponed!!

Due to sad family circumstances, Brenda has to postpone the free ‘Outdoor Sketching’ workshop in Le Cannet on Thursday 30 April.  We will keep you posted on the new dates. 

A cause de triste circonstances familiales, Brenda doit reporter l’atelier gratuit ‘Faire des croquis en plein air’ qui allait avoir lieu au Cannet jeudi le 30 avril.  Nous vous tiendrons au courant des nouvelles dates.


Monday 27 April 2015

Aquarelle: Tuesday Afternoon 2 - 4.30pm

 A lovely, zen Tuesday afternoon, where everyone worked a bit on their applications for the all-Hangar Expo! Lot's of 'Spring' related work, above by Avril and below by Edith

Tender 'Blue' Rose by Edith

 Liz started a painting inspired by the 'Carnival de Venise'

Moment of love between mother and child by Sandra

Patience worked on the properties of a gap. First a light background with an exciting effect

Then a different version with a dark background. 2 studies with  quite a nice result!

 Christine paid very good attention to everything Cathie explained about working with salt - and is now practising, with ever improving results!

 And then the master herself... Cathie's Pins - one set finished and one in progress...

Monday 20 April 2015


Free Workshop by Brenda Malley:
on Thursday 30 April 10.00 - 12.00
We meet at Terrasse des Arts Gallery, 140 Rue Saint Sauveur, Le Cannet
Bring: a small (A5) sketchbook, pencil, and optional watercolour pan set or water soluble pencils.

We'll explore the historic quarter of Le Cannet, sketching in a couple of locations
Everyone is welcome to stay for lunch on the Place Bellevue at your own expense.
This introductory session is free but limited to 12 participants

Mail to participate and for more info!

A second sketching day may be offered if there is enough interest...


Les Falaises

From 23 April to 6 May, our own Brenda Malley has a solo exhibition in the Terrasse des Arts in Le Cannet! It is called 'Entre Terre et Mer', and that title promises us enticing land- and seascapes. Brenda will show brand new work and all paintings will no doubt have that special light, that intriguing texture and beautiful perspective that we know and admire her for!

 L'Eau Claire

In addition to her palette knife oil paintings of sea and shore Brenda will be exhibiting some small watercolour and pen and ink sketches, and mini abstracts - all priced under €100.
You can visit the exhibition every day from 3pm to 6pm, but if you wish to visit in the morning or at lunchtime Brenda is happy to meet you there. Give her a call on 06 86 78 51 71  or email

You are also most welcome to the official opening, on Saturday 25 April, from 11.00 - 12.30
Terrasse des Arts
Rue Saint Sauveur 140
06110 le Cannet

Aquarelle, Tuesdays from 2 - 4.30 with Marina Kulik

Spring is in the air!

Anna-Karin's blossom
Our Aquarellista-group had an open theme last week, 'Spring'... Everyone had to think of their associations with 'Printemps'
Avril's finalized Waterlily!

Costanza's stylized crocuses

And more spring flowers, also by Costanza

Edith's beautiful blossom flower. In progress

Patience's weird but very interesting flower/animal

Agnès's fan-tas-tic Carnival de Venise watercolour

Anna-Karin also proceeded with her fragile butterfly mandala

Christine has now finished her fruit bowl. Extra contrast and a background definitely did the job!
Liz finished her boats - aren't they bobbing calmly?!

Cathie embarked on an excellent new project! Old golfclubs and golfballs.

My Cat Is Sad - by Edith

This is going to be such a lovely picture! Can't wait to see it finished... Baby Giraffe by Sandra

Saturday 18 April 2015

Portraits in clay - by Martin Smith

Hangar member Martin Smith is a portrait sculptor who has recently moved to Valbonne. Here is some of his work, two very well-know Hangar members sat for him, our former president Anton Dikken:

 And Teacher Pim de Jong:

Martin takes commissions, so if you would like a portrait of yourself or of a loved one, you can contact him for more info via email: