
Sunday 20 September 2015

ALL HANGAR Expo from 26 September - 10 October


Dear Hangar-members!
We are delighted to invite you, your partner, family and friends, to the vernissage of the fantastic ‘All-Hangar’ exhibition in Théoule, on Saturday 26 September 2015 from 6pm. Address: Espace Culturel, 9 Avenue Charles Dahon, Theoule-sur-mer
Chers membres du Hangar!
Nous sommes ravis d' inviter vous, votre conjoint, votre famille et vos amis, au vernissage de l'exposition 'All-Hangar' à Théoule, le samedi 26 Septembre 2015, dès 18h00.
Adresse: Espace Culturel, 9, avenue Charles Dahon, Théoule-sur-mer

Monday 14 September 2015

Aquarelle - Tuesdays from 2 - 4.30pm with Marina Kulik

The aquarellistas are back to working hard (and smart), helped by verveine, cookies, music and just a tiny sip of pink champagne! Our theme du jour was 'beaches'! Here are some of the -excellent-  results, and notice how different the subject is represented in the results:

 Carribbean hammock by Rita - our new girl! She has talent that's for sure. 
It will be finished tomorrow - can't wait to see the result!

 Avril started with the 'Transat' and a reflection of the clouds in the sea. 
Though not at all finished, it is already super interesting!

This is such a strong piece - by Sandra. Also a beach, but a completely different take. Love it!

 Brenda started the happy beach chairs with dunes in the background.
Painted in her lively and lovely style - we're looking forward to seeing it finished

This is Christiane's practice watercolour, she will make another one with the same scenery plus 2 kids climbing the fallen palmtree... Great and serious way of working! And very promising already...

 This is Bev's. You may have guessed, because it really is her style. Happy chairs for everyone!!

Tricia hasn't been in France for a while - and came back with a vengeance!!! What a su-perb beach... Note that there is still a lot of masking fluid in this painting, it will look even more interesting when that is rubbed off and replaced with other colours or left white...
Liz works on a painting that is related to the beach - the marina next to it... Still lots of masking on that one, but with these colour combinations not much can go wrong, brilliant!
Superduper soda bottles by Edith (to take with you to the beach?)
 A typical endeavour for Cathie: a lot of delicate robin's eggs in a very fine little basket with loads of detail... Only Cathie dares to start this - and be confident that she'll finish it too!!!

Sunday 13 September 2015

Exhibition in Cannes: Artistes du monde

From 24 - 27 September, the fifth edition of 'Artistes du Monde' takes place, in the Gare Maritime in Cannes. 
One of the participants is Hangar member Chris Herlicq (Oil Painting) with very interesting new artwork! Definitely worth a visit. For more information go to

Sunday 6 September 2015

Weekend Painting Workshop with Brenda in Ireland


Landscape and Seascape with the Palette knife
with Brenda Malley

Dates:             Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th November
Time:              10am – 4pm (incl. 1 hour lunch)
Course fee:   €180

This weekend workshop is suitable for artists of all abilities – from beginners to advanced –
It’s for anyone who wishes to take a fresh look at their painting practice.
Brenda will focus on some basic principles such as composition, colour mixing, and the whole process of developing a painting from start to finish.

There will be demonstration and instruction in palette knife techniques. This will be a relaxing and enjoyable weekend to focus on your art with individual advice and support.

Goto for more information and subscription!


It was great, sunny, warm and well-visited day, with a lot of new people visiting!
There were demo's of all painting groups and the sculpture group, and a 'Trip-Reunion' with slides - where everyone was welcome - and last but not least, there was fab-tastic food, hand-cooked and self-baked by all!  Here are some pics:
 Nigel & Martin in a serious discussion about art no doubt

 The treasurers' table with a new member signing up
 The Cosy WaterColour Corner - with former Hangar President Anton
 The Oil painting corner

 Very convivial Dutch corner...
 Overlooking the space early in the morning

 Representative Artwork by Nelly and Pim

 Sculpture demo by Celina and Christie

 Treasurer team Arie and Wil renewing Jacqueline's membership
And last but not least our beloved bartender Peter Tissot!

Friday 4 September 2015

TWO Exhibitions For Pim!

Our Hangar’s own Acrylics and Drawing teacher, Pim de Jongh, has two exciting and inspirational exhibitions coming up which we hope many of you will attend.
PIERRES EN FEU A PIERREFEU     Exhibition runs from 2 October to 13 November, 2015  
Pim is teaming up with sculptor Leen Somers for a beautiful exhibition of their paintings and sculptures.
Apart from the amazing art, you will enjoy the experience of the Château de l’Aumerade in the Var vineyards. 
You are invited to the Vernissage at the Château de l’Aumerade, Pierrefeu, on Friday 2 October at 17:00.   
Take A8 direction Aix, Exit direction Toulon, then Exit 10 Pierrefeu.

Exhibition runs from 9 to 31 October, 2015
In these paintings Pim interprets the vibrancy and harsh contrasts of sunlight on the Spanish landscape.  Using many layers of paint on large canvases to capture its complexity and depth, he instills in the observer the vividness and strong emotions of the scene.
You are invited to the Vernissage at:  Galerie Espen Artdenor, 1 rue Hélène Vagliano, 06400 Cannes (between rue d’Antibes and the railway station) on Friday 9 October at 17:00.   IMPORTANT:  please reserve to attend the Vernissage by calling 06 60 78 35 08 or by sending an email to: 

Pim de Jongh, notre professeur d’ Acryliques et Dessin au Hangar, aura deux expositions passionnant et inspirant bientôt. Nous esperons que vous serez nombreux a y assister. 
PIERRES EN FEU A PIERREFEU     Exposition du 2 octobre au 13 novembre, 2015  
Pim se joint au sculpteur Leen Somers afin de nous presenter une magnifique exposition de leurs tableaux et sculptures.
En plus de l’art formidable, vous aurez le plaisir d’être au Château de l’Aumerade dans les vignobles du Var.
Vous êtes les bienvenues au Vernissage qui aura lieu au Château de l’Aumerade, Pierrefeu, vendredi 2 octobre à 17h00.
Prenez le A8 direction Aix, Sortie direction Toulon, puis Sortie 10 Pierrefeu.

Exposition du 9 au 31 octobre, 2015
Dans ces tableaux, Pim interprète le dynamisme et les contrastes élevés de la lumière du soleil sur le paysage espagnol.  En utilisant beaucoup de couches de peinture sur des grands supports pour capturer la complexité et la profondeur du paysage, Pim insuffle chez l’observateur le caractère et des emotions forts des lieux.
Vous êtes invités  au Vernissage à :  Galerie Espen Artdenor, 1 rue Hélène Vagliano, 06400 Cannes (entre la rue d’Antibes et la Gare SNCF) vendredi 9 octobre à 17h00.   IMPORTANT :  veuillez reserver pour assister au Vernissage, en appelant le 06 60 78 35 08 ou envoyez un mail a :

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Preview Hangar Schedule 2015-2016

Welcome in the new Hangar Year! We’ll officially kick off this Sunday, 6 September with our Open Day.

After that, we’re back to the regular schedule, please check it out as there are slight changes!

From this Thursday 3 September all day:
SCULPTURE with Christie Robinson


Sunday 6 September: OPEN DAY

From Monday 7 September 9h30 - 12h:

DRAWING with Pim de Jongh and MODEL DRAWING with Marina Kulik.
You’ll receive your weekly email with more info as usual

From Monday 7 September afternoon and evening:


From Tuesday 8 September morning:
OIL PAINTING with Nelly TIM van Hijfte

From Tuesday 8 September afternoon:

AQUARELLE with Marina Kulik

From Wednesday 9 September all day:
ACRYLICS with Pim de Jongh

From Saturday 12 September: