
Thursday 28 July 2016


Throughout August, 2016, The atelier libre oil painting group of the Hangar, under Nelly van Hijfte, will be exhibiting in the Salle des Mariages of the Mairie in La Roquette sur Siagne.

On Friday, 5th August at 18.30, there will be a Vernissage to which you are cordially invited.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Tout au long du mois d'août, 2016 le groupe de peinture a l'huile "atelier libre", dirigé par Nelly van Hijfte, exposeront leurs œuvres dans la Salle des Mariages à La Roquette sur Siagne.
Vendredi, le 5 août, a 18.30, il y aura un Vernissage, auquel vous êtes cordialement invités.

Nous attendons avec impatience votre visite.

Wednesday 27 July 2016


In August the classes will roll as follows:

Drawing outside with Pim on 8 August and 22 August
No life drawing
No Afternoon abstract Class
Evening abstract class as usual
You can reach Pim on 06 33 80 57 08 for more information

Oil class as usual
Watercolours: Atelier libre. Bring your own materials!
Cathie will organize this you can contact her via

Acrylics all day (no change)

Celina will open the doors from 10am - 4pm on 4 August

No activity

Acrylics with Pim in the mornings (no change)

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Open air drawing: with Pim

Fabulous drawings were created outside on Monday 25 July, with Pim. The challenge must have been to 'stylize the landscape' and here is what happened... What a variety of interpretations and SO well done! Compliments for both teacher and students...

We will be back shortly with the Hangar Summer Schedule,
watch this space if you want to know which classes are continuing!

Monday 25 July 2016

Design your chair - in Aquarelle

 FAbulous chair by Elia B.
Last Tuesdayy in the Hangar, the Aquarellistas decorated chairs. On paper, with watercolours. Almost everyone participated and we are truly happy with the results! They are original (I would like all of  them in my house) and -as always- they are so surprisingly different in style! Look for yourself...:

 Agnès' version of Rococo

To warm up, Liz practised with a simple painting of a real chair in the Hangar...
...and proceeded with this luxurious Chesterfield

Tana's design, classic look with a happy pattern - in Payne's Grey

 Super soft stripe by Carol
 A beautifully painted chair by Linda! She liked it better without patterns - and started those seperately. Clever!

Superb armchair by Cathie. Not yet finished - already stunning...

 Brenda's hip and happening modern fauteuil- for the gameroom?

After painting a very good and lifelike chair Linda worked on an Amaryllis pattern... Just feltpen -  colours to be added...

Saturday 23 July 2016

Gilles - Monday's live Model

Last Monday we had our last live model session of the summer.
With a new star modeling for us: Gilles. A lovely guy.
We did the same drill as always,
6 different poses of 1 minute, then 6 of 2 minutes, 3 of 10 minutes then a nice coffeebreak.
And one long pose the rest of the time.
So, nothing new there, but still everyone agreed that is was so different to draw a male model.
It was an excellent morning, rewarding for all and the results are interesting!
The model group won't work in August, but Pim will have the drawing class from time to time
I will definitely keep you posted on that.
I wish you all a fantastic summer...
...and if you miss the classes, go to the beach (or your pool) and draw the people there

Friday 15 July 2016

Monday 11 June: Life model

Every other Monday morning there is a life drawing session in the Hangar. There is a nude, male or female, posing for us (last Monday it was Véronique) and the objective is to draw perfect proportions while catching as much of the 'essence' of the model as possible. To achieve that, we start with a 'warming up': the first half of the two-hour session starts with 6 poses of 1 (one!) minute and then 6 poses of 2 minutes.

This is serious brain training, you hardly have time to think - and after 6 poses of one minute, you are used to it. The two minutes for the next round seem quite long!

After that we go for 2 or 3 longer poses, and I pass by to comment, give hints and tips or even praise!

Then there's a coffee break - that everyone needs and deserves: quick drawing wears you out!
By now the participants 'know' the model and the rest of the time we spend with one and the same pose - draw for a long time and work on shadows and volume, or walk around and draw the model from different angles...Here are some of the results - quite good huh?!

 On Monday 18 July we have another model session, this time with a male model. We start 10am and finish at noon. If you are interested to try it out - you are most welcome! Basic materials provided.

Sunday 10 July 2016

The final touch

Marina's students can make a beautiful painting in one session - Christie's students need at least two and a lot of time in between. Finishing off pieces - be it with patina, paints, wax or glazes is the most exciting part. Just before the last lesson before the summer the kiln was emptied and out came some beautiful pieces.

Tracy's wall sculpture - Inspiration from India

Avril's wall mask. She wasn't happy first time around - but the good thing with glazes is that you can add more and fire once again

ANother sculpture by Tracy

Christelle has made all the pieces for a Christmas crib

Tracy and her daughter Magali created this mask

Celina's wall mask