
Thursday 29 September 2016

Look what came out of the kiln

As always - it's exciting to see what comes out of the kiln after a firing. This time it was a glaze firing. Look at the wonderful results.

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Hangar Open Day 2016

In one word: successful!! 
More than 150 people visited the Hangar including the Mayor of Chateauneuf Emmanuel Delmotte, and deputy mayors Christian Goracci and Laurence Margaillan. The Mayor was presented with a 3D model of Chateauneuf Village, a unique art work created by Hangar members Lucia, Carol, Peter and Helene, during the Monday drawing classes with Pim.

We were announced in Nice Matin and on all local websites and Facebook... and there will be spin off in the form of exhibitions and publicity for sure!

Here are some pictures which will show once more what a great day it was, and how well it was organized thanks to the Board, the Teachers and last but not least, the Volunteers... THANK YOU ALL!!!

President Ton van Schijndel checks out his Hangar...

Treasurer Wil Dekkers waiting for new members to subscribe...

The sculpture table, with Viva and Tracey demo-ing...

The Watercolour demo attracted lots of interest - and new sign-ups

Volunteer Edith did a fantastic job!

And there was talent everywhere!

The Oil paint stand was incredibly well-visited!

Nelly, Annie and Brenda, ready to show their skills

In Pim's stand there were different activities, from drawing to acrylic painting...


Friday 23 September 2016


You all know the familiar Hangar schedule for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday morning (see The Timetable on Our Site).

But for the coming year we are delighted to announce more activities: 

There's going to be an Art Expression Workshop on Sundays by Francesca Messina, and a Starters class for Life drawing and one for Watercolours, both on Friday - by Marina Kulik.
Below you will find extensive information about these new activities - an excellent idea would be to come to the Open Day on 25 September and talk to teachers Francesca and Marina in person!

(first French, then English):
"Ateliers dédiés à l'expression libre et spontanée de son monde intérieur à travers différents procédés artistiques (peinture, collage, assemblage de matériaux). Dans le cadre de thèmes chaque fois différents, vous irez à la découverte de votre propre processus créatif en jouant avec les couleurs, les formes et les matières. L'atelier est également un espace de détente, d'introspection et d'expression qui permettra à chacun de goûter au plaisir de la création artistique suivant sa propre intuition.
Ateliers de groupe, adressés aux adultes, séances de 3 heures."

Une dimanche par mois, le matin à partir de 16 octobre.
Horaires: 9h30 - 12h30 - Prix : 35 euro
Prévoir une tenue confortable, les matériaux seront fournis.

plus d'infos & vous inscrire:

"A monthly series of creative art workshops dedicated to the expression of your own inner world trough different artistic technics: painting, drawing, collage and assemblage of materials.
Guided by selected themes, each time different, you will unfold and discover your own individual creative process, experimenting with colors, shapes and materials. The workshop creates an environment of relaxation, joy, self-observation and expression, encouraging each person to experience the pleasure of artistic creation and following his own intuition."

Adult Group workshop one Sunday morning per month starting 16 October
From 9:30 to 12:30. Price 35€.
All materials required for the workshop will be provided.


5 Friday mornings, dedicated to drawing a naked model. Learn about proportions, perspective, composition, shadows, background and anatomy

5 vendredi matins, dédiée à dessiner un modèle nu. En savoir plus sur les proportions, la perspective, la composition, les ombres, arrière-plan et l'anatomie

From 10h - 12h. Prix 100€ TC - Materiel inclus
plus d'infos & vous inscrire: (Marina Kulik)


5 Friday mornings (or afternoons, tbd) dedicated to learning the technique of transparent watercolours. After the starters-workshop participants are ready to join the regular watercolour class on Tuesday afternoon. Colour mixing, colour theory, washes, leaving white, transparency, layering and more...

5 Matinées (ou après-midi ad) du vendredi, dédié à l'apprentissage de la technique de l'aquarelle transparente. Après ce workshop, les participants sont prêts à joindre la classe d'aquarelle de mardi après-midi. Mélange des couleurs, théorie des couleurs, couches, laissant blanc, transparence, superposition et plus...

From 10 - 12. Prix 100€ TC - Materiel et livre inclus 

plus d'infos & vous inscrire: (Marina Kulik)

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Look what came out of the kiln today !

This is a small selection of the work done just before the summer and left to dry over the summer.

Avril made a mask just before her holiday to Thailand

Christel's 3 bowls - glazing straight on to the greenware

Looking forward to seeing these two with glazing or patina - good job so far Christel

Andrea's little lamb

Tracy's bowl