
Saturday 19 November 2016

Look what came out of the kiln

Another firing and new surprises !

On the left you see Tracy's mask when it came out of the kiln after the first firing. Tracy has used black high fire clay (1200 degrees) from Ceradel. While the clay is still moist she has painted on the white which is made from white high fire clay and water. The mask was left to dry for 3-4 weeks and was then fired.

The colour was added. Tracy has used various liquid clays - and in the hollow on the nose she added some mosaic pieces. The mask was  fired at 980. Finally Tracy added hair to the mask.

This is also a sculpture made from black high fire clay. After the first firing an extremely shiny black metallic  glaze was added and the piece was fired a econd time at 980 degrees.

Friday 4 November 2016

Atelier Expression Artistique

Francesca gives another Atelier Expression Artistique on Sunday 20 November, from 9:30-12:30.Price 35 euro (30 euro with your own materials)


To discover the intimate relationship between colours, shapes and sounds, you're going to create while listening to different pieces of music, working alone and in groups. 
To express yourself there will be acrylic paint, crayons and oil pastels.
No artistic knowledge is required to participate.
Make sure you are wearing something comfortable - materials are included (you can bring your own and and get a small reduction on the price. The list of materials will be provided upon inscription)

Inscription by email or telephone:

Francesca Messina
Tél. 0787693950


Atelier dédie à la découverte de l'intime relation entre couleurs, formes et sons.
Vous pourriez créer en vous laissant aller à l'écoute de différents morceaux musicaux, travaillant individuellement et en groupe.
Mis à disposition de votre créativité il y aura la peinture acrylique, les craies et les pastels à l'huile.
Aucune compétence artistique est requise pour participer.
Prévoir une tenue confortable, les matériaux seront fournis (vous pouvez amener votre matériel artistique en bénéficiant d'une réduction sur le prix de l'atelier, la liste du matériel sera fournie lors de l'inscription à l'atelier).

Inscription obligatoire par émail ou téléphone :

Francesca Messina
Tél. 0787693950

horaires 9:30-12:30
prix 35 euro (30 euro avec vos matériel)
Lieu : Le Hangar – 310 Chemin du Ranch – 06740 Chateauneuf