
Saturday 31 December 2016

Here are our starting dates for all classes:

Monday 2 January morning - Drawing class with Pim
Monday 2 January evening - Abstract acrylics class with Pim

Call him on 0633805708 for info on the afternoon abstract class
Tuesday 3 January morning - Oil class with Nelly

No Watercolours (the Aquarellistas start the 10th)
Wednesday 4 January - Acrylics class with Pim
Thursday 5 January - Sculpture class with Tracy
Saturday 7 January - Acrylics class with Pim
Sunday 8 January morning - Atelier Expression Artistique
Sunday 8 January 4pm: NEW YEAR'S RECEPTION!
Monday 9 January - Life class with Marina
Tuesday 10 January - Watercolour class with MarinaFriday 13 January morning - life class for starters & atelier libre - try out
If you haven't already done so, please let me know if you are interested to come to the Friday life or starters session!

Tuesday 20 December 2016

Sunday 8 January - Atelier Expression Artistique!



Pendant cet atelier vous serez amenés à réaliser un carte de vœux pour vous même en trois étapes utilisant la technique du collage et de la peinture.

Cette activité créative vous permettra de faire un compte rendu de l’année passée et de mettre au clair les désires et les objectifs que vous aimeriez concrétiser pendant le nouvel an.

Suivant une attitude de bienveillance envers vous même vous auriez l'opportunité de célébrer l’année passée, la laisser partir et vous ouvrir au nouveau.

8 janvier - dimanche - 9:30-12:30
prix: 35 euro matériels inclus

Contact & Réservations:
Francesca Messina
tel. 0787693950


During this workshop you will create a greeting card for yourself in three stages using the technique of collage and painting.

This creative activity will allow you to make a report of the past year and to clarify the desires and the objectives that you would like to accomplish during the new year.

Following an attitude of benevolence towards yourself you would have the opportunity to celebrate the past year, let it go and open yourself to the new.


Monday 19 December 2016


Just to let you know that Pim's class of 21 December takes place as usual!
And here are a couple of great pix of the previous one... enjoy!

Friday 16 December 2016

Drawing on Monday Morning - Life Model with Marina

Every other Monday we draw a nude model for 2 intensive hours. It is hard work - but also rewarding, and so good for you! The last session of 2016 was with model Louise, who unfortunately is moving to the Pyrenees, so it was also the last time we had the pleasure to draw her... As always she was a joy to work with, and here's some of what we did:

Very short (1 minute) and short (2 minutes) poses - there's hardly time to get you pencil or crayon on the paper, let alone time to think. Yet it is a great way to warm up, get to understand the model, and sometimes the results are very worthwhile.
After these short poses, we draw the model for 10 minutes and then 20 - this appears very long  - and the drawings are always more detailed -and bear resemblance to the model:

After that we have a short well-deserved and well-needed break, with coffee tea and cookies - and then we tackle the model again, for the rest of the time, around an hour!

As you can see, this group was well-warmed up!

FYI: In 2017 I will also start a beginners class, combined with an atelier libre for the advanced, on the Friday morning. You can expect mail about this soon...!

Monday 12 December 2016

Drawing on the Monday Morning - Still life with Pim

Amazing Results of  Monday morning 12/12...
These different styles, lines and impressions of the same still life are drawn by Suzanne, Peter, Cryss, Carol, Helene and Lucia - and the motivation as well as the fun are very clear to see...
Look and be impressed:


Saturday 10 December 2016


This Xmas holiday for the first time there's a great Children's class in the Hangar, given by Tracy Greenwood, the Hangar Sculpture teacher

The morning (9.30 - 11.30am) is reserved for 6 - 9 year olds and afternoons (2.30 - 4.30pm) are for the older-than-9 years...

They will learn how to work with clay - and get to experiment with all kinds of creative expression.

For more information call or email Tracy:

tel: 06 02 08 35 72

The Hangar - 310 Chemin du Ranch - 06740 Chateauneuf
Monday   19 December
Tuesday   20 December
Thursday  22 December
Thursday  29 December Friday      30 December
 9.30 - 11.30 (6 -- 9 year olds)
2.30 - 4.30 (9 years and older)

Lisa Loheac exhibits in Mandelieu!*

From 1 - 30 December, our own Lisa Loheac has a solo exhibition in the Médiathèque - Esterel gallery in Mandelieu! The title of her exhibition is 'EVASION'

You are most welcome to visit every afternoon

Friday 9 December 2016

Look what came out of the kiln

Thursday we opened the kiln and look what came out ....

A project by Rob and Jack

Ready for patina 

Christel's thoughtful little man

Add caption

Contrasts - the shiny interior and the matt exterior - Well done Anne !

Even more beautiful in real life - another abstract piece with contrasts by ANne

ON the way - only missing
 the finishing touches 

Wednesday 7 December 2016

A vibrant abstract evening

Monday evenings are vibrant evenings - quite a special atmosphere. Here are some of the paintings that are finished and some that are in progress:

And here are som photos from the class:

Marie Helen adding the finishing touches

Karin working on a new piece

Always good to get advice fom Pim

And then there are those who come for the inspiring atmosphere and not for the abstract: