
Thursday 27 April 2017

Life Drawing with Stevie

Easter Monday turned out to be an excellent day for life model drawing! We had a small group, because it was Easter but also because there were cycling races all over the place and for some people it was impossible to reach the Hangar!! But great work was done - as you can see below:

 Another take on the 1 and 2 minute-poses! Great idea...
The model was Stevie. She is a slim, dark woman who sits beautifully still...

Wednesday 26 April 2017

Look what came out of the kiln

Friday we did a new firing and Tuesday we opened up. Look what came out:

Spiral in delicate pastels
 This spiral has been tinted with cobalt oxides and copper oxides. Irene isn't quite sure if she will mount it in any particular way or leave it as a table decoration.

Decorations done in the childrens classes

Beautiful !
Beautiful texture and colour ! For this piece Anne used cobalt oxide and C1254 Frittes

Andreas people
 It's difficult to see the colour in the picture - but these two sculptures have been coloured a warm reddish brown. Well done Andrea !

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We have discussed this bird quite a bit. Some of us love the irregular greenish colour (done with copper 3 layers of copper oxide + frites) - but the artist says the colour obstructs the beautifil lines of the piece. I'm not quite sure who I side with.

Portrait on Friday!

3 Marinas
For everyone interested in portrait drawing, painting and sculpting: on Friday mornings I open the doors for an atelier where we draw portraits. For the time being 'each other'! As you can see here... I posed first...

1 Charmian

 3 Peters

 2 Tizianas (Print Making Teacher who arrived early)

It is great fun - and you are most welcome! The price is 15€ for people who want my help & advice and 10€ for those who come in and work independent. Basic drawing materials, coffee, tea and cookies provided... Doors open 9.30am and we finish at 12 noon...

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Classe de Pim: quand le lundi soir est une ébullition créative

Marie commençant un nouveau tableau
Patrick redécouvrant de nouvelles lignes géomètriques

Anne-Marie embrassant le changement, en recouvrant une précédente toile
Bernard peignant sous le regard attentif de Marie
Imme recevant les conseils de Pim pour un encadrement
Michelle s'élançant pour poser une touche de couleur sur la toile

Corinne se propulsant dans une nouvelle rêverie

Friday 21 April 2017

Drawing at its' best!!

On the Monday mornings that there's no life drawing, Pim either goes outside with the group or stays inside and treats them to one of his amazing and (look at this) inspiring still lives!! 

Excellent work!! NB: Coming Monday, 24 April, the plan is to go outside! Bring your folding chair (to sit on) and a bottle of water (to drink). If the weather is not good enough, there will be a still life inside...

Thursday 20 April 2017

The Portrait Workshop #5/5

'Before and After'

Below, you can see and enjoy the results of the final fifth session of the Portrait Workshop. The first session, every participant drew a self portrait without help - and the last session they did it again - just to see if their 'observation' had improved... 
(Note: left is 'before', right is 'after')

Three participants missed the last session, they will have a 'Catch up class' with Cathie this Friday, and the results will be posted too, so watch this space!


Saturday 15 April 2017

Look what came out of the kiln

The kiln has been on nearly every week - and lots of beautiful pieces have come out. Anne and Tracy have been busy getting their things ready for their exhibition in Auribeau - and we have somehow overlooked posting on the blog.

Opening up a kiln - is like opening a lucky bag - you have high expectations but never know what you will find. Did the pieces explode ? How did the glazes turn out ? Each shelf brings out new surprises.

So here comes some of our creations. First a series of figures/people - each artist in their own style.

Couple by Sabine

Woman and Man by Christelle

Lady by Anne

Swimmer by Tracy

by Christelle
Not everyone works with people - Hanna has made some beautiful animals:

Panther by Hanna

And then we have the kiddies classes. Tracy finds inspiring themes and the participants work ever so hard - and what wonderful results:

Lilys Heart Box

Here we have Ollie's tortoise
And another heart box made by Amelie