
Saturday 29 July 2017


Jean-Marc Guicheney was born in La Rochelle but grew up in Brazil. Perhaps you can see the influence in his work. He has 3 sets of paintings on display at the Abstract Vibrations IV exhibition at P195 in Grasse. If you would like to see them you are welcome to the big closing event on Saturday 29/07 from 17:00 - 20:00. For information about how to get there check out 

Friday 28 July 2017


Patrick is a French and has a recognisable style - lots of colour. If you would like to see these paintings for yourself - come to the finissage at P195 in Grasse between 5pm and 8pm on Saturday 29/07. For directions check out the website  . You can see more of Patrick's work on the on his google photos page


Marie Lom has been at member of the abstract group at the Hangar for many years. She has a very distinctive style, uses bright colours and usually works on big canvases. You can see here work on: or you can come to P195 in Grasse for the finissage on Saturday 29/07 17:00 - 20:00. Check out for instructions on how to get there.

Thursday 27 July 2017


Marie is one of the Swedish members of the Hangar Art Association. Below you can see some of the paintings she has on display at P195 in Grasse for Abstract Vibrations IV. If you would like to come and see them for yourself - you are welcome to the finissage on Saturday 29/07 from 5pm - 8pm. Checkout for pratical information about parking.

Wednesday 26 July 2017


The best kept secret of the Abstract Vibrations Expo number IV must be Celina Schou.
She is behind all those blog posts about the artists, and it was Celina who built that fabulous Abstract Vibrations website. Working calmly in the background, she has made sure there was plenty of information about everyone! For which she deserves a lot of praise...

Celina is one of the Norwegian members of the Hangar Art Association. She sculpts, and paints both in watercolours and in acrylics, with the abstract group in the Hangar. She is also a member of 'les Beaux arts de Cannes' and she exhibits regularly, locally, internationally and with an impressive presence on the internet! In the Projet 195 exhibition, Celina presents 5 abstract paintings in acrylic - and a sculpture.

"Art is what inspires me and provides colour and flavour to my life" is what she sais - and that is clearly visible in the paintings shown here (apart from 'Fiat Lux' the pics are all taken 'live' in the exhibition):

Fiat Lux

Magical Garden



For more information about Celina and her paintings and sculptures, have a look on the Abstract Vibrations Website - or look her up on Pinterest!!


Imme is a Dutch artist, living on the Côte d'azur. After a career as an airline pilot, she changed course and immersed herself in creative projects such as home and garden design and the arts.
Meet Imme

Imme likes working with colours and light. She has experimented with different media - and presently works with acrylics. She joined tha abstract class at the Hangar in 2011. SHe says that she found this to be  a liberation after working in very structured surroundings such as in the architectural field of house and garden design, and that It gave her the freedom to focus more on colours than on forms.
Imme presently has several works on display at P195 in Grasse for Abstract Vibrations IV.

Bleu Blanc

Spring in the air

Les Rousses

Abstract Landscapes

If you would like to see her work, check out for details on private viewings and on the finnisage on Saturday 29/7 which is open to the public.

Tuesday 25 July 2017

ABSTRACT VIBRATIONS IV , finissage on July 29 17-20 hrs.

After a very well visited vernissage and several visits in the following weeks, the exposition in Projet 195 in Grasse, is coming to a closure this Saturday.
You are invited to visit our last opening for this fourth exposition of our group.
Come and meet most of the 19 artists around an apero, that is offered.
We remind you that you have to aim for Parking La Roque, entree on Boulevard Gambetta, and park on the 11th floor, where you can exit straight  and walk 50 mtr down to the Projet 195.
Hope to see you there on Saturday!

Saturday 22 July 2017


Corinne was born in Versailles and moved to Paris in 1986 to pursue scientific studies, her love for painting, sculpture and literature grew steadily to the rhythm of exhibitions, books read and exchanges with artists. After finishing her studies she settled on the Côte d'Azur where she has combined work with her love for art. 

Corinne sees a lot of similarities between science and art and argues that scientific and artistic innovation processes are similar and complementary. Both act together to produce meaning in order to redefine the social bond, the relationship to knowledge and life in our society.

Corinne currently has 4 paintings on display at P195 for Abstract Vibrations IV.

Wednesday 19 July 2017


Isabelle Carré or ISAC as she goes by in the artistic world is passionate abstract artist. This is what she says about her artistic work: "Sensible et curieuse, entre passé, présent et avenir, mon regard porte sur ce que nous sommes et ce qui nous entoure. Après des études spécialisées dans la chimie des molécules odorantes, mon parcours s’oriente vers l’art où mon besoin de créer se révèle. A l’origine de ma démarche artistique : un sujet, proposé dans la section design d’espace aux Beaux-Arts de Marseille, « Contact, Ecart, Equilibre – Elaborer une sculpture ». Plus qu’un sujet, c’est une onde qui bouscule mes sens et qui m’entraine dans l’exploration des champs de la perception. Il en résulte tout un corpus de recherches, en perpétuel renouvellement, sur les relations qui se tissent entre l’Homme, l’Espace, l’Objet. Mon regard puise inlassablement dans l’univers de la construction, du minéral, du végétal, du corps et de l’espace."

Monday 17 July 2017


Lisbeth is one of the Danish members of the Hangar Art Association and paints with the abstract group at “the Hangar”. She exhibits on the Côte d’Azur and in her home country Denmark. Her work can be found in several private collections.

This is what Lisbeth says about her paintings: "My abstract paintings vary in style and colour, depending on what is happening around me. They are a mixture of spontaneity and the consciousness; the challenge of the blank canvas, the process and ultimately the result,is something I find joy in exploring. The goal and desire of my work is to get the viewer to not only see, but also feel what is happening in the picture"

Lisbeth has 3 paintings on display at P195 in Grasse for the Abstract Vibrations IV exhibition.




Sunday 16 July 2017


Anne is one of the first members of the Hangar Art Association. She works in clay, plaster and siporex, creating abstract sculptures that have smooth surfaces. She is French and exhibits in the local region.

About her work she says: "La nature m’émerveille sans cesse et c’est ma principale source d’inspiration. Je transmets mon énergie et ma sensibilité dans la sculpture en travaillant sur le mouvement et en exploitant la possibilité de regard sous différents angles. J’affectionne particulièrement les lignes épurées et les courbes qui donnent de l’élan et attirent la lumière."

Her work is on display at P195 in Grasse for the ABstract Vibrations IV exhibitions. Check out for more information

Saturday 15 July 2017


Michele comes from an artistic family and has always loved art. In 2003 she moved to the south of France and in 2009 she joined the group of abstract painters at ‘The Hangar’ under the guidance of Pim de Jongh. Michèle does everything with passion and enthusiasm - something you can see in her paintings and when she is at work.

Michèle has a number of paintings on display at P195 in Grasse for the Abstract Vibrations IV exhibition:





If you would like to see Michèles paintings - check and find out how to schedule a visit.