
Monday 25 September 2017


You may have noticed that there are hardly any posts about the 'Aquarellistas' of the Hangar... This is because we have our own blog, It is very popular among other watercolourists and watercolour teachers 😉 But now and then there are paintings that we don't want you to miss...
A fabulous and very characterful sea turtle by Carol Fischer

Last week the subject in the Aquarellista group was 'Sea Turtles'. Just Because. Also, they are very interesting, ancient creatures, around for over 100 million years, from the time of the dinosaurs. I learned from Agnès that they cannot retract their flippers like other turtles. Well, and they are absolutely beautiful, intelligent and full of expression!
All of us worked on doing them justice in watercolours  - and I think that worked out! Here are some results:

This sea turtle was painted by Bev, 'Diving' movement very well achieved!

Celina's turtle - almost finished... I love her clear lines and the contrast between the flowy background, the interesting back and the almost mosaic-like flippers and head

Another gorgeous sea turtle, by Elia. This one high up in the sea. Perfect use of salt and colour.

Sylvie I's turtle in deep Sea, visibly created with pleasure!

Sylvie II created a wet-in-wet protest against turtle slaughter. 
As that happens too, unfortunately. Here's more info

This colourful version was painted by Agnès, I love it! For the story behind it, check out her blog
Patience painted this amazing fast and energetic turtle... he swims just under the surface, and the sun shines!

And last but not least, Brenda's,  in the watercolour & feltpen technique that she so often uses in her work. Comic book-effect that adds the wink we sometimes need!
 Our correspondent in Bretagne, Michele, sends her love to all, and these two watercolours! 
I love the pendant - well done, that silver shine!

A very young sea turtle, also by Michele. Fantastic colours!!

Friday 15 September 2017

Workshop: Entre Parfum et Couleurs

In the new Hangar season, Francesca Messina again organises a series of Creative Expression workshops  on Sunday mornings... The first one takes place on 8 October:

 Workshop: Entre parfums et couleurs

During this workshop you will work on the deep associations between the sense of smell and the sight and you wil freely create according to your own experience trough painting and drawing.
The art expression workshops are dedicated to the expression of your inner world trough different artistic technics: painting, drawing, collage and manipulation of clay.
Guided by selected themes, each time different, you will unfold and discover your own individual creative process, experimenting with colors, shapes and materials.
The workshop creates en environment of relaxations, self observation and expression, encouraging each person to experiece the pleasure of artistic creation, following his own intuition.
Adult group workshop.
Materials will be provided.
Registration is required.
Cost: 35 euro

Hours: 9: 30-12: 30
Sunday 8 October 2017
Place: Le Hangar - Arts Center - 310 chemin du Ranch - Chateauneuf de Grasse
Tel. 0787693950

et en francais:

Dans le cadre de thèmes chaque fois différents, chacun pourra parcourir son propre chemin créatif
jouant avec les couleurs, les formes et les matières, pour donner une forme visuelle à son précieux vécu intérieur. L'atelier est également un espace de détente et d'introspection, lieu bienveillant et sans jugement, où pouvoir entreprendre une démarche de développement personnel grace à l'expression de son univers créatif.
L'atelier est dédié aux adultes, il n'y a pas besoin de avoir de connaissances artistiques pour y participer.
Les materiaux seront fournis.
L'inscription est obligatoire.

Horaires : 9:30-12:30
dimanche 8 octobre 2017
prix: 35,00 euro
lieu : Le Hangar – Centre des Arts – 310 chemin du Ranch – Chateauneuf de Grasse
Tél. 0787693950
email :

Monday 11 September 2017

Ceramics with Anitta Asunta-Plane

Commenceront le 27 Septembre 2017
MERCREDI - 18.00-21.00
Tous les niveaux (adultes )

Ambiance conviviale pour cet atelier d’Art Céramique qui s’adresse aux débutants, ainsi qu’aux
« confirmés », ceux qui veulent exprimer leur visiond’art par l’argile, mais aussi pour ceux qui veulent apprendre différentes techniques de céramique. Travailler avec l’argile est quelque chose de
relaxant et méditant. Tout le stress disparaît, car vos mains touchent la terre et vous pouvez utiliser
vos propres idées avec de nouvelles techniques. Pour créer avec l’argile il y a plusieurs possibilités et
tout dépend comment on décore la pièce, quel four ou quelle cuisson on utilise.

Pendant ces soirées de Mercredi, vous apprendrez différentes techniques de céramique :
- Technique de plaque
- Technique de colombine
- Technique de « terre pincée »
Aussi vous apprendrez différents décorations de surface, textures appliquées, engobes, terres colorées, glaçures, transfert-et mishima-techniques, terre sigillée etc…
A la fin de chaque trimestre, nous ferons une soirée spéciale cuisson à l’extérieur, pour apprendre quelques techniques de cuissons; Barrel-firing, Pit-firing, Cuisson à fumée, Raku….

PRIX: 25 € / Soirée, qui comprends: enseignement, utilisation des outils, toutes les cuissons
Minimum 6 pers
PS. Venez avec quelque chose à manger ou à boire, c’est aussi un moment sympathique passé ensemble.

Beginning the 27th September 2017
WEDNESDAY - 18.00-21.00
For all levels (adults )

In friendly atmosphere, these Art Ceramics- classes are for new or old students, who want to learn how to use clay for express your art vision, but also for all them who want to learn more differents ceramic techniques. To work with clay it’s something relaxing and meditating. All your stress is going out, when your hands touch clay and you can use your own ideas with new techniques. To create with clay, there is so many possibilities and all depends how to use it and how decorate, which kiln or firing technique use and if you are really passionate, you can learn alone every day more.

During these Wednesday-evenings, you will learn differents Hand-building techniques :
- Slab construction ( slabbing)
- Coil-building ( coiling)
- Pinching –technique
You will learn about differents surface decorations, applied textures, engobes, colored slips, glazes, transfer-, mishimatechniques, terre sigillata and so on …..
In the end of every trimester, we’ll have a special out- «firing technique-evening» to learn some new Firing techniques ; Barrel-firing, Pit-firing, Smoke-technique, Raku technique…

PRICE : 25 € / Evening, which include : teaching, use of tools, All firings
Minimum 6 pers
PS. Come with something to eat or drink, it’s also the nice moment to be together.

Friday 1 September 2017

Rentree - season 17/18

Here is more info about the start dates of our classes... Contact your teacher for more info...

NO drawing
NO abstract afternoon
Monday 11 September
1st Outside Drawing
1st Abstract afternoon
Monday 18 September
1st Life Drawing
1st Acrylics for Starters
Tuesday 5 September
1st Aquarelle
Tuesday 12
Tuesday 19
Wednesday 6 September
Wednesday 13
Wednesday 20
Thursday 7 September
1st Sculpture 9h30 – 15h30
Thursday 14
Thursday 21
Friday 8 September

Friday 15
Friday 22
Saturday 9 September
Acrylics morning
Saturday 16
Acrylics morning
Saturday 23
Acrylics morning
Sunday 10 September

Sunday 17
Atelier Expression
Sunday 24

Sunday 8 October
Atelier Expression

Théoule EXPO25: Artwork Drop-off

Saturday September 16,  13:00 - 17:00
It is important that you deliver your EXPO 25 paintings to the Hangar for registration, verification of hanging mechanism, and transportation to Théoule by the Hangar. 
If you can't come yourself, please make arrangements for someone else to bring them.
If the paintings are correctly prepared for hanging, that's great!  If not, we will do that for you.

Samedi, 16 septembre, 13:00 - 17:00
C'est important que vous livrez vos tableaux pour EXPO 25 au Hangar pour enregistrement, vérification du mécanisme pour les pendre, et pour éventuel transport a Théoule par le Hangar. 
Si vous ne pouvez pas venir vous-même, veuillez demander à quelqu'un d'autre de les apporter de votre part.
Si vos tableaux sont bien préparés pour être pendus, c'est super!  Sinon, nous le ferons pour vous.