
Tuesday 31 October 2017

Monday Abstract Art with Pim

After some extremely busy months, first with the exhibition in Grasse - then the exhibition in Theoule and now the exhibition in Chateauneuf, painting classes are getting back to normal. Monday evening was a very energic session. There were not too many (if any) finished pieces - but a lot of experimentation and work in progress.

Marie in action - and Patrick contemplating from a distance.

Corinne sorting out her piece

Who's copy who -  Imme or Michele ?
If you would like to join the class - please contact Pim. There's also room for you - even if you have never painted abstracts before !

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Kid's Classes on Saturdays with Sanjangala

From 18 November, le Hangar will offer classes for kids between 6 and 11 years old, on Saturday afternoons from 2 - 4 pm. The classes will be hosted by Sanjangala Lovell, a fully qualified teacher, fluent in both English and French.

"We explore various techniques from drawing, painting and sculpture, based on different works from a variety of artists, in a friendly and creative atmosphere."

The first, try-out class will be on Saturday 18 November, from 2 - 4pm
For more info contact Sanjangala via mobile 06 18 46 29 14 or email

 A partir du 18 novembre, le Hangar proposera des cours pour les enfants de 6 à 11 ans, les samedis après-midi de 14h à 16h. Les cours seront animés par Sanjangala Lovell, une enseignante qualifiée, elle parle couramment anglais et français.

"Divers techniques sont abordées: peinture, dessin, sculpture...En examinant des artistes et des œuvres provenant de différentes cultures, les enfants sont encouragés à explorer les différents matières et techniques (peinture, collages, dessin, sculpture et modelage), et à découvrir leur propre créativité."

Le premier cours d'essai aura lieu le samedi 18 novembre de 14h à 16h.

Pour plus d'information contactez Sanjangala via mobile 06 18 46 29 14 ou par mail

Monday 23 October 2017

Sculpture Thursdays with Marie!!

Dear all,
Did you know there is a new sculpture class on Thursdays? Marie Boquet, well-known artist in our area teaches it!  Marie is starting again on 26 October.
If you are interested, why don't you pop in on Thursday, or, if you are sure, please subscribe by reply to this email! Marie proposes the following  
(after the french text):
Chers tous,
Savez-vous qu'il y a un nouveau cours de sculpture les jeudis? Marie Boquet, artiste bien connue dans notre région, l'enseigne! Marie recommence le 26 octobre.Si vous êtes intéressé, pourquoi ne venez-vous pas le jeudi ou, si vous êtes sûr, svp répondre par email pour vous inscrire!

Marie propose le contenu suivant:

De 10h à 13h:
atelier de modelage dirigée avec modèle vivant
travail de proportions, anatomie, mouvement ...
20€ la séance, (plus participation au modèle)

De 14h à 16h:
atelier de modelage supervisé
continuité du travail du matin
projet personnel
proposition de finition des œuvres: patine, presentation...
15€ la sèance (10€ pour ceux qui sont présents le matin)

Du materiel sur place est à disposition mais chacun peut amener le sien personnel. J'amènerai de la terre à revendre sur place.
Les cuissons seront assurées sur place (enfournement durant l'atelier)

NB: Les peintres desirant profiter du modèle le matin peuvent rejoindre l'atelier. Painters and drawers are welcome to join on the mornings with a model

Saturday 21 October 2017

Lots of talent

This Wednesday, I popped by the Hangar at lunch time. As ususal there was a very lively lunch with lots of chatting, ongoing discussions - and some eating. I took look around and was really impressed by the ongoing work. Here are some pictures I took:

Don't you agree - some really good work in progress ! This is just a small sample. If you feel inspired - why not come along and join a super friendly class.

Wednesday 18 October 2017

Please Reserve November 9th / Veuillez réserver le 9 novembre

Our maestro: Pim de Jongh will once again be exhibing at Chateau l'Aumerade in the Var from 9th november until 31st december 2017. The vernissage is on the opening day at 14.00 hours. 
Please mark this date in your calender. 

PS.... This is a wonderful opportunity to combine with a visit to Ikea to buy frames for all the art you are giving away for Christmas, wrapping paper, all those delicious Swedish Christmas goodies and so much more. Make a day out of it.

Notre maestro: Pim de Jongh exposera à nouveau au Château l'Aumerade dans le Var du 9 novembre au 31 décembre 2017. Le vernissage est le jour d'ouverture à 14h00.
Veuillez marquer cette date dans votre calendrier.

PS .... C'est une merveilleuse occasion de combiner avec une visite à Ikea pour acheter des cadres pour tout l'art que vous donnez pour Noël, papier d'emballage, tous ces délicieux délices de Noël suédois et bien plus encore. Faire une journée de cela.

Chateau l'Aumerade heeft het genoegen U uit te nodigen voor de vernissage en expositie op 9 november 2017 om 14.00 uur van 
 Looptijd van de expositie is van 9 november tot en met 31 december 2017

Friday 6 October 2017

EXHIBITION 'The Poetry of Materials'

From 7 October - 28 January, Hangar teacher Marina Kulik exhibits paintings and refliefs in Chateau des Demoiselles, together with the Dutch sculptor Ineke Velsink. 
The name of the expo is 'The Poetry of Materials' 

"The artists create poetry with a chisel and a brush" says Anne-Lyse Guény of the Espace d’art Château des Demoiselles in a press release. The vernissage is on Saturday 7 October, from 6pm - 8pm, with a band, a light buffet and of course the fabulous wines of the Chateau! You are cordially invited...

If you can't make it - just pass by on another date, it is open for 3 more months, and apart from our artwork, you will find that it is a seriously fabulous area to have a good brisk walk (different tracks), rent quads and of course taste the wines!

Here's a small preview of the artwork...
'Bébé Baleine', a watercolour by Marina, from the Amour Maternel series. and the bronze scupture  'Gaia' by Ineke

 More from the 'Koi' Series you may have seen in the EXPO25, watercolours on canvas.
They go so well with Ineke's sculptures!

Marina's Magic Realism in Acrylics together with a marble sculpture by Ineke

 'Recycling: 3D graphics' - very new stuff by Marina
Parts of the 'Ever Evolving work of art, now exhibited separately (and not as a 6 meter long fresco)...