
Monday 27 November 2017

Sunday 10 December: Workshop Artistic Expression

The next artistic expression workshop with Francesca Messina, "The experience of colors" will take place in the Hangar, on Sunday December 10, 2017 from 9.30 - 12.30. 
In this workshop you will be able to explore freely and experiment with the three primary colors, letting yourself feel the vibrations of colors and the effects of colors on your body and your emotions.
To express your creativity acrylic paint, chalks and colored pencils are at your disposal.

The workshop is dedicated to adults, there is no need to have artistic knowledge to participate.
Materials will be provided - Registration is required - Please confirm your presence as soon as possible!

 Le prochain atelier d'expression artistique avec Frencesca Messina "L'expérience des couleurs", aura lieu dans le Hangar, dimanche le 3 décembre 2017 de 9h30 - 12h30.
Dans cet atelier vous pourrez expérimenter et explorer librement les trois couleurs primaires, en vous laissant aller aux vibrations des couleurs et aux effets des couleurs sur votre corps et vos émotions.
À disposition de votre créativité vous aurez la peinture acrylique, les craies et les crayons couleurs.

L'atelier est dédié aux adultes, il n'y a pas besoin de avoir de connaissances artistiques pour y participer.
Les matériaux seront fournis - L'inscription est obligatoire - Merci de me confirmer votre présence le plus tôt possible!

Horaires : 9:30-12:30
prix: 35 euro
dimanche 3 décembre 2017
lieu : Le Hangar – Centre des Arts – 310 chemin du Ranch – Chateauneuf de Grasse
Tél. 0787693950
email :

Friday 24 November 2017

Atelier Sculpture Request

To everybody's delight, the first Sculpture Class with a nude, will take place on 30 November from 10 - 13h!
Teacher Marie asks if people who are planning to attend, could call or text her on 06 86 85 66 09, or email via, just to make sure she has enough clay!

Pour le plus grand plaisir, la première séance de sculpture avec pose nue aura lieu le 30 novembre de 10 à 13h!
Prof Marie demande si les personnes qui vont participer, peuvent appeler ou envoyer un texto à 06 86 85 66 09, ou envoyer un email via, juste pour s'assurer qu'elle a assez d'argile!



De 10h à 13h: 
Atelier de modelage dirigée avec modèle vivant
Travail de proportions, anatomie, mouvement ...
20€ la séance

De 14h à 16h: 
Atelier de modelage supervisé
Continuité du travail du matin
Projet personnel
Proposition de finition des œuvres: patine, presentation...
15€ la sèance 
(10€ pour ceux qui sont présents le matin)

Du materiel sur place est à disposition mais chacun peut amener le sien personnel.
Marie amènerai de la terre à revendre sur place.
Les cuissons seront assurées sur place (enfournement durant l'atelier)


Unfortunately Sanjangala Lovell has informed us that she is not continuing with her Kid's classes. We are looking into alternatives and will come back to you shortly!
Have a lovely weekend

Malheureusement, Sanjangala Lovell nous a informés qu'elle ne poursuivait pas les cours pour enfants. Nous étudions des alternatives et vous reviendrons sous peu!
Passe un bon weekend

Tuesday 21 November 2017


Dear all,
Did you know there is a new sculpture class on Thursdays? Marie Boquet, well-known and interesting artist in our area teaches it On Thursday 30 November and 7 December there will be a Live Model from 10 - 13h. The model will sit in the same pose for the two sessions, and turn. This is convenient for sculptors - but drawers and painters are most welcome too!

Chers tous,
Savez-vous qu'il y a un nouveau cours de sculpture les jeudis? Marie Boquet, artiste bien connue et intéressante dans notre région, l'enseigne! Les jeudis 30 novembre et 7 décembre, il y aura un Modèle vivant de 10h à 13h. Le modèle sera assis dans la même pose pour les deux sessions, et tourner. C'est pratique pour les sculpteurs - mais les dessinateurs et les peintres sont aussi bienvenus!


De 10h à 13h:
atelier de modelage dirigée avec modèle vivant
travail de proportions, anatomie, mouvement ...
20€ la séance

De 14h à 16h:
atelier de modelage supervisé
continuité du travail du matin
projet personnel
proposition de finition des œuvres: patine, presentation...
15€ la sèance (10€ pour ceux qui sont présents le matin)

Du materiel sur place est à disposition mais chacun peut amener le sien personnel.
Marie amènerai de la terre à revendre sur place.
Les cuissons seront assurées sur place (enfournement durant l'atelier)

Monday 20 November 2017

Hangar AGM 2017

Last Wednesday 15 November, the Annual General Meeting of the Hangar took place - in the Hangar.
It was a good turnout of interested and involved Hangar members. Vice President Marijke and board member Sylvie had organised nibbles and drinks so as always, it ws also a bit of a social event - especially after the meeting. 

For those of you who missed it, here are 4 pictures that say it all. Thanks Vincent for taking them! The minutes have been sent to you by email, if you have not received them and would like a copy, mail Marina.

Highlights: We are looking for enthusiastic people who would like to invest some time on the board of favourite Art Centre. If you are interested contact one of the teachers or mail Marina.
We are specifically looking for a secretary and someone in charge of exhibitions, but in principle we would love some more 'hands' whatever they can do!
 Active participants
 The current board minus Pim (Creative Direction) from L-R: Marina Kulik (teacher), Sylvie Morlière (External Relations) Ton van Schijndel (President), Marijke Obbink (Vice President) and Wil Dekkers (Treasurer)
Discussion 😝
Former Hangar-President and honorary member Anton Dikken thanks the board and the audit committee on behalf of all members...

Friday 10 November 2017

In Memoriam Christie Robinson

It is with great sadness that we have to announce that Christie Robinson passed away on Wednesday 8 November in London where she was undergoing cancer treatment.

Her funeral will take place in London on the 27th November

Christie was a pupil of Luc Veger and one of the founders of the Hangar after his death. She was a honorary member of the association in recognition of her contribution to the start-up of the Hangar.

At work on her balcony at home

Working at the Hangar

The result of an atelier libre Thursday

For more than 10 years, Christie was a teacher at the Hangar. She was always pushing her students to higher levels, inspiring them to try new mediums – to work larger – to experiment. She was always encouraging and managed to get her students to excel.
Christie assisting Martin

Raku session with Christie at Noel's house 

Christie inspiring Marit

Christie showing Tracy 
Christie herself was an interesting and serious artist, who experimented and developed her style by working in different mediums – clay, resin, plaster, bronze – and more recently in metal.

The bull
The polar bear

Fallen angel - Bronze

Blue Lady
Driftwood and metal


Heads in plaster

Some of Christie's recent work:

All of us who knew her, have memories of her gentle personality. 
Her students remember her for everything that she taught them.
And for never giving up on a sculpture. 
She will be deeply missed. 
Our thoughts go to her family.

Thursday 9 November 2017

Workshop Creative Expression on Sunday 19 November

 On Sunday 19 November, Francesca Messina hosts another Creative Expression workshop:

The leading role in this workshop is for clay, a ancient material, malleable and transformable, capable of welcoming emotions and giving them a form. After a guided visualization you will be able to express yourself through the clay following different pieces of music.

Clay offers you the opportunity to liberate and express your creativity through a very rich and ancient sensory experience

Inscription obligatory by telephone or email.
Materials included

La Sève Créative

tél.0787693950 -

La protagoniste de cet atelier est l'argile, matière primordiale, malléable et transformable, capable d'accueillir les émotions et leur donner une forme. Après une visualisation guidée vous serez amenés à vous exprimer par le biais de l'argile suivant différents morceaux musicaux.

L'argile donnera la possibilité de libérer et exprimer votre créativité à travers une expérience sensorielle très riche et archaïque

Inscription obligatoire par téléphone ou email.
Euro 35
Matériaux fournis

La Sève Créative

tél.0787693950 -