
Sunday 17 June 2018

The 2018 Spring Trip to Vigevano Part 3

The third and last day of the Hangar Spring trip was  a great success! We took our own cars instead of the taxis and went together to the 'Mulino Di Mora Bassa' 

That was an old water mill next to a museum with the 'Machines' of Leonardo da Vinci. Most of us spent half of the morning in the museum, with our lovely guide, who explained the working of the machines to us and made us realize what a brilliant man Da Vinci must have been. A painter, an inventor, an architect, an industrial designer, a physicist - a true 'Homo Universalis'

After the museum visit we positioned ourselves around the mill - and started drawing...

...the mill and other gorgeous spots...

 We had an excellent Pizza-lunch - and can I mention that Patrick had the biggest pizza ever (it had to go through the door on its side)
And then the group resumed drawing, with unstoppable enthusiasm!

As always we discussed the work during 'the line-up, with the Nartists present...

And here is a selection of the excellent work of that day!

















 Annie I

Annie II

There are many anecdotes, great photos and  more drawings! We hope we'll soon be able to organise an evening around this trip, that I still think is one of the best we have had sofar!!

Thursday 14 June 2018

Patina Workshop on July 5th

Pour clôturer cette année de modelage au hangar, Marie propose une "journée patine",
 afin d'avoir une idée des glacis et une finition des pièces.
2 pièces à amener !
Merci de confirmer Marie de votre intérêt sur 06 86 85 66 09 ou mail

For the last 'atelier modelage' this year, Marie will organise a 'day around patinas', 
meant to give you a good feel for the use of glazes and finishing of  your pieces.
Bring 2 pieces!
If you are interested in this atelier, call or text Marie on 06 86 85 66 09 or mail to

Sunday 10 June 2018

The Hangar 2018 Springtrip Part 2

On day two of our trip, 24 May, we had to leave the hotel much earlier because of the Giro d'Italia: The bicycle race went right through Vigevano and we would not be able to cross the road to the center! So we hopped in our taxis - and drove towards the Piazza Ducale again.

This time to visit the park - with countless fabulous elements that you will see in the artwork below, plus a Footwear Museum, Frescos,  'Leonardiana', a museum dedicated to the time that Leonardo de Vinci lived in Vigevano where he, apart from working as an artist, developed all kinds of clever solutions.. More about that in the next post.

Our mission du jour was to create personal impressions of the beautiful scenery - and as you will see below, the group, without exception managed to do that! You will recognize the subject - and appreciate the variety in execution!! First the impressive tower with clock:










I think I have all the names right - 2 weeks after I saw them for the last time! If so, that is a big fat compliment for you: it means that you all have a distinct style! 
Around the park there was also a falconry, a very beautiful covered street, designed by Leonardo, gorgeous stables, an age-old tree, fountains and windows with paintings (ok, reproductions) of Leonardo - as if people were looking through them... All in all, plenty inspiration! We will organize an evening with all the photos - and here are our own artistic impressions:

 Gabi made this drawing inside the covered street - where all windows had a greae view. This one looked out on the dome...

The challenge for Anna was that the light changed completely during the day - so she constructed from what was there -and put the rythm of the shadows on the windows from memory.Well done!
 Marijke took the falconry as her subject - and worked diligently to do it justice. The light is really spot-on and it also tells another story in the foreground...

 Brenda sketched the old door in the entrance of the park. A true challenge with the perspective and the ornamented arches and pillars!

this is the foot of the age-old tree MJ chose as her subject. The result is good and honours the age of the tree! She also scored 'good luck' by saving a ladybug

Marie-Anne made this wonderful drawing of the entrance of the park, very atmospheric and mysterious

And same subject for  Chantal, from a slightly different perspective - a more sunny version, yet wonderfully delicate in expression

In the morning Leentje worked on the falconry - and was constantly surrounded by children and visitors and I have no picture of that drawing - but the afternoon she spent on the fountain, a very complicated shape with an almost impossible perspective.

 Anton drew the window-with-Leonardo-painting - and it is as if  there is really someone in 15th century outfit watching him

 Same subject for Hélène - her version in full colour - and with the same effect! Someone is watching you...

After this fantastic afternoon we went back with our taxis, had a line-up where we discussed the results, with also the 'NARTISTS' present - and everyone agreed that the work was of an amazing standard!!