
Thursday 20 December 2018

The Hangar Schedule during Xmas and New Year 2019

Nelly, Marina, Marie and Pim are giving their last classes of 2018 - Pim will give his last Acrylics this Saturday morning (22 December)... Then it will be Christmas and New Year

Pim will not teach on Monday 24 December and Monday 31 December
(His other classes will take place as usual)
Nelly starts again 8 January
Marina starts again 14 January
Marie starts again on 10 January

There will be an Atelier Expression Artistique (as well as the New Year's Receptionon Sunday 13 January. Theme: "mes souhaits pour la nouvelle année"
You will receive the regular updates in time... But for now...

Enjoy your Break!

The Hangar Board & Teachers wish you a wonderful, interesting and creative New Year!!

Saturday 8 December 2018

Multimedia workshop with Benjamin - DAY4

The topic for day 4 was stencils. And let me start out by presenting the winner (at least in my opinion) - Agnieszka. Her finished work was so dainty - and look how beautiful when framed. Well done Agnieska !!!

We were introduced to several ways to do stenciling. The first - geometric stencils. Benjamin did a demo where he started out working on a cheap canvas board. He covered the front (that is the canvas side) with masking tape. He uses the blue type which is for painters. As you can see at the top - he has drawn his design on to the tape and then he has cut out a geometric pattern.

Benjamin decided on yellow and red with orange as the colour between. On a palette he first mixed his red paint - adding a good amount of acrylic gloss and a small amount of retarder (a retarder is a substance used to slow the drying time). With a sponge roller he put the colour on a little more than a third of the pattern.(Not exactly a third - because it needs to extend in to the next colour).  

He then did the same with the yellow - starting from the opposite side. Finally he added orange in to the middle layer so thata it blended both with the yellow and the red.

Then this was left to dry. When dry - the blue masking tape was peeled off revealing the painted pattern.

On the web site: pinterest there are many example of art made with masking tape. Just take a look: PINTEREST

The second method for stenciling was to look through old magazines to find an interesting photo or picture. Benjamin had found a little superman figure in a magazine. He tore at the page and reinforced the back of the figure with blue masking tape. He the proceeded to cut out the little superman figure - very precisely. He then had a cutout figure to use in some other project and a superman stencil. He took the stencil page and attatched it to the background with masking tape (the same backgrounds that were made in the DAY 3 workshop). Final step was to use acrylic spray paint.

Below is the result after removing the stencil.

The final method that was discussed today was using a freehand drawing. Benjamin discussed several ways to design the subject. Here is the stencil he made showing a glass of water. ALl the colour is because he has used the stencil many times. To produce this he made a drawing with to two nuances - black for shade and white for light. He then cut out the dark bits - because those would be filled with colour.

And the result

So now it was up to the group to try. Once lesson quickly learnt - its never as easy as it looks when the teacher is doing it. First out a freehand drawing of a bottle made in to a stencil (this is the stencil after use)

And the result when put on to paper

Here is an ancient egyption that has beeen cut out of a magazine (and then glued on to the paper on the right)

And another masterpiece by Agnieska on last weeks backgrounds

These have been produced on last weeks backgrounds using a stencil made from a freehand drawing.

And finally Agnieskas work

and here is the stencil she made using palette paper

The group has now learned a lot of techniques to make backgrounds and to compose artwork - so now its up to the participants to use their creativity to put it all together.

Tuesday 4 December 2018

Workshop Art and Sensations - next Sunday - 9 December

 - a new Workshop by Francesca, on Sunday 9 December

This workshop will allow you to express your inner creativity by establishing a better quality of contact with your physical sensation.
Through painting and drawings, you will describe visually your perceptions of the physical sensations you have experienced.
Contact with sensativity is a strong instrument which opens greater possibilities for attaining the present moment feeling, for an increasing one's energy and for increasing one's level of attention.

Materials will be provided.

Registration is required by telephone or email.

Hours: 9: 30-12: 30
Place: Le Hangar - Arts Center - 310 chemin du Ranch - Chateauneuf de Grasse

price: 35 euro

Tel. 0787693950
email :

Monday 3 December 2018

Zentangle - an experiment in watercolours

 Michele C

Most of youu are doing it, or have done it: 'doodle'! While you are on the phone, in a meeting, having a lecture - you make simple little drawings. A very 'right half of the brain' thing, very personal and often looking surprisingly good. That doodling now has a name and a lot of official websites, classes, youtube channels and blogs!! It's called 'Zentangle': Creating beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. 
The Aquarellistas gave it their own swing: we start on a base of colour. As you can see we love doing it - and we love the results, they are so original!  It is a good thing to do when you are fed up with copying from photo's or other paintings, but don't exactly know what to do instead....

NB: if you want so see the lines and patterns in their full glory - click on the picture to make it bigger!

 Vanessa created 3 Christmas cards, the first a delightful one with zentangle baubles

Judith finished her fantastic version. It is inspiring to look at it -you keep discovering new stuff!

Katherine did an absolutely awesome job on her first zentangle set! Not finished yet, more later!

This amazing work is done by Ilse- in the real zentangle, the green is darker and more varied, but it works even without that...

Celina's zentangle feather is so delicate and dreamy... Could be a successful series...

Marie-Claire has filled her Zentangle in a much more open way. Very original, it is as if the objects float. Next one with an even thinner fineliner!

Diana's wonderful Zentangle with such interesting patterns... love it.

Saturday 1 December 2018

Multimedia workshop with Benjamin - DAY 2

Benjamin Baccarani is doing a 4-day workshop at the Hangar. 17th November was the second day.

Benjamin started with a demo of how to do a quick background using few colours. He emphasized the importance of working omn more than piece at a time.

After finishing the background he asked us to look carefully to see what we could distinguish. Could we see shapes - or maybe figures ? As a demo he outlined what he saw in his background.

Below is a quick background - what do you see ? An animal ? People sitting around a table ?

After outlining we were encouraged to fill in the shapes - or paint around them. Below you see 3 very different ways of completing the exercise.


Thursday 29 November 2018

Abstract with Pim

Every Monday evening - and alternate Monday afternoons - Pim de Jongh hosts abstract classes- the other Monday afternoons the classes are hosted by Marina Kulik.

This Monday ( 26/11) there was a small afternoon class - so that meant a lot of personal attention and guidance from Pim. Odile started her painting last time Pim hosted a class. (unfortnately no photo of the halfway work). At home she made two different versions of where she wanted to go. These you see as the small pictures on the right. They were done in A5 format. It was difficult to decided how to continue so she used some elements from both. The result you see on the left (which is a BIG canvas)  It might not be 100% finished - but that is something she will decide on in the next days.

Celina started her painting at Marina's session a week ago - you see the cool Nordic colours. But where to go from here ?

Carina Linne who was an active painter when she lived on the Côte d'Azur  once recommended using the ugliest colour possible to make the painting stand out. Not sure if the pink is the ugliest colour - but yes, the painting definately stands out.

Now the challenge is - what is up and what is down. After turning the painting round and round - the decision has been made. Then - how to frame it ? With a gold frame to bring in some warmth - or keep it cool with a silver frame. Here you see the result:

When paintings are finished it is always a challenge to start out on a new white background. Here is the start of a new painting. What will it become ? That we will see in the weeks to come.

If you would like to try out abstract acrylics you are welcome to join the class on Monday afternoons at 14:00 or the evening class at 19:00. Stop by the Hangar to get more information and to sign up. Everyone is welcome.

Monday 26 November 2018

Multimedia workshop with Benjamin - DAY3

Benjamin Baccarani is doing a 4-day workshop at the Hangar. 24th November was the third day.

The program for the day was printing. Benjamin started with a demo of how to do prints.

The first exercise was using plexiglass or normal glass. Masking tape was used to show the size of the paper. Then acrylic paint was put directly on the glass.

Using a brayer the paint was spread out on the glass. Instead of a brayer - a sponge roller or paint roller could also be used. Acrylic paint dries really quickly so Benjamin worked fast. I added "retardeur" when I did mine !

Patterns were made in the paint

The paper was pressed hard against the glass - and voila !

The result you can see above.

Benjamin went on to present several other methods. 
The next method was ever so messy. In addition to paint - Benjamin put on a lot of water,

It was very wet - and very messy. Then the paper was put on to make a print.

As Benjamin says - you have absolutely no control - sometimes it is a disaster - and sometimes something really good comes out. Its not so important because you can create dozens of these in no time.

Benjamin also talked about using colour - and about using found objects. Then it was our turn. We all worked hard - and I must say extremely productive.

Here are some examples:

I am not quite sure how this will end up - but as Benjamin said - this will all come in place next session when we make use of what we produced today.

So welcome back to the blog next week.

Saturday 24 November 2018

Watercolours / Aquarelle with Marina

Every tuesday afternoon from 14:00 to 16:30 Marina Kulik hosts a class at the Hangar. On Monday evening sje sends out an email to everyone on her mailing list announce the subject for the week. This week the mail came announcing "chess pieces". My immediate reaction was "oh no !!!!". Marina comes to class so well prepared. She brings photos of the subjects - most times she brings a still life (if possible somethig relevant to the subject).  When she has done so much work - I don't really want to disappoint her and choose my own subject (which she of course would not object to). I started researching chess pieces - old and new, as pieces for a board game and pieces with other uses (furniture as an example). I got more and more enthusiatisc and by the time I was finished researching I had several ideas.

First I had to finish last weeks asisgnment: Soap Bubbles - but then it was on to Chess Pieces.

Those that have been going to Marinas classes for a while have developped their own ways of working and their own styles. Here you can see some of the artists at work:

Marina has a blog where she posts the results of each class. For those of us that travel a lot - or only spend some months a year in the south of France, its fun to keep up with whats happening in class. Below you can see Marina in action taking photos of the work for the blog.

And if you are interested, you can take a look at the Aquarellista blog here:

If you are a COMPLETE beginner to painting - or a newcomer to watercolours - no problem. The first lessons Marina will run you through, are an introductory course teaching you the basics. We've all done it.

The class always finishes with a line-up of the work and critique / comments from Marina.