
Saturday 29 June 2019

The first Day trip to Cipières - a success!!

On Friday 28 June we had our first drawing day-trip. We went to the lovey village of Cipières,  slightly worried that it would be just too hot to sit somewhere to draw!  

Pim, René, Hélène, Chantal, Sylvia, Isabelle and Bev in action 
But Pim, Marina, Hélène, Sylvie, Yvon, Sylvia, Chantal, René, Isabelle, Brenda and Beverly went anyway and we can report that it was terrific up there in the mountains! The messages that reached us from Chateauneuf and Roquefort were that it was too hot to move, while we had a bit of wind and it was reasonably cool in the shadow! 
OK, enough about the weather 😎😎😎

 Sylvie, Brenda, Pim, René and Sylvie in action

The village of Cipières offers everything a drawer wants! Beautiful plants, quaint little streets, romantic fountains, lovely views, arcades and many interesting details.
And on top of that - not much tourism, so we more or less had all that beauty to ourselves...
The plan was to create 'loose style sketches' with a thin fineliner feltpen, with Hélènes fantastic carnet de voyage as an example, and of course all participants were welcome to give that their own direction. We set  to work and the morning results were quite impressive (see below). 
Around noon 'les mecs' were thirsty and organised a little meeting, after which we all sat ourselves to have a lovey simple yet tasty lunch

After lunch the sun had traveled and we had to look for new places to sit, and new views. And we created more. At 4 pm we packed and drove back to the Hangar, where we did 'the line-up' = talking about all the work, getting ideas and inspiration from each other, whie drinking cold water in that wonderfully air-conditioned space! Heaven!

Here is an overview (There's more of course!!) of what we sketched:

Do you like it? Are you interested maybe to participate in the next trip on Friday 19 July? Let us know via or ask Pim or Marina to put you on the list!

Thursday 27 June 2019

Tutankamen's mask, a wonderful challenge - in watercolours...

Cathie's terrific Tut
From time to time the Aquarellistas work on a project that is meant to show the different styles, the variation in colour use and composition. We do that by working on the exact same subject and see what happens. In this case it was the golden mask of 'King Tut'  of ancient Egypt, who was a pharaoh for 10 years until his death at age 19, around 1324 B.C. Very inspiring for us, this 'boy king', as you can see. 
The watercolours are amazing, all of them, with their different expressions and interpretation - yet they have the youth and beauty in common!
Same guy, different version - with a lot of character! by Vanessa.
Celina painted a part of his face and made him look so wise

Liz painted the whole mask in this slightly melancholic version

Marie-Claire gave him a more determined expression - and did wonderful work with salt and the metallic effect.

Judith created a free and symbolic version - but undeniably Tutankamen

 What a clever and serious expression does this one have. Beautifully created by Helene who decided to keep the light and stay modest with the colours

Marina went for a mild look and also took just a part of the face.

Wanna see more? Here are some 'making of' or 'before and after' pictures

Tuesday 18 June 2019

Pim, Nelly & Marina in the Chateauneuf Project

On Sunday 16 June, the Hangar  took part in 'the fête de la Trinité' of the Hangar-hometown Chateauneuf. Our members were giving painting and drawing demonstrations, while exhibiting and selling their paintings and informing the visitors about our association.

Unfortunately someone else will have to write about that, because 'we', Pim, Nelly and Marina were working from 7am - on a 10 meter long painting:

Pim had done such a lot of work in advance, including the measurements, the materials and the preliminary sketch. Nelly and I brought the coffee and around 8am we could start setting up the drawing!
The sun was shining, the mairie supplied us with straw hats, the mood was super good and we were a true well-oiled machine.

We had help from a lot of people, children and adults alike. The painting slowly progressed, We only took a break for a sandwich (and a walk around the village to cheer the members and check out the other stands).

Then from 2pm we continued without painting-helpers. With the exception of 'ou' mayor, Emmanuel Delmotte! He was delighted with what we were doing and around 3pm he came down to us and actually did his part in painting!

He first carefully made a sketch  and then coloured the Chateauneuf logo and added a funny donkey below.
 Of course the mayor also has a prominent place in our 'Fresco' as it was lovingly called by the passers-by.

Around 5.30pm we were done! Very happy with the result, quite tired and absolutely longing for a beer!

A lot of work was done to make this happen, by a lot of people, they will get all the credits they deserve in that post by someone else I mentioned above. But I've seen Ton, Patrick-1 and Patrick-2 work enormously hard, walk many kilometers and carry tons of stuff and it wouldn't have been possible without them for sure so I can't end this post without thanking them very very much!

If you weren't there and would like to see the painting 'for real', watch this space, the mairie of Chateauneuf will put it up in a public space and we will soon hear where that place is!

Here are some more pictures for you to enjoy: