
Friday 22 May 2020

The Hangar Art Music Contest: The Jury's favourites

Here are some more details about the results of our competition, as well as the Jury report.

The participating artists had 8 nationalities (French, Dutch, British, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish, Australian and German)
They worked in 6 different techniques (mixed media, acrylic, oil, watercolours, drawing and digital).

After the deadline, the teachers had the first vote and they selected 16 artworks.

Then it was the turn of 'the public'. A total of 132 votes was cast and we received votes per mail, Instagram, via Facebook comments, blog comments and then some voted by Whatsapp, text messages and phone calls. The Hangar crowd is really living in the now 😛

And after an exciting end-race, 'Dutch Swing Collega Band' by Els Bemelmans won the public vote!
The Jury had their favourites too. Have a look below - and read their comments

Marie's favourite: 'La dame blanche' par Marie-Pierre Scarton
 "En rapport au thème, jolie composition en technique mixte - Harmonie et légèreté musicale !!"

Pim's favourite:  'Let the Music Dance' by Nicolette Scouten 

"A fun and original painting with a clear line and graphic style"

Marina and Josie's favourite: 'Pandemi" Opus 1 by Anna Karin Fast
Josie: "Because of its simple colourful beauty that really captures what music would look like if we could view it."
Marina: "For me this painting represents the desperate cry and chaos that is caused by the current pandemic, and music is a means to both soothe and bring structure."

Francesca's favourite: 'Summer Guitar' by Cathie van der Stel
"What an original way of having a guitar both on the horizon and as a horizon. It is so soft and delicate"
Nelly's favourite: 'Quartet Masks' by  Eliane Cuziberto

" I love the bright colours,it is a clear image and it has a good dose of humour"

Marina Teding van Berkhoudt's favourite: 'Nocturne' by Gordon Mellor

"Beautiful contrast, well executed and a clever combination of music, comforting in times of lockdown, playing inside and not allowed to go out."

And of course the public's favourite: 'Dutch Swing College Band' by Els Bemelmans

 "It captures the warm and energetic atmosphere of the scene really well."

We look very much forward to seeing these - and all the other excellent works for real - when we have our exhibition! 

Thursday 21 May 2020

The Hangar Music contest: The Free Membership Lottery

Today, at 3pm, notary Judith Veraart – witnessed by clerks Cathie van der Stel, Sue Bateman and Marina Kulik*) performed the drawing of the lottery for the free 2020/2021 Hangar membership!

 We used a sterilized Ikea bowl with thumbnails of the images of all the participants of the contest

Folded them neatly

And then Judith (who had not participated and was therefore completely unbiased) pulled out one and it was ….

‘The Piper’ by Liz Douglas

Congratulations Liz – enjoy your free membership next year!!!
Your information is forwarded to the treasurer and the member coordinator.

*Marina, self-proclaimed experienced video editor, switched the camera off when the draw took place and recorded afterwards. So unfortunately there is no record of the above.Luckily we have the pictures 😊

Wednesday 20 May 2020

The Hangar Art Music Contest: The RESULTS

The past 10 weeks, we could not come to the Hangar, have fun and be creative together and inspire each other! It has been hard - but since today we can go their again. A good moment to present you the results of the Big Hangar Music Art Contest!

The counting is  finally finished. It was a lot of work, with people voting by mail, facebook, Instagram and the blog, and we needed to check for doubles.

Of all the excellent sent in artworks, 16 were selected by the jury (the Hangar teachers).
After that, the Hangar members could vote for one favourite.

All artworks had at least 2 votes.

A total of 132 votes was cast

We received 74 mails, 15 instagram votes, 15 Facebook comments, 2 blog comments and 24 other votes (by app, text and phone)

48 voted for a Watercolour
42 Oil
17 Mixed media
14 Drawings
11 Acrylic

OK OK OK - you want to know who won...

That was, with 26 votes, the oil painting 'Dutch Swing College band' by Els Bemelmans! Congratulations Els! We will soon get in touch to create publicity about you and your work, and of course your painting will get the best place in our in-Hangar Music-exhibition.

Ex Aequo in second place are 'La dame blanche' by Marie-Pierre Scarton and 'La Musique, c'est la Vie' by Sylvie Dargery. Right after them - 'Pandemi Opus 1' by Anna Karin Fast...

Sunday 17 May 2020


 Le Hangar ouvre à nouveau ses portes à partir du mercredi 20 mai

  Il est très important que tout le monde respecte et comprenne les règles - les voici donc à nouveau!
-          Maximum par cours : 9 membres en même temps (+ professeur).
      Les membres doivent donc impérativement s’inscrire à l’avance auprès de 
      leur professeur. 

-          Espace entre les membres/les chevalets : 1,5 mètres minimum.                               
       En cas de mauvais temps, l’intérieur du Hangar peut prendre 9 personnes
       respectant la distance obligatoire. Il ya en plus l’espace couvert à l’extérieur,
       et l’espace habituelle devant la porte d’entrée. Pas de problème donc pour garder  
       nos distances.

-          Professeur/responsable : il /elle veillera que tous les points stratégiques (poignets des portes, WC, robinets , chaises, chevalets…) seront désinfectés 3x par jour
Du savon /du gel hydro-alcoolique sera mis en place aux endroits stratégiques (robinet à l’extérieur, toilettes, lavabo cuisine…). 

-          Participants: chacun devra amener son propre matériel (peinture, pinceaux, crayons,  support, etc.), et désinfecter le chevalet sur lequel il/elle  travaille en fin d’utilisation .  Ceux enrhumés resteront évidemment à la maison.

-          Port des masques et des gants et se laver les mains fréquemment au robinet dehors/dans les toilettes :  fortement recommandé pour tous. Chacun amène son propre gel hydro-alcoolique (il y en aura aussi au Hangar).

-          Repas /boissons : il n’y aura plus aucun repas en commun. Vous pouvez amener votre snack… Il y aura du café/thé, mais le/la professeur est seul(e) à pouvoir aller dans la partie cuisine pour prendre les tasses, les mettre en machine, les remettre à leur place. 

-          Les nouvelles règles seront affichés au Hangar..  

-          Il est clair que chacun est tenu à respecter ces règles, et est responsable de sa venue et de ses actes. Ni le Hangar ni la Municipalité pourront être tenu responsable si un cas du virus devait se déclarer….


The Hangar is opening the doors again from Wednesday 20 May
 It is very important that everyone respects and understands the rules - so here they are once more!                                              

-        Maximum per course: 9 participants at the same time (+ teacher).
Participants must therefore imperatively register in advance with their teacher.   

-         Mandatory space between participants / easels: 1,5M minimum.
In case of bad weather, the inside space of the Hangar can hold 9 people respecting the mandatory distance. We also have the covered space outside and the usual outside area.  No problem therefore to keep our distances.  
-        Teachers will see to it that all strategic points are disinfected 3x per day (door handles, toilets, chairs, easels, taps, etc…)  Soap and hydro-alcoholic gel will be available in strategic places. (tap outside, toilets, kitchen…)   

-        Participants : each must bring their own material (paint, brushes, crayons,  support, etc..) and disinfect the easel that has been used at the end of the course..
Those with a cold or not feeling well will of course stay home..

-        It is strongly recommended to wear masks and gloves when necessary and to wash hands frequently on the outside tap and in the toilets.  Please bring your own hydro-alcoholic gel (there will also be some in the Hangar). 

-        Meal/drinks: no more meals in common. You can bring your own snack. There will be coffee/tea but the teacher is the only one allowed into the kitchen to get cups, put them in the machine, put them back in place… . 

-        The new rules will be on display in the Hangar.

-It is clear that everybody must obey these rules, to keep oneself and others safe. Each is responsible for coming and for their actions. Neither the Hangar nor the Municipality can be held responsible should a case of the virus declare itself.