
Thursday 30 July 2020

The Hangar Summer Schedule 2020


* Pim
will give all his classes as usual - donnera tous ses cours comme d'habitude
•    Drawing and Abstract (PM and evening) on Mondays 3,17 and 31  August
•    Dessin et abstraite (aprèm et soir) lundis 3, 17 et 31 Août
•    Acrylics on Wednesdays
•    Acrylique les mercredis
•    Acrylics  on Saturday mornings
•    Acrylique les samedis matin

* Nelly
will give her Oil class as usual on Tuesday mornings - donnera ses cours de l'huile comme d'habitude les mardis matin

* Marina K
is closed in August. No watercolours, Acrylic Experiments or Life drawing until 7 September. (more info follows)
est fermé en août. Aucune aquarelle, expérience acrylique ou dessin Modèle avant le 7 septembre. (plus d'info suit)

* Marie
Has her last sculpture class on Thursday 6 August and starts again on Thursday 10 September
A son dernier cours de sculpture le jeudi 6 août et recommence le jeudi 10 septembre

* Josie
Will start her Print Making Class again on Friday September 4th
Recommencera son cours de gravure le vendredi 4 septembre

* Marina T
Last Cold Wax and Oil class on 31 July, first on Friday 11 September
Dernier cours Cire Froide et huile le 31 juillet, premier le vendredi 11 septembre

Wednesday 29 July 2020

The last Life Class before the summer break

Every other Monday there is a life class, with a nude. In these corona times it is a bit harder, because there has to be distance, groups can not be too big and we need to wear facial masks. But we make it work and it is quite representative for how the Hangar.rolls.

Last Monday had a bit of 'Murphy's law' over it, when the proudly announced model Marie-Jo didn't show up. It took some time to find out (also models are sometimes stuck in traffic) and Marina posed for the warming up (6 poses of 1 minute). Then Marie-Jo called back to say that she was too sick to come... And Marina also posed for the second part of the warming up, while on the phone with alternative models.

'Woman on the phone' drawings by Ina and Kate

And during the slightly longer pose (woman with phone yet again 😄) we got the redeeming call from Josie that she would drop off the kids, hurry to the Hangar to be there for the long pose. Fantastic and forever in your debt Josie! In the mean time also Marie-Pierre volunteered to sit, which she did perfectly...

'Woman in stripey T-shirt and shorts' drawings by Ina and Kate

AFter that we had a lovely break outside, with Marie-Pierres fab last-session cookies, Josie arrived and we took it from there: One long pose, hard for the model, but giving us all the time in the world to observe, estimate, draw shadow and light and even have a resemblance!
Here are the results:

The life drawing class closes until September. If you are interested, put yourself on the mailing list by sending a mail to the Hangar email address
Happy Holidays!!

Wednesday 15 July 2020

The Drawing Trip to Coursegoules was a success!

In the morning of 10 July, Patrick, Kate, Brenda, René, Ina, Anna and of course Pim and Marina departed 9am sharp from Le Hangar, for a drawing day in the lovely village of Coursegoule, in the Pré-Alpes, behind Vence. It was around an hour drive, and more than worth it! So picturesque, beautiful colours, gorgeous trees, views and very nice villagers, who were al interested and a good audience...
And a wonderful restaurant Le P'tit Creux, where we had our morning coffee (thank you Patrick!!) and later our lunch, a Breton experience, new for most of us, with Galettes Sarrasin, filled with amazing goat cheese, raw ham, fresh veggies and more.Combined with healthy smoothies for some and rosé or red for others, it was a perfect lunch.

Here are some pictures of the group and then of the drawings that were created!:

The Restaurant was a lovely starting point... (The 4th picture shows Pim with his p'tit crêpe chocolat  during lunch 😀) We had a coffee and then moved to the village square ...

We sat down and, to warm up the muscles, drew several typical elements of the village, doors, the tower, and the beautiful trees

After an excellent lunch, all went back to drawing other parts of Coursegoule, the church for instance turned out to be inspiring. As you can see below:

We had a wonderful and interesting day, and as you may derive from the pictures, all participants were happy and felt that it had done them good. Pim and I are probably organising one more short trip to a lovely location nearby!
After the summer there is the 4-day autumn-trip to Castiglione del Lago in Italy,

If you wnt to come along - there is plenty of place still! Subscribe via your teachers. And watch your email...

Friday 3 July 2020

Drawing Day Trip to Coursegoules on Friday 10 July

On Friday 10 July Pim & Marina organize the first 'mini trip' of 2020!

We will go to the village of Coursegoules, where we will draw and paint subjects like the valley, the view on the village from a distance and the village itself.
Coursegoules offers many possibilities!

The trip will cost 40€ per participant, this includes all basic materials.

We'll have a lovely lunch together for which you should reserve around 20€.

If you'd like to join us, email us and you will receive a confirmation and more details.

We hope to hear from you!