
Sunday 27 September 2020

PAINTING with COLD WAX MEDIUM (Friday afternoons)

Hello all art enthusiasts on the Cote d'Azur ! I just want to tell you that on Friday afternoons there is a fun class where we work with something called cold wax medium. You can use all forms of expression - some of us paint abstracts and others more figurative. Marina (TVB) is a real master and guides us on to make real masterpieces. I just wanted to post my latest picture

And this is all the stages it went through.

If you would like to have some fun - come and join us on Fridays at 14:00 at the Hangar.

Monday 14 September 2020

The Hangar participation in the Forum des Associations Opio

 On Sunday 13 September The Forum des Associations took place in the Parc d'Opio: All Associations of our area gave 'acte de présence' and of course the Hangar was there too!

Around 10am it opened and teacher Oil and Cold Wax Marina Teding- van Berkhout, together with Print making teacher Josie Gallagher and board member/Aquarellista Judith Veraart promoted our Centre des Arts, to an interested audience.

Apart from  awesome examples of the work of their own classes, Marina and Josie had information about all the Hangar activities and examples of all classes.
There were amazing Prints created in Josie's class on Friday morning and some excellent examples of the Cold Wax oil paintings from Marina T's class on Friday afternoon,
And next to that there were sculptures, at least one very good watercolour (by Judith), oil and acrylic paintings and info on a diversity of workshops, one of them the parent-child workshop (by Josie).
If you missed it - have a look at the pictures of our stand. We will be there again next year of course!!

Saturday 12 September 2020

Four Saturday workshops for parents & children by Josie Gallagher


Our beloved Printmaking teacher Josie Gallagher offers 4 exciting workshops, on Saturday afternoons, for you and your (grand-) kid! You will learn from each others' creativity, motivate each other and create wonderful results, with a vast array of materials. 

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Workshop 1: Drawing

Saturday September 19th 2pm - 4pm

Let’s learn to observe and understand different perspectives using pencil, charcoal and ink. And let’s take a closer look at each other while learning the basics of sketching a face.


Workshop 2: Painting

Saturday October 3rd 2pm – 4pm

Let’s play with colour and express ourselves freely with paint. Learn to work together through a number of action painting activities.


Workshop 3: Printmaking

Saturday November 14th 2pm - 4pm

Discover the linocut printmaking process together. Carving, inking and printing… printmaking is a whole new way of making an image.


Workshop 4: Collage

Saturday December 12th 2pm - 4pm

Let’s look back into art history and play together. We will work together to recreate and put our own twist on all those famous works of art.

 For more info contact Josie via 07 66 69 68 44 or


Notre professeur de gravure bien-aimée Josie Gallagher propose 4 ateliers merveilleux, le samedi après-midi, pour vous et votre (petit-) enfant! Vous apprendrez de la créativité des uns et des autres, vous vous motiverez et vous créerez de merveilleux résultats, avec une vaste gamme de matériaux.


Atelier 1: Dessin

samedi 19 septembre 14h à 16h

Apprenons à observer et comprendre nos différentes perspectives en utilisant le crayon, le fusain et l’encre. Puis regardons nous de plus près en apprenant les bases du dessin de portrait.


Atelier 2: Peinture

samedi 3 octobre 14h à 16h

Jouons ensemble avec les couleurs et exprimons nous librement. Nous apprendrons à travailler ensemble à travers des activités de peinture abstraite.


Atelier 3: Gravure

samedi 14 novembre 14h à 16h

Venez découvrir ensemble la linogravure. Cette technique comprend la gravure d’une plaque, l’encrage et l’impression. C’est une procédé unique pour créer un image.


Atelier 4: Collage

samedi 12 décembre 14h à 16h

Venez explorer et vous amuser avec l’histoire de l’art. Invitation à jouer ensemble et recomposer les plus célèbres œuvres d’art.

Pour plus d'infos contactez Josie via 07 66 69 68 44 ou

Wednesday 9 September 2020

Art therapy discovery workshop

Art therapy discovery workshop

Come and experience the deep contact with yourself through your creative expression. No artistic knowledge is required.

The art therapy workshop is an environment dedicated to the expression of you own inner world through different artistique techniques : painting, drawing, collage, clay, assemblage of materials and weaving.
Guided by selected themes, you will unfold and discover your own individual creative process, experimenting with colors, shapes and materials. The workshop creates an environment of relaxation, joy, self observation and expression, encouraging each person to experience the pleasure of artistic creation, following their own intuition, meeting deep aspects of themselves.

How it works:
After an introduction on the aims of the art therapy workshop you will be invited to relax through a guided relaxation which will aid you to open to the creative work.
You will work freely according to your intuition and using the material at your disposal.
At the end of the work we will share the experience.
During the workshop we will take a break having some tea and cookies.

The participation at the workshop is free : offer what you can and what is right for you.

Adult group workshop. Reservation required, limited places.

Languages:french, italian, english

Place : Le Hangar – Centre des Arts – 310 chemin du Ranch – Chateauneuf de Gasse
Time : 9.30-12.30
Date : 20 septembre 2020

Francesca Messina – La Sève Créative
email :