
Saturday 23 October 2021

The Hangar Spring Trip to Castigliano del Lago, part 1

From 22 - 26 September, a group of Hangar artists finally drove to Umbria in Italy for the Hangar Spring Trip that was originally planned for spring 2020... Anna, Beverly, Brenda, Charlotte, Gunther, Helene, Ina, Marie-Anne, Maria,  Moira, Patrick, René and teachers Pim and Marina were to have 3 full days of undisturbed outside drawing and painting in the Italian sun!
Ton van Schijndel joined them, to make sure the partners had enough to do, on the golf course, in the wine-tasting areas and museums. We thank him for that!!!

In this post we show you the excellent drawings and paintings which were created by the participants on the first day! 

In the morning we started in Castiglione,creating drawings in pen or pencil, in order to get to know the village, the view and the surroundings. In the afternoon we continued, now with a better knowledge of what we wanted to draw, a bit of colour and some accents, as well as lots of artistic freedom!!

Here the drawings and some action pictures...:


Tired yet happy, we got together again afterwards

To enjoy a beverage and Marina's mild criticism - explained by most as 'daily compliment' 😎

To be continued!!


of course there are hundreds of pictures and movies, with lots of people in them, dancing and eating and overall silliness. They can't be in this post, but we will soon organise a Trip-reunion, where I will project them ALL on the big screen. That's going to be such fun!!!