
Wednesday 24 November 2021

The AGM (Annual General Meeting) 2021-2022


Wednesday 24 November, 6.30pm, the Hangar opened its doors to welcome the members for the AGM! It was nice and warm, there was coffee tea and cake, and  a long table for the departing Board (represented by Arie, Jan Karel and Patrick) to report about the past year, give a good financial overview and say their goodbyes.

After leaving president Jan Karel passed the baton to new president Ina Carels, he also gave her the 'Hangar Cap' - which looks great on her by the way!
Then the new board, with Ina Carels as president, Marina Kulik as vice-president and Arie van Limborgh as Treasurer, introduced themselves. 
Ina and Marina will keep their functions for one year and use that year to structure, clean up & simplify the Hangar processes and make them transferable. 
Arie 'the Financial Wizard' will not step down for the time being,will continue to do his work for at least two more years.
After the formal part, there were lovely drinks and nibbles, everything was discussed again, but now informally, with lots of laughs as well as interesting networking. We were all too busy with that to take pictures, So sorry! (yet we went home well in time for the second half of the football match of Ajax 😂 )
For more substantive information, we refer you to the minutes that will be sent to the members shortly!


Monday 22 November 2021

The Hangar Spring Trip to Castigliano del Lago, part 3

 The last day of our trip involved a lot of hard work: We asked the participants to produce a Poster, inspired by the impressions of the past 3 days...

The poster contest that followed was juried by ourselves, and a lot of impartial others. The posters were only numbered. They are fantastic, all different, original and very well executed! We are so proud of every single member of this group!!! 

Have a look, here are the results (with apologies to Bev, who created a poster in oil, on canvas, that couldn't be hung on the window with tape. And I didn't take a picture... But there is an action picture:

Really good quality - and amazing to see those different styles!! From minimal in charcoal to super detailed with watercolours to the before-mentioned oil!! Then the voting took place...

... and right after the voting we started our last, absolutely fabulous 5-course Italian meal, with music and dancing. 
Above a couple of pictures, but if you want to see everything, come to our reunion, for which you will be invited per email. 
We will have all pictures as well as movies, where you will see everyone dance (Patrick!!! Ton!!! Gonny!!!😅) and have a lot of fun!!

We congratulate Moira and Marie-Anne with their well-deserved first prize (an Aquarellista cookbook and a couple of ingredients, as well as a honorary place in the hotel) and we look forward to seeing you pop in for the reunion. (and to the next one!)

Friday 12 November 2021

The Hangar Spring Trip to Castigliano del Lago, part 2

A fantastic day on the Isola Maggiore

The previous post about the Hangar trip (scroll down if you missed it) showed the drawings and paintings that everyone created on the first day, in the village.
This second post gives an impression of that wonderful island, in the middle of the Lago Trasimeno. Everything about the island is different from the villages on the mainland, the buildings, the animals (lots of semi-tame pheasants) and the plants (Oleanders with round seed pods). The skies were blue, the temperature was exactly right, the beach was breathtaking, the boat trip there and back was amazing. 

The artwork was wonderful as well, it will be shown when we get together for a trip reunion, end of November. But here are some action photo's to give you an impression of what inspired it!

Could you all send me your best trip-pictures, via WeTransfer?
It is easy, just follow the link
(and take the 'Free - Starter Kit' option.)

If you prefer to send by email, please keep the pictures small.

As we mentioned before we will soon organise a Trip-reunion, where we will project them ALL on the big screen. That's going to be such fun!!!