
Saturday 26 March 2022

The Hangar Art Competition II

Although there are five weeks to go until the deadline of the competition, some 'ELEMENTS' artworks are already finished!! Great work Hangar Members!!

IF your artwork is finished, here's the action you take:

1. take a high resolution photo of your work, try to have no (or a neutral) background and make sure there is a good perspective.

2. take measurements (in centimeters)

3. write a piece of text about it, what is behind it, how is it related to the theme 'Elements'

 Then send an email to with:

  • The photo of your work
  • The Title
  • The dimensions
  • The technique
  • Date of creation
  • Your first and last name/artist name
  • A piece of text (max 200 words) in English or French about the artwork


Friday 18 March 2022

The Hangar Autumn Trip to Les Alpilles

Whenever possible, the Hangar teachers, often with the support of a board member, organise a trip that has as objective to observe, experience and draw. For a longer period of time, so that participants can immerse themselves in inspiration and creativity

This year we are going to draw in Les Alpilles! That means a short drive (230 km, say 2,5 hours) and getting the maximum out of our weekend. We'll stay in a beautiful village in the heart of les Alpilles Regional Natural Park: Fontvieille, which is surrounded by typical Provence nature -and chockfull of inspiration.

Below some important information - don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions!

We have chosen a 'long weekend'  from Friday 23 - Sunday 25 September. Two nights in a good hotel, rooms with a view including breakfast and dinner with a glass of wine.
Single room is 266€, Double room 424€ (in total)
The trip & péage will be max 50€ one-way so 100€ in total. (Carpooling is recommended, we'll help organizing) And then of course there's lunch, which depends on your appetite! Count on 25€ max per lunch. The teachers' fee is 100€ fixed.

We'll visit different, breathtakingly beautiful locations, starting Friday with a 'warming up' drawing session in the village. Afterwards there will always be a 'line up' to discuss the works.
Sunday we'll have the last session, the last line up and goodbye. We will work with pen, pencil, ink, watercolours and crayons.
Partners are welcome and they will find opportunities for biking, golfing, walking, cultural trips or swimming in our hotel pool.

Subscribe here to get all the Trip News*

You confirm your subscription by paying the deposit.
For a single room € 133,- and 212 € for a double
*Non-members are welcome

It is going to be an energetic and creative trip!

Monday 14 March 2022

The Hangar Art Competition!

 SEVEN WEEKS to go until the deadline of the Hangar Art Contest

A lot of Hangar members have already started, and there is plenty of time left to create a winning Artwork around the theme 'ELEMENTS'

It is great fun and rewarding for all participants because: 
There will be a lovely catalogue with your 'Elements' art and your info.
There will be a quality exhibition in a fantastic, well-known and well-visited space - in the best season!

And of course it is cool to win:
A free Hangar membership
A certificate for the top 10 artworks
A prominent place in the Catalogue
A prominent place in the Exhibition
Publicity in our own Social Media (Facebook, Insta, Hangar Website)
A dedicated Blogpost
A mention in articles in Magazines and Newspapers about the exhibition...and more...

It is all about 'honour' and will certainly give your artistic career a boost.

Don't be modest - go for the win!

End date: 30 April
Jury Vote and publication of the Top 10.
Public Vote and announcement of the winner In May
A Catalogue will be produced in June/July

We will finish with an exhibition of all works from 17 - 30 July in the Espace Culturel of Theoule sur Mer

If you need information don't hesitate to email us!

Sunday 13 March 2022

Sculpture with Marie Boquet on Thursdays

 Marie Boquet is our fantastic sculpture teacher. She has a group every Thursday, all day. The participants have all levels, from experienced to absolute beginner - and Marie helps them get the best out of themselves. A couple of weeks ago,, after 3 months of work, Lynne finished her 'Agneau', a very work-intensive sculpture of a sheep, that had to be fired and then taken out of the Kiln, an exciting event, where a lot could go wrong...

Here you see part of the group in action:

Sculpture Class
Hangar Centre d'Art
Thursdays 10h - 16h30 
25€ per atelier
Marie Boquet
06 8685 6609

Sunday 6 March 2022

Painting by Pim de Jongh NOW SOLD!!!

For all fans of Pim!
I own one of Pim's best works and I am looking for a new home for it because there is no wall big enough in my new house. It us very decorative and I am offering it for 1000€ (instalments possible!).
Seeing the current prices of Pim's work, of around 5000€, this is a very good deal!! He is by the way fine with it.
Next to an unmistakeable big signature on front and back, there is a signed deed of sale which counts as a certificat d'authenticité.

Contact me if you are interested

The work, sadly standing in my garage

Signature on the back 

Signature on the front

Decorating the wall in an interior (my old house)

The dimensions: 165 x 130 cm

Pour tous les fans de Pim !
Je possède l'une des meilleures œuvres de Pim et je dois m'en séparer car il n'y a pas de place pour elle dans ma nouvelle maison.
Il est très décoratif et je le propose au prix très réduit de 1000€. le paiement en plusieurs fois est possible
Vu le prix du travail de Pim, autour de 5000€, c'est un très bon investissement !! Il est d'ailleurs d'accord avec ça.
Outre la grande signature indéniable au recto et au verso, il y a un acte de vente signé qui vaut certificat d'authenticité.

contactez moi si vous êtes intéressé

Exhibition Marina Teding van Berkhout

From Saturday 5 until  29 March  there is a beautiful exhibition of the amazing Cold Wax paintings of our teacher Marina Teding van Berkhout, in the Mediatheque/cinema of Roquefort-les-Pins. 

We attended the well-visited and convivial vernissage, on Saturday morning. Here's an impression, and we highly recommend this show, you will experience a completely new technique, seldom seen here in France, and paintings so delicate and poetic you have to fall in love with them. Here's an impression:

Lots of Hangarians visiting, Nelly, Moira, Patrick, Pauline, Anna, Cathie, Liz and  many more
One of our favourites! For more of her work have a look at

And a wonderful article in the Nice Matin!!