
Friday 29 July 2022

The Hangar Exhibition in Theoule: A video of the artworks


For those of you who couldn't visit the Theoule Art Exhibition, we created a video of the artworks. Click the link to get a tour and enjoy the powerful creativity that the Hangar showed!
Fantastic really.

Here's the 5 minute-video!

If you want a lasting memory you can also order a Catalogue. A soft cover (100 pages) costs 30€. They will be available in September. Just write to

Manuela's lovely watercolours on the big pillar - somehow missing in the youtube movie - but here they are. 'Eau' and 'Dans l'eau'

Sunday 24 July 2022

The Opening of the Hangar Expo in Theoule-sur-Mer I

 Our Art Exhibition in Theoule is in full swing! All participants are very happy with the way their work is presented, and so are the visitors, who are pleasantly surprised about the level nnd the quality of the exhibited work. On Wednesday night, 20 July we celebrated the festive opening or 'Vernissage'. It was a fantastic happening, with around 100 visitors, amazing catering with champagne, excellent wines and amazing sushi-related canapés, created by 'Sara Private Chef'

On the way to Theoule-sur-Mer you will see a lot of Posters, Banners and Flags with the announcement of our Expo!

The mood was right when the Hangar members started to come in...
The Press was there, local and national and the expo was announced on Riviera Radio. But most important: The members and their friends and family. Everyone was so enthusiastic!

When most of the audience was present, around 6pm, we had the speeches - by our Energetic, Clever President Ina Carels, followed by the 1ere adjointe avec portefeuille de Culture and we ended with Sculpture Teacher Marie, who gave a concise explanation of the project of her class...
Former presidents, Current presidents, Mayors, Adjoints and Last but not Least: the winner of the Hangar Art Contest Judith Veraart-Heuff - who won a full year-membership, all Present on that festive evening!

If you want to own the amazing catalog, you can order the Hard Cover for 35€ and the Soft Cover for 30€. Email

More news follows - but for now, come and visit this amazing exhibition in the Espace Culturel, 9, avenue Charles Dahon in Theoule-sur-Mer


Tuesday 12 July 2022

Hangar Summer Schedule

 For your agenda's: here's an overview of the Hangar class schedules:

- last class has already been, will start again on Sunday 18 September with a workshop Art-Therapie

Marina T
last Portrait class on Monday 25 July (if enough interest) and starts again on 5 September
- she will keep you posted by email

- Last Oil class on Tuesday 26 July and she will start again on Tuesday 6 September

Marina K
- Last life class on 25 July and she will start again on Monday 19 September
- Last watercolour class on Tuesday 26 July and she will start again on Tuesday 6 September
- she will keep you posted by email

- Last Sculpture class on Thursday 28 Juillet and she will start again on Thursday 15 September.

- Last Ceramics class has already taken place, and she will start again on Friday 30 September

- 'Everything stays the same'

Sunday 10 July 2022

Short Trip to Peillon

On Friday 8 July, a group of 10 avid drawers (enthusiastic teachers Marina T and Marina K included) travelled to Peillon in 4 cars. We arrived in the beautiful little village around 10h30, had a coffee and quickly looked for a place with a view! The idea was to get to know Peillon first by creating small drawings of a couple of nice parts of the village. It was tricky with that burning sun - yet everyone found excellent cool and inspiring drawing spaces!

There was a fantastic church, and lots of  beautiful little streets - different types, lots of variation... It was a bit of a warming up, also for teachers Marina T and Marina K who passed by regularly to check out what everyone was doing, to help if needed and to bring materials. They climbed all these stairs several times!
Around 12h30 we started the absolutely magnificent lunch in the Auberge de la Madone. Highly recommended and thank you Ina for finding it!! After lunch we went back into the village and started the next project - drawing one point in the village, using simple colour tones to enhance the impression of shadow and perspective
 We continued full of inspiration and drew and painted until 5h30!! Then we discussed the results - you can see them below, with apologies for the quality of the photos, partly due to the shadows of those magnificent plane trees - and with a special mention for Beverly, who created the excellent oil painting (top-right corner)


Thursday 7 July 2022

Meet the Hangar Art Contest Winner: Judith Veraart-Heuff

After an exciting 'Battle of the Greatest', Judith Veraart won the Hangar Art contest with her watercolour 'Experiments I'. We proudly present this wonderful and original artist in the blogpost below:

 Judith Veraart-Heuff is of Dutch origin. She moved to the South of France with her husband about 25 years ago. Their three boys were born here (and in some other places in the world ), yet most of the time they lived here in the South of France as a family. Judith was mainly occupied by raising them (feeding and driving them, both a lot) and next to that managing/helping out with the two Waldorf-Steiner Kindergarten structures in the area. 

Meanwhile she graduated as a Steiner teacher and while living in the States she became a life coach at the Co-Active Training Institute.

Four years ago, Judith joined the Hangar to take watercolour lessons with Marina Kulik and Sculpture lessons with Marie Boquet. She immediately fell in love with the place and the courses offered. Although she really liked working with clay and the people in that group, she wanted to focus on one class only and finally chose to stay with watercolours.

"I like working with watercolour as it has a calming effect on me. Most of the time I work in a state of childlike wonder and love for exploration to see what is happening on the paper. I see it as a dialogue between me, the materials I use, and the themes I might be working on. Marina gives me the space to explore and find my own way."

"My paintings are the result of these ‘encounters’ as I call them.
I have always been interested in the energy behind colours and shapes, and what you can enable with it. Starting a painting, I ask myself, what colour and shape I like to work with. What is it that I need today for instance? During the process I am aware of what is going on in me and avoid ‘closing down’ the painting, in ‘becoming’ something. I keep it open to really give it time to express what wants to emerge. By not naming the picture or giving it an open name, I give the viewers the freedom to explore what is present or emerging in them. See it as an invitation. I love to hear people’s reactions, as everybody has their own perspective. 

Looking forward hearing from you."

Art reveals the hidden laws of the world, which, without art, would remain invisible.
J.W. van Goethe

The Hangar Board and the jury, as well as all those enthusiastic voters, congratulate Judith on her first prize! We hope and expect that she will continue her journey and research into light and shape, combined with her own beautiful mind. Here is some more of her interesting work and an action picture...

