
Saturday 28 January 2023

The Hangar Expo "Inspirations Américaines" is now open!

 First of all - a big thank you to the board of the Hangar! They made this happen. The Hangar is active, 'out there' and successful in all respects because of Sylvie, Imme, Celina and Thecla. They work so hard to get things done (yes, with wonderful volunteers & the teachers). Super, and much appreciated by all the members!!

It showed, on the Saturday morning. The vernissage, offered by the mairie, started at 12h30 and despite the parking difficulties of almost everyone, it was chock full of people!

There were so many visitors, the artists themselves obviously, almost all teachers, the board - yet most in numbers were the interested people from Valbonne and  environs.

The  comments I picked up were very positive!
Visitors mentioned the quality, of the artwork and also of the (renovated) Salle St Esprit. They also commented on the talent of the Hangar artists, how colourful and uplifting it was, and how original!

Others were 'proud of us', 'happily surprised' and 'amazed by the variation'. I talked to several visitors who were interested in becoming a member of such an international creative community.

During the official opening, we listened to good -and concise- speeches of the maire, M. Cesaro and our president Sylvie Morlière. And then it was time for beautiful pizza and pisaladière and wine
 It was a very good Official Opening - that is over now, but the artwork stays, until Sunday 12 February. You can come in anytime between 11am and 6pm, every day except Monday, see and enjoy all that excellent artwork for yourself and meet the artists...

Friday 27 January 2023

Getting the final touches! Friday 27th, Mixed Media Class

 Getting the final touches! 

Friday 27th, Mixed Media Class


Today we took the time to finish the paintings. Getting the final touches and refine what was necessary!

Was a perfect learning for knowing when to stop... and that sometimes by wanting to go too fast we have to do it again, then it's taking more time at the end!


We had the pleasure to welcome our new student, Glenda! Ready to discover more with Mixed Media!
(Maybe you are the next one? 😉)

That's the wonderful landscapes finished, or almost! I am really happy to see how each painting turned out, and mainly super happy of all the feedbacks of learning process I got!
Thanks to my students for being ready to learn new things and let go of mental.

 Happy to see you soon for our next class with MUSIC ! Listening to different music is totally changing our process and emotions through painting... that what we will experiment together.

For joining the class, email me to :

I will add you to the WhatsApp group to have all the info.


Valentine Costes


Tuesday 24 January 2023

Weaving together - Tisser ensemble  

Last Sunday, for a whole day Le Hangar was immersed in wool and colors. Six textile experimenter have ventured into the discovery of the ancient weaving technique. At their disposal there was a wooden loom and lots and lots of wool, threads, fabrics and various materials.

Everyone was able to express their individuality by creating original and unique woven works, as unique is each person. 

After an introduction and explanation of the materials we started to assemble the warp.

After learning how to secure weaving we finally started weaving. 

Everyone chose their own material and set to work.  

Music and hot tea accompanied us.

Time passed very quickly and some participants were ingenious to create larger textures in less time using fabrics and coarse wool.

I explained different ways of weaving and different knots, the most appreciated was the Rya knot which allows you to create nice fringes. 

I was extremely impressed by the diversity of the works produced. My intention was to give the basic notions of weaving and to let everyone's imagination run wild. So it was! 

Everyone has expressed a lot of himself through the choice of materials and colors following both a visual need and a tactile need.

The beauty of textile work lies precisely in the addition of the tactile stimulus alongside the visual one. The tactility of the materials becomes in fact a real symbolic representation of feelings and ideas.

The next atelier will take place on March 5th at le Hangar, we will learn to weave on the circular loom!

If you are interested in textile art, write to or call me at 0787693950

as I organize workshops on request.

Francesca Messina

Visual and textile artist, art therapist.

Follow me


Dimanche dernier, pendant toute une journée, Le Hangar a baigné dans la laine et les couleurs. Six experimentatrices textiles se sont aventurés à la découverte de la technique ancestrale du tissage. 

A leur disposition, il y avait un métier à tisser en bois et beaucoup, beaucoup de laine, de fils, de tissus et de divers matériaux. Chacun a pu exprimer son individualité en créant des œuvres tissées originales et uniques, comme unique est  chaque personne. 

Après une introduction et une explication des matériaux, nous avons commencé à assembler la chaîne.

Après avoir appris comment sécuriser le tissage, nous avons finalement commencé à tisser. 

Chacun choisit son matériel et se met au travail. Nous etions accompagnés de la musique et du thé chaud.

Le temps a passé très vite et certains participants ont été ingénieux pour créer des textures plus grandes en moins de temps en utilisant des tissus et de la laine plus epaisse


J'ai ensuite expliqué différentes façons de tisser et différents nœuds, le plus apprécié étant le nœud Rya qui permet de créer de jolies franges. 

J'ai été extrêmement impressionné par la diversité des œuvres produites. Mon intention était de donner les notions de base du tissage et de laisser libre cours à l'imagination de chacun. Donc c'était ça!

 Chacun s'est beaucoup exprimé à travers le choix des matières et des couleurs suivant à la fois un besoin visuel et un besoin tactile. 

La beauté du travail textile réside précisément dans l'addition du stimulus tactile au visuel. La tactilité des matériaux devient en fait une véritable représentation symbolique des sentiments et des idées.

Le prochain atelier aura lieu le 5 mars au Hangar, on apprendra à tisser sur le métier circulaire !

Si vous êtes intéressé par l'art textile, écrivez à ou appellez le 0787693950

car j'organise des ateliers sur demande. 

Francesca Messina

Artiste visuelle et textile, art therapeute


Friday 20 January 2023

Mark Making & Acrylics, let's get bold! Friday 20th, Mixed Media Class

 Mark Making & Acrylics,

Let's get bold!

Friday 20th, Mixed Media Class 


Have you already tried mark making ?

With different technics as pastels, crayons, charcoals, markers...etc ?

It was the fun new learning of the day! There are different technics you can use, and it helps a lot to understand the different tons, contrasts, lines... and even how to sketch!

Elizabeth needed first to catch up with some collage missing, and during this time Cyril started to block the shadows needed.

Susan sketched the city with charcoal and other mark making... 
Choosing a cityscape as her first topic has been an excellent and ambitious learning for her!

Then we moved to acrylics, everyone got out of their comfort zone! They all started to understand the process and how it was working all together... Depending on the temperament of each of us, it's a great learning for letting go, get more bold or being more soft for details, for example... 
As I used to say, painting is also a self discovery.
I am really glad to give you the space for it and share my knowledge with you!
Next class, we will see how to finish a painting and add the last details that making all the difference !

Want to join us? 😉


Email me with your phone number to :  

and I will add you to the WhatsApp group to get all the info about the classes coming,


can't wait to meet you! 😃


Valentine Costes

Monday 16 January 2023

Atelier "Je souhaite"


English version  at the end

Hier, 15 janvier 2023, a eu lieu l’atelier d’art thérapie dédié au souhaits pour l’année qui vient de commencer.

Cet atelier est un rendez-vous fixe depuis de nombreuses années. En janvier  nous créons une carte de vœux pour nous-mêmes en utilisant le symbolisme des images à travers le collage. 

Avant de nous consacrer à la nouvelle année, nous passons un peu de temps à revoir l'année écoulée, en la représentant visuellement à travers des couleurs et des formes pour pouvoir la laisser aller. 
Ce travail permet de réaliser ce qui compte vraiment pour nous.
L'invitation est de se laisser guider par les images plus que par notre esprit, en suivant l'intuition créatrice et notre sagesse intérieure. Le résultat est une œuvre visuelle qui parle de nous et de nos désirs nés du contact avec la partie la plus vraie de soi.

 L’atelier d'art-thérapie est un lieu où l'on peut s'exprimer librement sans jugement, permettant à notre intériorité de se révéler.
 Les ateliers ont lieu une fois par mois et sont dédiés à ceux qui veulent entreprendre un travail sur eux-mêmes à travers leurs propres ressources créatives.

Info : 



Yesterday, January 15, 2023, the art therapy workshop dedicated to wishes took place.

 This workshop has been a fixed appointment for many years. In January we create a greeting card for ourselves using the symbolism of images through collage. Before  we spend some time reviewing the past year, visually representing it through colors and shapes so we can let it go. 

This work achieves what really matters to us. The invitation is to be guided by images more than by our mind, following creative intuition and our inner wisdom. The result is a visual work that speaks of us and our desires born from contact with the truest part of ourselves. 

The art therapy workshop is a place where we can express ourselves freely without judgment, allowing our interiority to reveal itself. 

The workshops take place once a month and are dedicated to those who want to undertake a work on themselves through their own creative resources. 

Info: Tel.0787693950

New Year Reception 2023

 New Year Reception 2023

January 15th, 2023, Hangar Vows Ceremony

For this lovely moment all together, we had the honour to have Sylvie, the Hangar's president, saying a few words for this new year 2023:

        "Mr. Mayor, ladies and gentlemen honorary presidents ..... Dear Members,
It is a great pleasure to have a traditional greeting ceremony after the covid period, and I thank you for your presence.
First of all, I would like to highlight the work accomplished in just over 3 months by Celina, treasurer, who accomplished a complete overhaul of our accounting system .  Many thanks, Celina for this remarkable work.
        I do not forget Imme, Vice-President, and all the time spent ensuring the smooth running of the Hangar and Thecla, Secretary General who has just joined the Board. It is a pleasure to be surrounded by trusted colleagues on whom I can count , thank all three of you.

And now the spearhead of the Hangar, the teaching team, a range of skills, talent, who give life to what brings together all of us here in the art world.
        A warm thank you to Nelly for oil painting, Marina Kulik for watercolor, Francesca for art therapy, Marina Teding for portraiture, Pim for acrylics who unfortunately could not join us today, Marie for sculpture and last but not least Valentine , for mixed media who started mixed media classes on Friday mornings. They welcome you every week for moments of conviviality, learning and shared happiness of artistic creation that make the success of the Hangar.
We also thank all those who support us through donations.

        We started this mandate three months and 3 weeks ago, precise, with the aim of regaining the pre-Covid dynamic. We have reinstated the Café Culture that takes place every month from now. An exhibition is already planned around Fete de St Blaise in Valbonne from January 27-February 12th, and we are talking with the mayors of Grasse, Le Cannet and Antibes to prepare future exhibitions.
The traditional Spring Trips will take place in September, as last year.
        As you can see, the Hangar is in full swing and will still offer you many intense moments in 2023. I wish you, on behalf of the Board, a surprising and creative new year, which keeps you healthy and will be a succession of happiness and successes in all areas for you, your families and your loved ones!"


We thank you all for being a part of the Hangar &

Hope to see you soon to our monthly Café Culture events!




Friday 13 January 2023

 Let's collage, let's have fun ! Friday 13th Mixed Media Class

 Let's collage, let's have fun !

We've started with a right brain exercise... by drawing the person in front of us with our left hand...! We laughed a lot during the process and even more after seeing the result !

Then we started the class... Today it was about collage. We've learned how to use it for the background of a painting. For this, we took the theme "American Inspiration" for the next Hangar's exhibition.

Susan and Cyril learned quite a lot about sketching and composition, too!

During this time, Elizabeth has been really concentrated on collage... and the result is impressive !

Ready now for acrylics, mark making and other fun techniques for next Friday!