
Wednesday 19 April 2023

Hello & bonjour !

Je suis ravie de pouvoir proposer un nouveau cours au Hangar à partir du 15 mai ! ‘Les bases du dessin et de la peinture’: demandez le programme et n’hésitez pas à me contacter si vous avez des questions et/ou pour vous inscrire.

I’m very much looking forward to teaching at le Hangar ! My class starts on 15th of May and it’s about ‘basics in painting & drawing’. Please contact me for the program and to sign up for a session., 06 65 15 63 47 ;


Here is the topic of the first session ‘Drawing, proportions & dimensions’…

Voici le thème de la première séance ‘Le dessin, les proportions et dimensions’…

Wednesday 12 April 2023

 Two talented Hangar members are exhibiting in Vallauris. 

Here is a small taste of the expo:

Monday 10 April 2023

Hangar Renovation News!!

 For those who missed it: A couple of fantastic practical improvements, organised by the board, have been put into place the past week!
First of all, the cracks in the floor and the walls have been repaired - by the owner of our building! A true achievement of president Sylvie. A little bit inconvenient, some classes had to be cancelled, Marie's sculpture on Thursday, Valentine's multimedia on Friday and Marina 's life class on Monday morning. But they were happy to do that for the greater good.

The board, with volunteers took to the tasks on Wednesday afternoon. They worked very hard and perfectly cleared out the interior.

The crack is clearly visible (left) and next day the owner's made sure all was filled up with the best concrete..

Girl power! Veronique and Thecla removed all the broken and cracked tiles… Sylvie brought new ones and put them in.

The next day Celina made sure that no one would touch the still soft concrete and on Monday afternoon everything was put back into place by Sylvie...


The big Hangar sign (that was enthusiastically hammered into the trees a couple of years ago) had damaged cars because of parts sticking out, and had lately come loose in the strong winds. 

The mairie of Chateauneuf suggested to remove it and since we were there anyway, volunteer Jeroen did that for us. 

It will get a safer and better place soon. We will keep you posted on that.And last but not least, the branch that was almost falling down after the storm  is removed by a professional of the mairie..

Wonderful, our Hangar is getting better  and more structured every day!