
Tuesday 23 May 2023

Our second class in ‘Basics in Painting & Drawing’ was about PERSPECTIVE. 
Sketching the amazing Hangar space with charcoal.
Next session, on Monday 29th : light/dark 
We’ll learn to recognize values and how to do beautiful  hatchings.
You’re welcome to join the class spontaneously. Or let me know: 06 65 15 63 47. 

Le thème de notre deuxième cours ‘Les bases du dessin et de la peinture’ était la PERSPECTIVE.
Nous avons croqué le bel espace du HANGAR.
Prochain cours: le lundi de Pentecôte, 29 mai, pour le thème du clair/obscur
Reconnaitre les valeurs et apprendre à faire des belles hachures.
Vous pouvez vous joindre au groupe spontanément. Ou m’envoyer un sms: 06 65 15 63 47.

Saturday 20 May 2023


From 2 - 13 June there is a special exhibition in the Espace Culturel in Theoule, by 5 women artists from the region. They would like to cordially invite you to the vernissage, which will take place on Friday 2 June, from 6:39 pm - 8 pm.

The expo is open every day from 10h - 12h30 and 14h - 17h30

You can expect the following art:

Beautiful paintings by Marina Teding van Berkhout in her special Cold Wax technique
Hyperrealistic paintings and very original sculptures in various materials by Jo Painter
Impressionistic landscapes and surprising  (deep-) seascapes by Ina Carels
Fantastic balanced sculptures in stone, bronze and other interesting materials by Ineke Velsink
Hysterical Hippie Paintings (Mandalas and Ever Evolving) by Marina Kulik

Come and experience a colourful adventure, of high artistic quality, straight from the heart!

Tuesday 16 May 2023

Foundation Course - First Lesson

Yesterday - Monday May 15th our new teacher Märta Wydler held her first of 8 classes. The first class was all about composition and drawing - illustrating how to make a visually more exciting picture.

The first exercise for the 5 participants was a task of drawing wild flowers and artichokes.

The next Foundation session is on Monday May 22nd - and is all about perspective. If you would like to sign up for this class (you do not have to follow every session) - please send Märta a text message to 0665156347 or an email to

Sunday 14 May 2023

Busy weekend activities around The Hangar and the village

The outside of our building and space had some cleanup and reshape this weekend.

Thanks to the help of our new teachers and a few members , we managed to get a lot done.

The tree trunk next to the parking area that had been cut by the Mairie of Chateauneuf de Grasse as it was broken by the storm a month ago, turned in to an art piece. 

               before          &   after

The wooden terrace( our theater area) that was falling apart and was dangerously unusable. So we took it  down as saw that all was rotten underneath too. So we just left the canopy structure and will see what economical way we can find to make something more from it. But in the mean time it is a nice and shady spot for us all to use.

             before & after

The sign that was connected to two trees next to the road before and that was blown away by the storm too,  was succesfully put on our front side and the colorful street number sign was put on the empty  wall around the corner, making our Hangar even more visible from all sides.

At the yearly Fete d'Agriculture of Chateauneuf de Grasse which usually attracts a lot of visitors and certainly did this year, one of our new teachers distributed Hangar flyers. So hoping for some new members to join our Hangar community.

Thanks to all those that helped out.

The Hangar Board