
Thursday 21 September 2023


On Wednesday 20 September, the last Hangar drawing day trip was organized, and 12 enthusiastic drawers travelled to Cabris. They were actually quite brave, because the weather forecast was far from good! 

We arrived around 10 and quickly set up to draw the amazing landscape, the quaint little streets - and each other...

It wasn't exactly sunny, but not cold and the view was misty and wonderful. We had a fantastic time creating a lot of sketches, in everyone's personal styles and materials. The teachers (both Marinas) were over the moon with the variation of good results! [Story continues after the sketches]

Around 12.30 the first raindrops started falling - we had all brought umbrellas and raincoats and we made it, more or less dry, to the restaurant. Had a nice and reasonably priced meal, and of course wonderful chats, about art and about life. And in the meantime, the rain splashed on the roof - and then it was sunny all of a sudden - and then the rain started again. 
Four of us called it a day and went home after lunch - they had crazy storms on the way back. And the die-hards - they stayed! We found us a nice covered terrace of the local pub, with as other guests some French regulars, who stayed inside, and outside, keeping us company, a group of English Rugby enthusiasts on holiday. We drew the view from the pub, and we drew the group of guys (who were singing and telling jokes, and were delighted to be our free-of-charge models) 

 The participants who weren't there will be sorry they missed out, because we had so much fun that we actually forgot the time! It will probably be next year before we go on day trips again, but we already look forward to it. It definitely got the best out of all of the artists!



Friday 15 September 2023


The NEW CLASSES have started !

Les NOUVEAUX COURS ont commencé !

Monday/Tuesday 18th/19th the theme will be DRAWING.
You'll see that's it's much easier than one could imagine...if we use our artistic approach. We'll see that with the topic of animals.

Lundi/Mardi 18/19 septembre, le thème sera le DESSIN.
Vous allez voir qu'il est plus facile de ce qu'on peut penser, si on s'y prend avec un œil artistique ;-). On verra ça avec le sujet d'un animal.

A bientôt & see you soon ! 


Thursday 7 September 2023

                       2023-2024 Hangar Class schedule


We are delighted to share with you our new class schedule. A new class is added on Monday afternoon and Tuesday evening, next to our familiar program.

Nous sommes ravis de partager avec vous notre nouvelle horaire de cours. Une nouvelle cours a été ajoutée, le Lundi après-midi et Mardi soir, à coté de notre programme habituel.

Tuesday 5 September 2023