
Saturday 16 December 2023

  Programme de Noël & du Nouvel An

Christmas & New Year Schedule

The Board would like this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Below is the schedule for the Christmas holidays - so as you see, many opportunities to continue with your art.

Le Bureau profite de l'occasion pour vous souhaiter un Joyeux Noël et une Bonne Année. Vous trouverez ci-dessous le programme des vacances de Noël – comme vous le voyez, de nombreuses opportunités de continuer à profiter de l'art.

  • Monday 18/12:         Life drawing with Marina (if enough students)
  • Monday 18/12:         Painting all techniques with Marta
  • Monday 18/12:         Abstract with Pim
  • Tuesday 19/12:        Oil painting with Nelly
  • Tuesday 19/12:        Watercolour with Marina
  • Wednesday 20/12:   Acrylics with Pim
  • Thursday 21/12:       No classes / Pas de cours
  • Friday 22/12:            Mixed Media with Valentine
  • Saturday 23/12:        Acrylics with Pim
  • Sunday 24/12:          No classes / Pas de cours
  • Monday 25/12:         No classes / Pas de cours
  • Tuesday 26/12:        No classes / Pas de cours
  • Wednesday 27/12:   Acrylics with Pim
  • Thursday 28/12:       No classes / Pas de cours
  • Friday 29/12:            Mixed Media with Valentine
  • Saturday 30/12:        Acrylics with Pim
  • Sunday 31/12:          No classes / Pas de cours
  • Monday 01/01:         Still Life with Pim (if enough students)
  • Monday 01/01:         No classes / Pas de cours avec Marta
  • Monday 01/01:         Abstract with Pim (if enough students)
  • Tuesday 02/01:        No classes / Pas de cours
  • Wednesday 03/01:   Acrylics with Pim
  • Thursday 04/01:       Sculpture with Marie
  • Friday 05/01:            Mixed Media with Valentine
  • Saturday 06/01:        Acrylics with Pim
  • Sunday 07/01:          No classes / Pas de cours
  • Monday 08/01:         Still Life with Pim
  • Monday 08/01:         Painting all techniques with Marta
  • Monday 08/01:         Abstract with Pim
  • Tuesday 09/01:        Oil painting with Nelly
  • Tuesday 09/01:        Watercolour with Marina
  • Wednesday 10/01:   Acrylics with Pim
  • Thursday 11/01:       Sculpture with Marie
  • Friday 12/01:            Mixed Media with Valentine
  • Saturday 13/01:       Acrylics with Pim
  • Sunday 14/01::        Art Therapy with Francesca
  • Monday 15/01:         Life drawing with Marina 
  • Monday 15/01:         No classes / Pas de cours avec Marta
  • Monday 15/01:         Abstract with Pim
  • Tuesday 16/01:        Watercolour with Marina
  • Wednesday 17/01:   Acrylics with Pim
  • Thursday 18/01:       Sculpture with Marie
  • Friday 19/01:            Mixed Media with Valentine
  • Saturday 20/01:        Acrylics with Pim
  • Sunday 21/01:          New Year celebration / Vœux du Nouvel An


Friday 3 November 2023

The Hangar Spring Trip 2024 testdrive!

It is a true Hangar tradition, the Hangar Spring Trip. For the last one in 2022, we went to Les Alpilles and settled  in the lovely village of Fontvieille. We drew and painted that breathtaking area for a long weekend (Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday morning). (To see the pictures click here). Teachers Marina T and Marina K made sure everyone got the best out of their talents, and next to a great creative exercise, it was incredibly refreshing and convivial. Everybody loved the location so much that we decided right there that the next trip was going to be in the same area. So, our Chief Organiser Ina Carels researched and found a different but just as interesting place to draw and paint: Arles.

Arles is a city in the Bouches-du-Rhône, annexed to his empire by Julius Caesar in the 1st century BC. He made it the capital of Roman Provence. The town prospered and the Amphitheatre, Théâtre Antique and Thermes de Constantin were constructed (they still stand today).

As the Roman Empire collapsed during the 5th century, Arles went into decline, but large parts are still there, ready to be drawn and painted! All those monuments are inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 1981. And as you all know, Arles was also home to the painter Vincent van Gogh.

The Marinas and Ina went there last weekend to check if it was as promising as it seemed, and YES! we experienced SO much beauty, interesting sites and feelings of awe with the old Roman structures, buildings and artefacts. And on top of that, the paintings of van Gogh, who lived in Arles for some time and was quite productive there. So - if it was good for him, it will be for us and indeed there are great spots to draw and paint everywhere!

Decision made, we will go there for the 2024 Spring Trip. We have even booked a hotel and decided on the dates: 7,8 and 9 June. You can already subscribe, just let Ina or one of the Marinas know. All the details and more info are in the mail that you will receive shortly. 

We already look enormously forward to it!

Thursday 19 October 2023

La version française suit ci-dessous.

Starting today, the Hangar launches an Instagram competition amongst its members. The theme  is "SOUTH OF FRANCE LIVING andART".

We invite you to participate; do as many postings as you like, - in the form of a reel or picture (even a series of pictures). Use your Instagram account with the hashtag #artcenterhangar. The subject should in some way be connected to the theme above. Use your artistic freedom and skills combined with your social media competency, to create some outstanding posts.  The final day of the comptetion is January 15th 2024. At our 2024 New Year’s reception we will announce the winners. 

With this initiative, we hope to expand social media exposure for the Hangar, combined with a social happening in the Hangar community. We sincerely hope you will join us in this artistic initiative and are looking forward to seeing all your posts.

À partir d'aujourd'hui, le Hangar lance un concours Instagram parmi ses membres. Le thème est "L'ART ET LA VIE DANS LE SUD DE LA FRANCE".

Nous vous invitons à participer; faites autant de publications que vous le souhaitez, - sous la forme d'un reel ou d'une image (même une série d'images). Utilisez votre compte Instagram avec le hashtag #artcenterhangar. Le sujet doit d’une manière ou d’une autre être lié au thème ci-dessus. Utilisez votre liberté et vos compétences artistiques, combinées à vos compétences en matière de médias sociaux, pour créer des publications exceptionnelles. Le dernier jour du concours est le 15 janvier 2024. Lors de notre réception du Nouvel An 2024, nous annoncerons les gagnants.

Avec cette initiative, nous espérons étendre la visibilité du Hangar sur les réseaux sociaux, combinée à un événement social dans la communauté du Hangar. Nous espérons sincèrement que vous nous rejoindrez dans cette initiative artistique et sommes impatients de voir tous vos messages.

Sunday 15 October 2023


    and house rules now  /
on a des nouvelles statutes et règles de fonctionnement

OUR  ANNUAL  General Meeting that took place last Friday evening, was a very productive one .

The atmosphere was good, the
 Board's President gave an extensive overview of what has been done this year and what the board has planned to do more this coming year.
Main things that were mentioned are the website update, more attention to internet marketing, beside our standard program.
This coming spring , the Hangar art trip will be back too!
The president thanked all volunteers.

A clear and transparent financial overview was given
 and the budget was agreed on.

The vice- president then explained the necessity of the update of our statutes that originated from 1999, the year that our association was founded, and the implementation of house rules.

They will be available at the hangar .

The board continues without Thecla Brand , she was thanked for her great help.

There was time for questions and ideas were exchanged about better visibility of the Hangar.
 The board can not do this all on its own. 
So please , if you have a bit of time and want to help our great community continue to flourish......please let the board know.

en fr:

We then ended with a drink and a nibble together.

 Merci beaucoup 
the Hangar Board


Thursday 21 September 2023


On Wednesday 20 September, the last Hangar drawing day trip was organized, and 12 enthusiastic drawers travelled to Cabris. They were actually quite brave, because the weather forecast was far from good! 

We arrived around 10 and quickly set up to draw the amazing landscape, the quaint little streets - and each other...

It wasn't exactly sunny, but not cold and the view was misty and wonderful. We had a fantastic time creating a lot of sketches, in everyone's personal styles and materials. The teachers (both Marinas) were over the moon with the variation of good results! [Story continues after the sketches]

Around 12.30 the first raindrops started falling - we had all brought umbrellas and raincoats and we made it, more or less dry, to the restaurant. Had a nice and reasonably priced meal, and of course wonderful chats, about art and about life. And in the meantime, the rain splashed on the roof - and then it was sunny all of a sudden - and then the rain started again. 
Four of us called it a day and went home after lunch - they had crazy storms on the way back. And the die-hards - they stayed! We found us a nice covered terrace of the local pub, with as other guests some French regulars, who stayed inside, and outside, keeping us company, a group of English Rugby enthusiasts on holiday. We drew the view from the pub, and we drew the group of guys (who were singing and telling jokes, and were delighted to be our free-of-charge models) 

 The participants who weren't there will be sorry they missed out, because we had so much fun that we actually forgot the time! It will probably be next year before we go on day trips again, but we already look forward to it. It definitely got the best out of all of the artists!



Friday 15 September 2023


The NEW CLASSES have started !

Les NOUVEAUX COURS ont commencé !

Monday/Tuesday 18th/19th the theme will be DRAWING.
You'll see that's it's much easier than one could imagine...if we use our artistic approach. We'll see that with the topic of animals.

Lundi/Mardi 18/19 septembre, le thème sera le DESSIN.
Vous allez voir qu'il est plus facile de ce qu'on peut penser, si on s'y prend avec un œil artistique ;-). On verra ça avec le sujet d'un animal.

A bientôt & see you soon ! 


Thursday 7 September 2023

                       2023-2024 Hangar Class schedule


We are delighted to share with you our new class schedule. A new class is added on Monday afternoon and Tuesday evening, next to our familiar program.

Nous sommes ravis de partager avec vous notre nouvelle horaire de cours. Une nouvelle cours a été ajoutée, le Lundi après-midi et Mardi soir, à coté de notre programme habituel.

Tuesday 5 September 2023

Tuesday 29 August 2023

Recent Painting Pim de Jongh


For all fans of Pim! 

One of Pim's best works (2019, untitled) is looking for a new home! 

Very decorative, with the unmistakeable big signature on front and back, it is on offer for only 1150€.

Knowing the current prices of Pim's work, 3000 - 5000€, this is a very good deal!!

To grab this opportunity or for more information email Ina Carels

The size is 130 x 130 cm

Pour tous les vrais fans de Pim !

L'une des meilleures œuvres de Pim (2019, sans titre) est à la recherche d'une nouvelle maison ! 

Très décoratif, avec l'incontournable grande signature devant et derrière, il est proposé à seulement 1150€.

Vu les prix actuels du travail de Pim,  de 3000 - 5000 €, c'est une très bonne affaire !!

Pour saisir cette opportunité ou obtenir plus d'informations envoyez un e-mail à Ina Carels

Monday 17 July 2023



Monday morning:
  • Pim de Jongh - drawing - finished for this academic year. Restarts with new content on September 4th
  • Marina Kulik  – life drawing - stops in August + restarts September 11th
Monday afternoon:
  • Märta Wydler - all techniques - finished for this academic year. Restarts September 11th
Monday evening:
  • Pim de Jongh - abstract acrylics - xx ???
Tuesday morning:
  • Nelly van Hijfte - Oil painting last lesson July 25th, first lesson September 5th
Tuesday afternoon:
  • Marina Kulik - Watercolour painting - Marina will be on holiday in August, but the class continues with Märta Wydler replacing her
Tuesday evening:
  • Märta Wydler - all techniques -New class starting September 12th. For inscription contact or 0665156347

  • Pim de Jongh - Acrylics - continues all summer
  • Marie Boquet - Sculpture last lesson July 27th, first lesson September 14th
Friday morning:
  • Valentine Costes - Mixed media - will continue as long as someone would like to go to classes. Please let Valentine know if you are coming. You can contact her on or 0685495183

Saturday morning:
  • Pim de Jongh - Acrylics - continues all summer
Saturday afternoon:
  • Marie Boquet - Live model last lesson July 22nd
  • Francesca Messina - Art Therapy - no classes in July & August
Lundi matin:
  • Pim de Jongh - - dessin - terminé pour cette année académique. Redémarre avec un nouveau contenu le 4 septembre.
  • Marina Kulik  – dessin modele vivant- s'arrête en août + redémarre le 11 septembre
Lundi après-midi:
  • Märta Wydler - toutes techniques - terminée pour cette année académique. Redémarre le 11 septembre
Lundi soir:
  • Pim de Jongh - acryliques abstraites - xx ???
Mardi matin:
  • Nelly van Hijfte- Peinture à l'huile dernier cours le 25 juillet, premier cours le 5 septembre
Mardi après-midi:
  • Marina Kulik - Peinture à l'aquarelle - Marina sera en vacances en août, mais le cours continue avec Märta Wydler la remplaçant
Mardi soir:
  • Märta Wydler - toutes techniques -Nouveau cours à partir du 12 septembre. Pour inscription contactez ou 0665156347
  • Pim de Jongh - Acryliques - continue tout l'été
  • Marie Boquet - Sculpture dernier cours le 27 juillet, premier cours le 14 septembre
Vendredi matin:
  • Valentine Costes - - Techniques mixtes - continuera tant que quelqu'un aura envie d'aller en cours. Merci de prévenir Valentine si vous venez. Vous pouvez la contacter sur ou 0685495183
Samedi matin:
  • Pim de Jongh - Acryliques - continue tout l'été
Samedi après-midi:
  • Marie Boquet - Modèle vivant dernier cours le 22 juillet
  • Francesca Messina - Art-thérapie - pas de cours en juillet et août

Wednesday 12 July 2023

Summer Party at the Hangar, weekend of 8 & 9 July

It was a big succes;                                                  ( text en francais en bas)

Organised by the teachers and the board, with help and donations of many members, visited by around 200 members, friends and visitor, hopefully future members.

It was a new concept of enjoying this Hangar year's end with an in-house exposition, an open house to show our great community and atmosphere combined with animation and a Tombola with great prizes.

At the end of the day everything was taken down and brought back in to the state as it was before, as nothing had be ready for a new week of art classes. Good show of The Hangar Spirit 
                                                        Great job and thanks to all the helpers.

Organisé par le conseil d'administration et les enseignantes, avec donnes et aides de plusieurs membres ,
La fete est visités par 200 membres, familles et visiteurs ( des membres potentiel)
les mots de notre Presidente:

Wednesday 5 July 2023

Hangar Painting and Drawing trip to Seillans II

On Wednesday 28 June, 9 enthusiastic drawers & painters drove to beautiful Seillans with a minimum of cars, to enjoy a creative 'plein air' day!

Everyone agreed it was a great success, Seillans is a one-hour drive from the Hangar...

and it has so many beautiful spots...

we could be there for a week and still have plenty of inspiration...

We managed to have a fabulous and convivial lunch for under 20€ in Le Maquis - and then went on drawing and painting. Here are some results:

And just in: Bev's awesome Oil Painting (all finished!) :

Saturday 24 June 2023

Watercolors & OIL - Aquarelle & HUILE

Our last two Mondays will be about the specificities of watercolor painting (Monday 26th) and oil painting (3rd July): experiment a total different feel to material and texture !
The Monday class will continue after the summer break (11th September) as a new module: all techniques & topics; all levels. The same kind of class will take place on Tuesday evenings (starting 12th September).

Ces deux dernières séances portent sur les spécificités et techniques de l'aquarelle (26 juin) et la peinture à l'huile (3 juillet): expérimentez un ressenti complètement différent de texture et matériau.
A la rentrée (11septembre) ce cours des lundis après-midi ce transformera à un cours de toutes techniques et sujets; tous niveaux. En plus j'animerai le même genre de cours les mardis soirs (à partir du 12 septembre).