
Tuesday 16 November 2010

Le Hangar in Chateauneuf

This is the first post in a blog that will ultimately be your extra source of news and updates and just fun information about everything that goes on in that big ole Hangar building in Chateauneuf de Grasse in the South of France... The Hangar community is a group of around 100 artists, professionals and amateurs who love art, painting and sculpting, get together on a regular basis and create all kinds of great things, develop their abilities and skills for painting and sculpting.
There are four teachers: Pim de Jongh, he teaches acrylic painting and drawing, Nelly van Hijfte who teaches oil painting, Christie Robinson who teaches sculpture and Marina Kulik (yours truly) who teaches model drawing, portrait drawing and aquarelle. All four are professional artists and you can have a look at their respective websites by clicking on their names in the comlumn on the right...
We hope to bring you reports of the classes, their artists, the teachers, cafés culture, parties, especially great lunches, exhibitions and events as well as results from classes! This blog will be open for everyone, and I welcome you to contribute...Contact me if you are interested to write posts!

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