
Monday 30 May 2011

Aquarelle Tuesdays, 2 - 4.30pm - Marina Kulik

Portrait by Edith Alborni
Although the quality of the work was high, the picture above was the sure winner of last Tuesday! Do you see how stunning the light (=the white of the paper) is. That's very difficult to plan, well done! And also a big compliment for the folds and shadows, the proportions and the hair... In not more than a couple of weeks Edith has become a true aquarellista, with her own ideas and way of working! I'm content and look forward to more work from her...
Sea view by Ann Edwards

Ann painted two sea views - one that you can see above, a nice balance with wet-in-wet and wet-on-dry painting, and also she finished (in less than half an hour) 'Venice' after Turner, excellent practice for working quickly, with wet brushes that give clear, determined rims when dry, and it worked out very well - but I managed to blur the photo, so I owe you that one, I guess I'll keep it for a whole series of Turner-inspired paintings, as Cathie van der Stel is also working on one (blurred too, so sorry!) that looks very cool and light and interesting.
Aquarellista Marina Teding van Berkhout joined us and worked on a super aquarelle of a french window with Italian shutters, wash hanging outside and strong shadows within the theme 'Le Village' for our expo in September. And I didn't take a picture - so next time, when it is finished!
Lies Timmermans, Hélène van der Kroft and Brenda Moorehouse worked on the 'roses without thorns' for the Grand Prix d'aquarelle and I can't show you what they created because the work for the Grand Prix must be new and never shown! but I can assure you that especially Brenda is working on something spectacularly beautiful...
And then last but not least, Hélène van der Kroft (apart from a couple of roses) made a postcard for the Summer Fête that I like a lot (and that can be won on 19 June):

Cat licking paw - by Hélène van der Kroft

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