
Friday 20 May 2011

Friday with Christie at the Hangar

Christie Robinson organizes the "atelier libre" every Friday - this includes contacting a model, making sure that there is extra clay for those that don't bring their own, putting on the heating in the cold season - and often doing a spot of tidying before the session starts at 10 o'clock. The morning is primarily for those doing sculpture - but is there is room enough artists who would like to draw can join the class.

Here you see her with her interpretation of today's model.

The afternoon session is a class in all variations of modelling. This semester most of the "students" started out indoors with clay. Some, like Titia Buter, have been working on figurative subjects. Her you see her working on her dog.

Sam Watson has previously made a whole series of heads in clay. For the last month or so she has been working outdoors on some big sculptures in plaster.

Irene has worked in clay most of the semester and finally finished off her owl which has been put in the shelf to dry. Irene has now started off with her first sculpture in plaster. The first hours were spent getting the metal and wire in the correct shape. Very tiring work because one sees so little progress. Afterwards the fun started when the plaster could be put on the wire frame.

Anne Beaurin has worked on abstract sculptures all semester, taking her inspiration from nature. Here she has been inspired by shells and has produced a beautiful sculpture in white clay. Today's session was spent applying colour so as to finish of the artwork.

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