
Wednesday 18 May 2011

Hangar Spring Trip II

(click on the pictures for full screen versions)
The Trip Affiche designed by Marij van Schijndel

On Thursday 12 May the 16 artists (and 2 profs) woke up and had their excellent first breakfast in the Chateau Aiguefonde... 9.30 sharp they departed in the direction of Brassac, to draw the 'long perspective' along the river l'Agout with its interesting bridges, that Pim and Gonny had discovered during their exploring trip... It wasn't warm to say the least and especially windy under the bridge...

The impressive town hall & postoffice building across the river 
- pen drawing by Horst Timmermans

Luckily we could warm up during an excellent lunch in the nearby restaurant, with sausages & lentils or penne & cheese, wine and lots of discussion, fun and jokes - all about art of course -  and in the meantime... the sun returned!  

The houses across the river
- pen and washed ink by Karin Geurtsen

 Back in the Chateau some couldn't help themselves and kept working on their drawings...

 Evaluation of the first day creations

 By the way: to see all the work, come to the 'Trip Post Mortem' Café Culture, date to be announced!

And the first day was finalized with another fantastic dinner cooked by chef (and Seigneur du Chateau) Paul de Vilder... Between the courses, the schedule for day two was announced, as well as the first outlines of the Great Poster Contest and former Hangar president Anton Dikken led us all in singing the 'SO LA LA LA LA LA' song ('Everything' by Michael Bublé).
Hear the song - and you'll think of the trip!!!

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