
Monday 11 June 2012

Aquarelle Tuesday 5 June, 2 - 4.30pm

Onions & Irises, Volume & a Falcon

The 5th of June was the first Tuesday this year that we all agreed that it was better outside than inside... We were sitting underneath a roof of fresh green leaves from the trees on the Hangar terrain, the sun was hot and bright but we didn't feel it, it was just right, not too cool not too hot! And the tea was great as always. The weather inspired many to work on new subjects - while others were working on the cover of Chris France's new book. This means that we don't have much to show for yet, as the book cover needs to be judged and therefore is still top secret and most of the new subjects are not yet in a stage that we would like to show  it to you! They will be the 'before and after' images for next week...
However - there is one that, although not finished, is already looking mighty fine:

Onions & garlic by Brigitte Jansen

 Georgie worked on a commission, a friend who saw the iris she had painted last week for mothersday, immediately commissioned her for a 'male' version... Here's the result:
Fathers' Day Iris by Georgina Hole

There was only one starter present - Rose-Marie. She worked on her volume exercise and discovered the power of shadow, and the difference between a smooth and hard transition (as in the blue resp. yellow stripes). Also the shadows she put underneath the whole object give it a clear volume. Well done and that's enough, on to the spheres...
Patterns and shadows to show volume in objects by Rose-Marie Duclos

The stunning picture of a falcon is painted by Edith. She created it as a gift for her son's birthday and it is really very well done! You can appreciate the detail even more if you enlarge the picture (by clicking on it...)
Blue Falcon by Edith Alborni

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