
Saturday 11 May 2013

Yet another productive Friday at the Atelier Libre

It's incredible how fast time flies when the weather is good. There is so much to do in the garden - and most of us have friends visiting. Still, some of us find time to go up to the Hangar for the Friday Atelier Libre.

Christie is trying out a new mix for outdoor sculptures. Here you see a little man in progress - he will now stay outdoors in the wind and rain to see how he stands up.

Is this a slug, a sea urchin or a sea anenome ? Time will show.

Anne at work

Tatiana and a model of her dog
Celina worked on her large abstract

Last week John made the metal framework for his bird in flight. This week the sculpture is beginning to take shape.
And of course we enjoyed a lovely outdoor summer lunch.
If you would like to come along to an atelier libre, you are more than welcome. Send an email to to let us know that you are coming.

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