
Tuesday 18 June 2013

Drawing in Nature with Pim de Jongh

Every other Monday, Pim de Jongh takes his drawing group on a small trip in the neighbourhood of the Hangar, for a couple of lovely hours of drawing in nature. The group uses different materials and there are all kinds of interesting themes, from perspective to lighting and contrast...
This class is just as essential as the live model class, and always very rewarding for all participants!
Last Monday the challenge du jour was "to make a drawing of nature, in pencil, with a high contrast…". The group (only 3) went to 'Notre Dame du Brusc and Drew the old olive tress with the ruins in the background. Behold the results...

Feel like joining the group? Drop Marina an email and she will add you to the mailinglist, that way you get a weekly update on what the plans are...

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