
Monday 2 December 2013

Aquarelle, Tuesdays 2 - 4.30 with Marina Kulik

Last week Tuesday started out with a bit of bad luck: my printer absolutely refused to do it's job (printing!) and after trying everything I gave up. Which meant that I could not bring examples of the subject that I had in mind 'monochrome painting with aquarelle'...
I will retry next time - but anyway, there were ipads in the room and two heroes still gave it a try and boy, did that work out!!
Above you see Agnès's interpretation - as always with a hidden extra that makes you smile, and below is Nusch's result - very good use of the long strong shadows!

And the other aquarellistas worked on their ongoing projects - Here's why I always come home with more energy than I had when I left:
 'Africa' by Edith
'Gorilla mum' by Orjan - within his hair project. A great job! What a fluffy animal ☺
Work in progress by Sandra. Already SO good... it really catches the moment!
Christiane embarked on a 'paint water' project. Here's a choppy sea for you!
 'Ice crystals' by Edith, now finished - click the picture to check out the marvelous effect of salt...

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