
Thursday 12 December 2013

Sculpture & Ceramics with Christie on Thursdays

People work on very different subjects - but after Christmas the focus will be on the upcoming exhibition in Theoule. Below you can get an idea of what has been going on the last couple of weeks.

Martin starting out two weeks ago
The brains were taken out, the head was sewn on and the hair put in place. Ready for the drying phase.

Christie and Tracy working on "the Hare"

John and Anne making the structure for Anne's next creation
And once again we have done a firing and have emptied the kiln. Look what was inside:
Tracy's fish plaque
The plaque has been glazed with a grey/black effect glaze. The orange fish have under-glaze and a transparent satiné top glaze.

Celina's abstract penguins
 The penguins have been glazed with a matt effect glaze from Ceradel. They turned out nicely - especially the black penguin.

 The couple above have been made in red clay and afterwards fired with a whitish-green effect glaze. The result was OK - but it would have been better in white clay.
Celina has been testing out different glazing methods - spraying, dipping and painting with a brush.  All methods work - but the conclusion is that it depends on the actual glaze and the piece you are working on.

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