
Tuesday 25 February 2014

Tanja Baretta - Paying our respects

The cremation next Thursday will be a private ceremony. After the ceremony, Tanja's ashes will be scattered over her favourite grounds.

Please send no flowers - condoleance cards will be most welcome.

Pieter's  address
14 chemin du Saut
06650 OPIO

Within the next 4 to 6 weeks the Hangar, together with the family, will organise a get-together in honour of Tanja.

We wish Pieter and the family great strength.
May Tanja rest in peace. We were all very fond of her.

Monday 24 February 2014

In Memoriam Tanja Baretta

22 February 2014
It is with deep sadness that we advise you that a long-time member of the Hangar, Tanja Baretta, passed away last night. We send our sincere condolences to her husband Pieter and family and wish them much strength during this sad time.

The funeral will take place on Thursday, February 27 more details will follow soon

Tanja was an active, talented and highly-appreciated member of the Hangar. Her enthusiasm for sculpture and acrylic painting greatly contributed to the studio and she will be deeply missed by her many friends here.

Le 22 février 2014
C’est avec une grande tristesse que nous vous prévenons du décès hier soir de Tanja Baretta, un membre du Hangar depuis de nombreuses années. Nous présentons nos condoléances les plus sincères à son mari Pieter et à sa famille, et nous leur transmettons beaucoup de force pendant cette période de tristesse.

Les obsèques auront lieu jeudi le 27 février. SVP, regardez le blog pour plus de détails

Tanja était un membre actif au Hangar, plein de talent et elle etait très appreciée. Son entousiasme pour la sculpture et la peinture acrylique ont beaucoup contribué au Hangar et sa présence sera manquer cruellement par ses amis nombreux ici.

Aquarelle Watercolours - on Tuesdays, from 2 - 4.30pm with Marina Kulik

work in progress by Nusch...masking fluid still on...
Masks and more II
 We were with a small group Tuesday - and that meant plenty of verveine tea, lots of cookies and personal attention for everyone... Nusch and Agnès were the only two who felt like working on masks - and they both did impressive jobs. Agnès finished hers:
 Agnès created a watercolour with a 'real story' behind it...It wasn't there in the previous versions but now (to me) there's innocence in the middle and jealousy on the sides... do you agree?  
Anna-Karin has been working on these flowers for a long time. The 'mosaic' style allows her to work in small parts. But now she has al-most finished (one detail on the leaves in the flower right). I absolutely love it!
Edith also loosely painted some flowers - she was actually 'working for the bin' but it has such great elements. In the light on the flowers, the tiny flower down under and the speck of light between the yellow and red flower on the right...

Constanza was very much interested in the effect of 'cling film' and after she had found her subject, she set to work on this amazing sphere! What a mysterious painting it has become...very well done!

Edith also gave the sphere a try, in Jean Haines style, she really does her best to work for the bin - but to no avail, this cannot be thrown out, it is just too good!

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Palette Knife Workshop on 14 ♥ February

Brenda Malley  was the teacher for an excellent workshop of palette knife techniques, using oils or acrylics.  She spent the first hour developing a seascape to demonstrate her methods and then 10 students set to work.  The results were all very different but everyone progressed through the day and really enjoyed the experience.  The first four photos are of  Brenda at work followed by the paintings that Sylvette, Jacqueline, Pauline, Gabi, Maarit, Orjan,  Charmian, Claudie, Christiane and Dominique produced  during the day.

There will be another workshop on Friday 14th March with one or two spaces still available so sign up now.


Live Drawing - alternate Monday mornings with Marina

Charmian - drawing with regular graphite pencil
Every other Monday morning, we have a live nude model in the Hangar. We draw all morning, with different materials and in very different styles. Live drawing is difficult - it involves motion and emotion and knowledge of anatomy and all of that is very good for you! As all participants will agree. Last Monday Brigitte modeled for us, and here are a coule of pictures - not the best, I took them with my phone, but it will give you an idea of what we're doing. Somehow the pictures of Christiane and Bernard (which were so GOOD!) have disappeared - I will make up for that next time...
Kyria made a lot of very quick, big sketches. With charcoal

This drawing by Pauline is created with white pencil on black paper

Betty's version was created with an all-graphite stick

The artist at work: Neville with pencil on canvas-paper

Claudie worked on black paper with white crayon
Our next session will be on March the 3d! You are invited to come and to try it out - basic materials and the model are included in the class-fee of 18€. If you would like to join, drop Marina an email (via the hangar website) or comment below for more info!

Monday 17 February 2014

Aquarelle - Tuesdays from 2 - 4.30pm with Marina Kulik

Masks & More...
Agnès brought an antique mask that she painted from 3 sides - and didn't it look great on her!! 
For our Zen Aquarelle Afternoon, I had suggested to paint 'masks' last time - inspired by the carnival in Nice that's taking place these weeks...
Agnès's Mask, sticking it's tongue out, from 3 angles (to be finished next time)

Orjan created this one - very much in the loose, wet style of the past weeks

 And Sandra's mask of course has an original take on the subject
Some of us weren't there last week and they really wanted to do all the subjects of the Jean Haines project. Several Very Dynamic Race Horses, a loosely painted portrait of a man and some spring flowers were the result!




Sunday 16 February 2014

Drawing on Monday morning with Pim de Jongh

Like every other Monday, Pim welcomed the drawing enthusiasts, with coffee, croissants and yet another great still life! Monday's group had to draw this with pencil and was allowed one colour for added effect... Below the impressive results, of Lucia and Betty!!

The next still life class will be on Monday 24 Februari! Note it in your agendas!Doors open from 9.30 am...

Monday 10 February 2014

Aquarelle watercolours - Tuesdays 2 - 4.30 with Marina Kulik

Working in the style of Jean Haines part 3:

Old men & Roses

In the last part of the DVD that we watched last week, Jean explains how she paints roses. Although we all more or less agreed that her method does not bring out the 'sharpness' of a rose too well, we still loved the experiment and as you can see, it worked out fine! A good tip is actually to always use the colour of the flower in the foliage - and we added light by leaving parts white.

Another subject that Jean demonstrated, was how to - very wet- paint a quick and spontaneous portrait, using the background to bring it out. Ears turned out to be quite important, and background...


Constanza -  ear and profile are spot on, using just a couple of drops of paint!
It was nice while it lasted, and we learned a lot from this way of working! I am sure some of us are going to incorporate more water and flowing in their paintings!

Monday 3 February 2014

Aquarelle Tuesdays from 2 - 4.30 with Marina Kulik

Dogs & Horses
Having seen the second part of Jean Haines' 'Amazing Ways with Watercolours', the Aquarellistas have been working in her style again last week. And not only that, we did it with her subjects. The first one was great for all: An old English sheep dog (or similar breed) - meant to express emotion. 
The other one, 'horse racing', to express action, didn't appeal as much. But if you see the results you will probably agree (as did most afterwards) that it is in fact a great, inspiring, vibrant and active subject!
First some of the dogs, number one by Orjan, who stopped the exact right moment (and then happily created 3 versions of the horses) :


And here are some of the horse-racing action paintings! Note how the posture of the jockeys tells you a lot about the speed!

This Tuesday we'll watch the last part! And again paint 'for the bin (NOT) in this very loose, very watery and daring style, turning the paper around,  keeping an eye on the 'diagonals' and corners...