
Monday 24 February 2014

In Memoriam Tanja Baretta

22 February 2014
It is with deep sadness that we advise you that a long-time member of the Hangar, Tanja Baretta, passed away last night. We send our sincere condolences to her husband Pieter and family and wish them much strength during this sad time.

The funeral will take place on Thursday, February 27 more details will follow soon

Tanja was an active, talented and highly-appreciated member of the Hangar. Her enthusiasm for sculpture and acrylic painting greatly contributed to the studio and she will be deeply missed by her many friends here.

Le 22 février 2014
C’est avec une grande tristesse que nous vous prévenons du décès hier soir de Tanja Baretta, un membre du Hangar depuis de nombreuses années. Nous présentons nos condoléances les plus sincères à son mari Pieter et à sa famille, et nous leur transmettons beaucoup de force pendant cette période de tristesse.

Les obsèques auront lieu jeudi le 27 février. SVP, regardez le blog pour plus de détails

Tanja était un membre actif au Hangar, plein de talent et elle etait très appreciée. Son entousiasme pour la sculpture et la peinture acrylique ont beaucoup contribué au Hangar et sa présence sera manquer cruellement par ses amis nombreux ici.


  1. On behalf of Piet Baretta and my family, thank you for your kind words. Having grown up with a mother who was a sculptress, you can understand my astonishment when she took up painting when she was in her late 80s. She always drew very well, but the fact that she made this rather dramatic switch to a totally different discipline, and found her own style in record time, will never cease to amaze me. About the funeral: Tanja will be cremated, and her ashes will be scattered in a private family ceremony. I would like to ask those who know Piet to please keep an eye on him, since we will be returning to the US very soon. Thank you all for providing my mother with the artistic environment that she craved. Paul Wolbers

    1. Thank you Paul - we wish you and the family all the strength you need and we will keep an eye on Pieter.
