
Friday 23 January 2015

the Oil and Aquarelle Group New Years lunch

A blogpost meant to be a memory if you were there - and to see what you missed if you weren't... And of course to show off to the others ☺

On Tuesday 20 January we parked super-efficient and finished oil-painting 12 sharp: we had a lot of people coming and a lunch to prepare... Everyone made a dish and O MY it was fantastic!! Around 12.30 we sat down with a good glass and a first plate of all that gorgeous food... You guys are artists, in the Hangar as well as in the kitchen!

It all went down really well, on average everyone had 3d helpings before we even started with dessert!
The desserts were  mouth watering as well...

 We couldn't have had a better start of the Oil & Watercolour year... 
Thanks a lot to Nelly & her group by the way, because the Aquarellistas could start painting at  their usual 2 pm sharp - all was clean and put away!! And those who couldn't make lunch still had lots of dessert-leftovers to compliment the tea later!!

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