
Thursday 28 May 2015

The Hangar Spring Trip to Saluzzo - Part 1

From 19 - 23 May around 30(!) Hangar members went on a drawing and painting trip to Saluzzo in Piemonte in Italy. In this blog I will post about it, per drawing day, and with a selection of photo's. You can look forward to a Trip Reunion, where you will see all snapshots, good photographs and artwork - and hear all about our adventures!!

19 and 20 May
Arrival and day 1

Around 6pm everyone was installed in the beautiful hotel Antiquo Podere Propano!
President Ton van Schijndel welcomed all, with a nice glass of local spumante...

After that we went with the whole group to a lovely restaurant 'Gallina Bianca'(white chicken) where we had an excellent and very Italian meal, with lots of white chicken - and wine - and icecream - and wine - and digestif... While the thunder roared and the rain poured...

But after a good nights' sleep, the next day was dry and sunny!

 We stayed around the Hotel and worked very hard and motivated - we almost forgot lunch - which was very simple but not bad at all and we certainly made the day of the snackbar!!
 Nelly in action
Pim gives demo 
And then it was done! Here are some of the works created that day - from outlines, to sketches with greytones in the morning:



To light colour washes in the afternoon:

As always a 'Line Up' in which we could be inspired by, learn from and admire each other's work!

And then we hit the bar!!

After drinks a lovely dinner in smaller groups - everyone has had their own interesting experiences, about which you can hear all during our reunion!!

Monday 25 May 2015

Aquarelle - Tuesday Afternoon from 2 - 4.30pm, with Marina

 Cherries by Agnès - So beautiful

Having been in Italy (to Piemonte with a group of Hangar Artists, to draw and paint - will post about that later!) I had more or less forgotten about the Aquarellistas work of 2 weeks ago, and I was SO happily surprised! What a quality! In alphabetical order, here's some eye candy for you to enjoy... :

 Interesting Abstract work by Anna-Karin

 Anna-Karin's finished blossom. So well-done!!

 Avril is patiently working on a couple of paintings - this one is almost finished.

 Bev is practically done with this gorgeous light-contrast aquarelle, but I had to take a picture with my phone so it doesn't look as good - next week a better version (please bring it Bev!)
 Little Bailey in the pot with gravel and weeds - click to enlarge, too cute and so well done! by Cathie

 Another brush in the making - also by Cathie: the hangar has a lot of inspiration!

Edith's  Lovely Lazy Baby Panda in a tree

Liz finished her village, it has become a well-balanced impression in her remarkable style!

Patience is a sculptor, and that is well visible in this volumous watercolour!

Girl in the mirror. Also by Patience...

Abstract with ants! Humor in watercolours, also by Patience

 Fabulous drinking Zebra number two by Sandra

 I so love this Carnival de Venise - impression by Sandra!

Sunday 24 May 2015

10 Traits of a great artist - an article

I ran into this article on the web, an interesting read for us all!

by: Michael K. Corbin,  Founder of - Art For All People


After having interviewed hundreds of visual artists over the course of quite a few years, I've come to realize that there are numerous traits that make great artists stand out from merely okay artists. 
What are those traits?

KICK-ASS WORK: This goes without saying and yes, while it's very subjective, it's also undeniable, like a foregone conclusion.  When I see kick-ass work from an artist, it literally takes my breath away.  There is NO decision-making process involved. This happened to me not long ago while I was beholding a huge, purple, Helen Frankenthaler painting at the Asheville Museum of Art.  WOW!  When I see kick-ass work, I always think to myself, "Yeah! Baby, Yeah!"  It's an absolute yes.  It's a home run. It's a violent, visceral reaction. There's no question or debate whatsoever.  It's simply an overwhelming knock-out.  Not every work produced by a great artist is an overwhelming knock out, but they've got more than a few of them.

COMMAND: Great artists have authority and command over their own process.  This does NOT mean that they don't have bouts of insecurity or uncertainty.  It simply means that they rise above those insecurities by harnessing the power of their process which they've cultivated over many years.

INSIGHT: Great artists have ever-flowing, unbridled insight.  Despite mental blocks and setbacks, they know how to access that space where inspiration flows and insight grows.

EXECUTION: Great artists are able to take their insight and bring it into concrete reality on canvas or in sculptural form.  It's one thing to have a great vision, but quite another to execute it.  Execution is what happens when vision becomes a goal under deadline.  Let's be real here.

CONTEXT: Great artists have some idea about where their work falls in the art history continuum.  They're familiar with what and who came before them and while they often don't know where they're headed, they've got the tools to move them in the right direction.

JOY: Great artists love what they do.  This doesn't mean that they don't have bad days.  It means that at the end of each day, they know they did it because they simply could not ... not do it.  Joy is the most authentic of motivators.  I don't know about you, but I believe it comes straight from God.

SKILL: Great artists have the technical skills.  They've got gravitas. This doesn't mean that they don't make occasional clunkers.  It means that they've got the chops needed to make great art.  This goes without saying.  Even under-educated observers know really great art when they see it.  Skill harnesses creativity and yields craftsmanship ... not just mere product.

HUMILITY & GRACE: Great artists have the humility and grace of a lovely summer breeze.  You can barely tell it's there, but when it moves, it's unmistakable and oh so welcome.  They don't scream, "Look at me!" or "Look at what I've done!"  There's no need for ego or aggression.  Aggression arises from fear that you don't have the chops or a way to harness natural power.  Humility and grace are twin traits that will carry you through the most difficult of times. They are organic and captivating ...  sort of like being moonstruck or watching a rose unfold to the sun. You find yourself gazing and you simply cannot turn away.  And when you praise them, they blush and come into full bloom.  Humility and grace are the killer-combo that make the whole winning thing sing.  Without them, it's like the cake that falls when you remove it from the oven too soon.  Somebody got too cocky or impatient and the whole thing got shot to shit.  Ugh.

SERVANT: Great artists are servants to humanity and not their own egos.  In a world obsessed with wealth, success, titles and royalty, servants are the true nobility.  Open your eyes and see this hidden truth.  It's not about servitude, it's about gratitude ... gratitude for being blessed with this gift.  When you release your ego and operate from a place of grace, you lay the foundation for a masterpiece.  That masterpiece doesn't always have to be a painting, but it will surely be your life.

MATURITY: Not all, but most artists start out when they're young and develop over time. No one is born a "master" of anything.  You first have to find your talent, figure out who you are and just work, work, work.  Desire, sweat and persistence fuel accomplishments.  You can only really accomplish things of true value over time ... the long haul.  That's just the way life is.  Phenoms are rare and despite that, many of them burn out.  Perseverance is the name of the game.  Most of the truly great artists I know are definitely older artists - well above 40 - and believe me, their experience, insight, intelligence, heart and depth definitely show up in their work.  You cannot fake these things at 20. With all due respect to 20-year-olds ... you just cannot fake it. You can try, but trying to fake it is - in itself - a sign of youth.  Great artists know that it's about trial and error and ... the journey.

While much of the art media seems obsessed with young artists, I'm enthralled by older ones.  They rock.  Do you know WHY older artists rock?  Because they know HOW to rock.  Most young artists don't even know what they don't know.  There's nothing more delicious than the work of an old artist whose been around the block a few times.  Age is like fine wine. There simply is no shortcut to greatness.  You learn and earn this with age. Show me an artist with a kick-ass body of work and I'll show you an artist who has racked up some serious time in their studio.

Monday 18 May 2015

Aquarellistas in GOURDON: worth a visit

Until Thursday 21 May 2015, 6pm, aquarellistas Cathie van der Stel and Sandra Seymour-Dale show their watercolours in the Galerie de la Mairie (next to the Chapelle) in Gourdon.

The following pictures give an impression of the lovely little gallery - and of the wonderful work!!

 Cathie's pegs, antique jars, brushes and plates..and a variety of watercolours in the stand

 Sandra's girafe, port,frog, hibiscus and much more, on the walls and in the stand...

The cards, beautiful high-quality reproductions of Sandra's and Cathie's paintings...

You have until Thursday 6pm to see the real thing and maybe become the owner of a lovely watercolour! Suggestion: combine your visit with a nice walk through the village, and the stun-ning views!!

Wednesday 13 May 2015


Hangar artists Cathie Van Der Stel and Sandra Seymour-Dale are exhibiting their watercolours from 15 to 21 May 2015.  Their beautiful and interesting works can be admired at the Galerie de la Mairie (next to the Chapelle) in Gourdon.

Opera Rose by Sandra Seymour-Dale

All aquarelles, on the walls and in the stands, are attractively priced and they also have fabulous, high-quality cards of their artwork available...
The exhibition opens on Friday 15 May and is open from 10am - 6pm with a break from 1 - 2pm.

 Pegs by Cathie van der Stel

Cathie will be there on Wednesday 20 May
Sandra is present on Monday the 18th from 2pm, and on Thursday 21 May.

Both look forward to seeing you!

Monday 11 May 2015

Aquarelle- Tuesdays from 2 - 4.30pm with Marina

Agnès finished her lovely beautiful cat-peeping-through-the-branches

We're a very busy group at the moment, preparing for our exhibitions, trying out new techniques, experimenting on subjects and  making a painting together. But we make sure we regularly have verveine tea, cookies, nice music, inspiration and fun so that we can keep calling it our Zen Tuesday Afternoon! And it still works...

We start this post with animals (one of our themes for the all-Hangar exhibition)

 Cathie almost finished her cute puppy. So sweet!!

 Christiane can't be with us so often, but when she comes, she does something really special. Here's her fragile butterfly

 AMAZING seahorse by Edith!! A True watercolour, super spontaneous, done in 5 minutes...

 And also by Edith - a sweet tiny bunny...with character ♥ ♥ ♥

A new version of Sandra's drinking Zebra - looking even more subtle

Liz's village with masking fluid

...and without...

Patience is the group's experimenter, she keeps discovering properties of the aquarelle paint and finding ways to use them, combining with a fineliner this time - with a very interesting and beautiful result!

Sandra created this meaningful and symbolic painting. I see many things in it. You too? 
Zoom in (click) to check it out...

And last but not least... Bev is back! and she started really well, with this painting, not yet finished, of light peeping through an old door into an old building. Gonna be stunning, mark my words!