
Thursday 28 May 2015

The Hangar Spring Trip to Saluzzo - Part 1

From 19 - 23 May around 30(!) Hangar members went on a drawing and painting trip to Saluzzo in Piemonte in Italy. In this blog I will post about it, per drawing day, and with a selection of photo's. You can look forward to a Trip Reunion, where you will see all snapshots, good photographs and artwork - and hear all about our adventures!!

19 and 20 May
Arrival and day 1

Around 6pm everyone was installed in the beautiful hotel Antiquo Podere Propano!
President Ton van Schijndel welcomed all, with a nice glass of local spumante...

After that we went with the whole group to a lovely restaurant 'Gallina Bianca'(white chicken) where we had an excellent and very Italian meal, with lots of white chicken - and wine - and icecream - and wine - and digestif... While the thunder roared and the rain poured...

But after a good nights' sleep, the next day was dry and sunny!

 We stayed around the Hotel and worked very hard and motivated - we almost forgot lunch - which was very simple but not bad at all and we certainly made the day of the snackbar!!
 Nelly in action
Pim gives demo 
And then it was done! Here are some of the works created that day - from outlines, to sketches with greytones in the morning:



To light colour washes in the afternoon:

As always a 'Line Up' in which we could be inspired by, learn from and admire each other's work!

And then we hit the bar!!

After drinks a lovely dinner in smaller groups - everyone has had their own interesting experiences, about which you can hear all during our reunion!!

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