
Monday 1 June 2015

Aquarelle Class - on Tuesday afternoons 2 - 4.30 with Marina Kulik

 Avril's beautiful white cat! The style really reminds me of Wallasse Ting!

Last week the Aquarellistas got together for another Zen Afternoon, some of us had been on the Spring Trip to Italy and the others had enjoyed a week off - but we were all feeling like it. We had pigments to work and experiment with and it was very nice to make our own watercolour paint, sometimes in very nice colours (see Avrils' greens in the picture above for example!) or just sprinkle that coloured powder on wet paint for some extra effect!.
Next time Bev will explain how to make our own egg tempera - and how to use it!
For the record, there was much more work created, but we had to leave in time due to a board meeting and somehow it was all packed before I could catch it on camera - so new try next week! But here are some of the results...
 Bev was one of the people who came on the trip to Saluzzo, and here's her painting-in-the-making of  the Castle 'Castellar'

A better photo of Bev's excellent old door-picture

Liz started another brilliant village, in earth-tones and ink this time

Pigment expressions by Patience! She experimented with shapes - and a little bit with colours

Interesting shape in blue - by Patience

This painting is absolutely stunning in real life, the photo doesn't show the variety of blues!

Lovely picture of her herb garden, painted with self-made aquarelle paint - by Renate

Sandra worked on hand made paper with package materials and pigments and created this amazing relief

Sandra also finished her Fantastic Rising Rock - I love it!

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