
Sunday 10 May 2015


Ladies and gentlemen, your Hangar is CLEAN again! Thanks to Nelly, Christie, Lucia, MJ, Pim, Avril, Sue, Diane, Mike and their boxer Jes, Christine, Chris and yours truly who from roughly 9am to 4pm broomed, dusted, brushed, washed, vacuumed, chucked out and structured... It was hard work - and a lot of fun!!!  And the result... is very rewarding, let's hope it lasts ☺
Below a couple of pictures of the project:

After we had put everything outside, MJ, Christie and Lucia started organizing the boxes

All windows were cleaned...

 Coffee break with Sue's fabulous tarte framboise

 And back to the kitchen... see it shine!

Marina, Nelly and Jes take care of the little dusty corners...

 Mike (Ashton) deserves tons of praise for his fabulous work on everything 'high': the outside signs and artwork, but also all the lights inside were one-by-one hand-cleaned by him!

 Lunchtime! Hot homemade bread and amazing topping, a bottle of rosé - the best way to spend your lunchtime! And hard work makes hungry!

And then it was done... 4pm, everything was back into place - but with more space, less clutter, and smelling so much better... We're good for another year. THANKS FOR YOUR GREAT HELP Nelly, Christie, Lucia, MJ, Pim, Avril, Sue, Diane, Mike and their boxer Jes, Christine M & Chris H!!!!

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